Isn't it amazing


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Isn't it amazing how people come into the forum, post a lot for a while and then disapear never to be heard of or at least very little.

Why is that. Have they got what they need and once having obtained it disapear or do they run out of things to talk about or do they simply move on to other parts of their lives.

Where are the Balinese Angels. I look upon the time they were in here as the peak of my time in the forum. Now.....almost nothing.

Its a shame. If folks are lurking in the background please come forth and start up again other wise this forum will degenerate into.....How much is a bottle of beer and which place is good to stay type postings.

What do you think?


Jun 26, 2004
The Netherlands near Rotterdam
I think one of the reasons might be that after a period of time all the questions one has about Bali are answered, and if not living in Bali it is hard to participate in discussions about subjects regarding living in Bali.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Rien, I might agree with you, but the aspect of this portion of Bert's forum is, after all, the travel section of this forum.


Dec 29, 2005
Hamburg, Germany
Pak Jimbo,
i´ts should be spring time here... but the weather is very bad ... i think many people escape now from the couldness and enjoying their "little" sun anywhere, without laptop, without internetcafe, ... just relaxing and maybe dreaming about bali. I´m sure they will be back to take part of interesting discuss.


Jun 26, 2004
The Netherlands near Rotterdam
Re: RE: Isn't it amazing

Roy said:
Rien, I might agree with you, but the aspect of this portion of Bert's forum is, after all, the travel section of this forum.

Yes, also right. Some people just visit Bali once and have a lot of questions before they go about places to see, stay and so on. And others wich have travelled to Bali a lot have nothing more to ask about the travelling.


Apr 20, 2005
RE: Isn

Jimbo .... I feel this forum went through a " shake up " in the last 30 days or so . I feel the powers to be want this site to be exactly what you hope It doesnt become " How much is a bottle of beer and which place is good to stay type postings. " But as Roy points out that is the name of this forum . I liked It better when the topics and people involved with them where a bit more real , I feel the new tone of this forum has shied some folks off . The bannings , the moderation has become alittle stuffey , I guess boring is safe . just my thoughts ?


Apr 20, 2005
RE: Isn

A thought , a new heqading in the forum a " rants and raves " section , a free forall , no rules , no gloves , say whats on your mind ...? thoughts


Aug 8, 2005
RE: Isn

Hi Bapak Jimbo Kekasihku

Sorry I have not been so active lately :oops: , I have been very preoccupied with doing the gym thing ready for my dreaded 30th :( . Also my mum has taken much of my time up, she has the “all clear” from the consultant this morning, so I am now busy enjoying some wine with my Alien husband after this news and him taking me and my family shopping, I am now very happy. :)

Hi All

JAMIE said:
A thought , a new heqading in the forum a " rants and raves " section , a free forall , no rules , no gloves , say whats on your mind ...? thoughts

I agree. I opened the thread entitled “BAR CHAT - Beware Adult Humour”. I thought this could be a place to have a laugh. Not serious political or name calling type place, but a place to say what you would to friends that you are having a drink with. No one has bought the next round :( .

Oom Bert I know it may be a lot of work, but what about a private section in the forum that is an approved VIP area that you need to login to view, and whatever is in that section stays in that section and cannot be cross-referenced for general public view :?:

I do think the forum has become too moderated, but it is not my forum and I have a lot of respect for Oom Bert and the reasoning behind his decision. Not to say that I will keep quiet on any issues that come up in the future that I disagree with, but it is Oom Bert’s and Tante Mats job to keep us right with what we do here.

I have always been reading the posts and I shall endeavour to try to participate more. As my husband said in one of his earlier posts, we both think that we will be able to contribute more when we are actually in Bali. Then I will not be an expat but my husband will be – this will probably end up creating a new thread “What qualifies a person to be able to call themselves an expat in Bali :?: ”, no doubt some person(s) will say my husband is not one :lol: Only joking :lol: , or could this be a new thread :?: He says he is looking forward to meeting BB1 :shock: . If he ends up the same as BB1 :oops: , :idea: I already have a first class stamp with the Queens head on to send him back :lol:

Until we get to Bali all we can do is dream…..

Kind Regards

Ni Luh

PS. What’s your favourite Malt, Bapak Jimbo :?: We will ensure we have a bottle waiting for you down the “Dark Side” :lol: of Bali on the lovely golden beach just metres from our home :D . Don’t forget you promised I could be the editor for your memoirs. Can’t wait :D , of course for you FOC for the work – I will just take royalties :wink:
PPS. As I am asking “What is yours Oom Roy :?: ”
PPPS. Oom Bert don’t forget “What’s your favourite cheese :?: ”
PPPPS. Anyone else :?: Sanurian :?: Tommy :?: Pak Colin :?: Anyone in Bali :?:

Okay I am nearly finished but I have a question “What is the best oleh-oleh/present for an expat in Bali if anyone comes to visit them :?: ”

Example: My husband says he thinks it would be “Pataks Indian Paste” and “Bisto”, but that’s him being English. BB1 and Pak Colin do you miss your “English Style Indians” and “Sunday Roasts” :?: My husband shipped lots of Indian spices/pastes and gravy granules to Bali just recently. His brother just recently went to Phuket and his other brother said can you bring me some Bisto as well and some Yorkshire pudding tins.

Ah! well – as Oom Bert says “That’s it”.

“See you later alligators” – time for some more wine :) . It’s cheap here in the UK :D . but expensive I understand in Bali :(


RE: Isn

Its just not here.

It's very obvious from all the groups that I belong to that this is the "low season" I used to worry about it on my own group but I have learned to see the patterns now.

Things will pick up soon I am sure!


Aug 8, 2005
RE: Isn

Apa Davo

We still await your stories and pictures of how you massage your kekasih in Bali :shock: :oops: :lol:

Kind regards

Ni Luh


Nov 10, 2005
RE: Isn

Hi BaliBounder1,

My wife forgot you :oops: you are an Expat in Bali. What is your favourite malt :?: I will personally ensure we have a bottle with your name on, if you answer this post.

I do agree with you that the Indonesians, British and Australians drive on the “right side of the road” :) , anyone want to disagree :lol: I have always wondered what the Romans preferred :?: , as they basically invented the road system as we know today, as far as I am aware. ... 20left.htm

Anyway I perceive myself as a fairly intelligent person and a good “surfer” however I am perplexed, so please put me out of the pain and tell me which part the English Heritage the Ogoh-ogoh is derived from :?: Has this anything to do with our civilisation dating back more ancient than many throughout the whole world ref: druids, Stonehenge etc, or a more a recent Celtic influence :?: Or was it the earliest edition of Blue Peter with their papier mache :?: I think it could be the latter :lol:


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
RE: Isn

Hey Jimbo,

With no phone service here in the jungle, my online writing is limited to working hours. My computer logs on automatically to the forum, but I rarely get a chance to do more than skim through the sections. With that in mind, unless I have something positive or different to offer, or a question that seems particularly relevant, I don't say anything. No sense in adding even more trash out in cyberspace than there already is.


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
I'm on the same page as drbruce. I also find that you can often get ragged on for having an opinion so most of time it's easier to just read. Call this being gutless or whatever.... Also, I introduced myself to the forum when I first joined and had no response whatsoever :( , you can't contribute if you don't feel welcome. Maybe i'm being childish but that's how i see it.....


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
RE: Isn

Some interesting selection of answers and food for thought which is good. Not one asked how much was a bottle of beer :)


it is always nice to be called darling even if it is in the samehonorific as Father.:) There are two things essential for an English man abroad and they are:

HP Sauce to cover your bacon :)

Favorite Malt is Laguvullin and very expensive it is too.

My other thoughts are with you and Jamie on a forum where topics are more open but as you say its Berts choice.

Otherwise its really nice to see you writing again.


Aug 19, 2004
rien.gluvers said:
I think one of the reasons might be that after a period of time all the questions one has about Bali are answered, and if not living in Bali it is hard to participate in discussions about subjects regarding living in Bali.

I agree Rien

Roy said:
Rien, I might agree with you, but the aspect of this portion of Bert's forum is, after all, the travel section of this forum.

Roy on this forum people asking about how much a beer is in Bali is usually ignored. That is one of the main reasons I like reading this forum. Go to the other forums and your get questions like

1. Where’s the best place to stay
2. How much is a massage
3. How much to hire a bike blah blah blah

On those forums I would like to write “part of the adventure is “going” and learning. No expectations and no preconceived ideas.

JAMIE said:
Jimbo .... I feel this forum went through a " shake up " in the last 30 days or so . ?

Jamie, I don’t agree totally, some stuff was really getting out of hand and things did have to get reined in but maybe you are right in it being “too tight”.

Pooochie, welcome back. I loved your thread “BAR CHAT - Beware Adult Humour”.

Davo said:
Well i think its all normal and nothing to worry about.

Things tend to go in waves.

I agree

JabberWokker said:
Hi BaliBounder1,

I do agree with you that the Indonesians, British and Australians drive on the “right side of the road” :) , anyone want to disagree :lol: :

No I don’t disagree

drbruce said:
Hey Jimbo,

I don't say anything. No sense in adding even more trash out in cyberspace than there already is.

I totally agree – no use in sending more trash out.

charlie said:
I'm on the same page as drbruce. I also find that you can often get ragged on for having an opinion so most of time it's easier to just read. Call this being gutless or whatever.... Also, I introduced myself to the forum when I first joined and had no response whatsoever :( , you can't contribute if you don't feel welcome. Maybe i'm being childish but that's how i see it.....

Charlie, welcome and you are so right.


Aug 19, 2004
RE: Isn

Sorry everyone :oops: I am so proud of myself for my formatting and quoting quotes that I hit the wrong button and Submitted instead of previewed :shock:

Charlie, One more thing - try not to worry about what people think about your answers.

All contributions are greatly appreciated. :idea:

Paul M

New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hi Jimbo,

I am probably a "lurker" and yes my questions have been mostly centred around my travel concerns apart from a reply to the a Balibounder posting. I find forum chats a bit like conversing with strangers at a party, if the conversation in a huddle and the topic is one you are happy to participate in you do, if not you politely move to the next huddle in the room, or simply listen. Like Charlie, sometimes when reading the forums you can see the topic being swung into a local discussion so feel like an "outsider" and hesitate to contribute. But that's o.k., heyit's only a friendly biggy.

I real appreciate the replies and contribution of members and am grateful for alternitive views or comments. On that note, many thanks Roy for giving me some feedback via to your friend Jim Thorpe, and of course thanks to Jim also.

On that note I will try to think of some broader topics that may inspire some input from others.

Cheers from Oz.
Paul M


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
Thankyou very much Jimbo. I feel better now.... :oops: Well, as I said in my first hello I'm married to a Balinese and I lived in Bali from '96 til '02. We had to close our restaurant after the first bombings and we came out to oz. We both hate it but try to make the most of it. My husband went home last week and i'm going home next week (if i say home i mean Bali). I can't wait. Someone asked me what the first thing i was going to do when i got of the plan and i replied 'inhale'. Yes, that horrible gassed out airport smell, but if you get a bit closer you can smell the incence and the 'dji sam soe' and the bumbu bali and everything else in the air and as soon as i smell that i know i'm home. The weight of the world lifts off my shoulders..... I'm also doing a degree in Indonesian Language and Culture. I was in Aceh after the tsunami as a volunteer translator and discovered hom much qualified translators can earn so i'm getting my language skills formalised.... Anyway, that's pretty much me in a nutshell.... I'm possibly having my tooth filing ceremony done when i go home next week so if anyone is in the Pupuan area, you can come and hold my hand!!!!! :shock: