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  1. D

    Bert, New Idea, and, What Do Others Think?

    You have been informed correctly Roy. It is a term that originates from WW1. While it has been a long time since then, the word"Digger" holds a lot of respect in Australia. To be called digger, eg. How ya goin digger. Is and means the greatest of respect and friendship you can extend to...
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    Roy, once again i have to say you are a very naughty boy. From my ozzy sence of humour point of view, I would have to say, thats the funniest thing i've seen you write. More power to you sir, and dont stop. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. D

    Bert, New Idea, and, What Do Others Think?

    Jimbo!!!!! :o come on man. that's no why to haggle
  4. D

    Electricity costs

    my goodness, i had no idea juice cost that much in Bali. the figures you pay Bert are what i pay per 3 months. you are paying equivalent AUD $200/month. or is my math up the cracker?
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    From Bali Bounder

    So, Roy/Bert etc. What do you make of it? The tone and words used seem so different from what i have read in the past from BB. curious :?
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    BAR CHAT - Beware Adult Humour

    Roy, i do perceive you are having a go at me. Alas i will have to remain clueless indeed. for i truly don't know what you are talking about. :? Jimbo, where to start my friend, where to start. :twisted:
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    BAR CHAT - Beware Adult Humour

    Just never you mind Roy. Pooochie didn't give her to Yooou! :x
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    Roy, you are a very naughty boy. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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    When a Remote Tropical Island is Too Remote

    hi dandan, and welcome to the forum 8)
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    fugly-bali <link removed>

    RE: Welcome to the forum Nickbo 8)
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    fugly-bali <link removed>

    RE: Hi Nickbo, Yes i have seen this site before. it doesn't seem to be updated that much if at all. I think I last saw it 12 months ago. There is some useful information there, and I can't deny the facts of most of the stories, Although, there is some exaggerations and...
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    BAR CHAT - Beware Adult Humour

    Sorry Tina i do tend to ramble i know. the whole post is about a girl i like. And yes she is Balinese. If you refer to "pooochie" she is a forum member, part of the family of whom i direct this hopefully humorous post. towards the end i try to explain who is in the photos i posted.
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    Advertising cons in Bali

    whats this Made Marko, has Bert nuked him?
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    Advertising cons in Bali

    Ah Jimbo, a forum indeed we have.
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    BAR CHAT - Beware Adult Humour

    Ok Pooochie and fellow forumers, the tale of woe. To start with this woman knows nothing of my desires for her......hmm. I'll correct that. I have never knowingly told her or let on. I am extemely impressed with this girl. her sexiness, interlect and just the way she carries herself...
  16. D

    Isn't it amazing

    RE: Isn Ok pooochie, things didn't really go as I would have hoped but you and all may get a laugh. I'll get right onto it when i get home from work. :wink: Will post some photos too.
  17. D

    Advertising cons in Bali

    Fun Bert, I personally believe BB1 is John Cleese. If not, i still think we need some one watching the supermarkets for the evils such as proud cherry cans with sugar in them. ... cation.htm :)
  18. D

    Advertising cons in Bali

    Oh my goodness. :shock:
  19. D

    Isn't it amazing

    RE: Isn Well i think its all normal and nothing to worry about. Things tend to go in waves.