From Bali Bounder

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Dear Roy/Bert etc,

I hear today that the Indonesian government are instigating a team to attend to improvements of the environment in Bali, in hope of encouraging the tourists to return once more. This of course can only be a positive move towards Bali's recovery.

Unlike many on this site, you will know that I have been trying to highlight to the tourists just how, in so many ways, they are being duped.
However, the hidden agenda has been one of a “kick in the pants”, for sometimes a descenting voice can do more than the pitiful cries of many do – gooders.

If, in my own small way, I have caused a few people to view Bali in a different light, and seek to remedy the faults I have highlighted, then that can only be for the better. You may not agree with the method, but if it brings forth the desired results, it is difficult to fault, when no other voice is heard and acted upon.

Wonderful news too with improvements to the airport, the traffic problems and pollution, so in so many ways, the absence of tourists has caused many to reflect and seek ways of improving Bali for the future.
This, in the end, is what everyone wants; a vibrant Bali that is making money for Indonesia, and eventually can become a flagship tourist destination.

Time for me then, to hang up my boots.

I thankyou for your forbearence, and hope that we may all see as the months go by, a Bali that is recovering with dignity.

Best wishes to you all,

Mrs. Stevie Chapman


May 11, 2005
Suddenly all the still very much inaccurate crap he/she laid out about Bali was for "Bali's own good" (?) and it has been helping the government to "open their eyes"? This gets weirder by the day..

I've read provocative posts in other forums made by people who's only intention is to provoke forward a discussion for their own personal agenda. Lateron the person usually "comes clean" BUT it only results in other ppl regarding him/her as an even bigger jerk. :)


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
...Boots are made for walkin'...

For sure an odd/unexpected mood change here. Maybe they have upped their (sic) medication.
Now they're (sic) saviours of Bali. Well, good on them, in my opinion.

I'm not really clear about the contents of the message and to what they're specifically referring to.
Maybe I should read more local newspapers.


Jan 12, 2006
Naah, I reckon it's all due to Bert revealing the bloke's name a little while back. His wife has obviously read it and given our Bali Bounder a bloody good talking to, and possibly a daily dose of the verbals.
He's now signed himself off using her as a foil.......or she's signed him off herself in disgust!
Pity really...some of it was so dumb it was funny!!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
All I can add to this is that in my experience the use of the phrase, “hanging up one’s boots” has not often come from the lips or pen of a lady.

Oops, I can think of one more thing to add, and that is in my view, some amount of credibility matters on this forum. While respecting privacy, which is understandable enough, Bali Bounder consistently refused to answer questions where they were posting from, even though the ISP was clearly identified. Posters who persist in lurking in the dark, and who maintain a “devil’s advocate” position aren’t worth my opinion.

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
I agree Roy that BB1 was No lady, masculine text for certain.
While I have nothing to hide,
I do understand why some may wish to remain COMPLETELY anonymous in cyberspace.
It is harder and harder to do so anywhere in this modern world w/ google and all.
I like having the devils advocate appear from time to time
Such a poster will inspire us to defend Bali, and give us an occasional scratch of the head, or good old belly laugh.
-but then, I enjoy all things absurd.
I do commend BB1 for taking our ribbing rather well.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Good points all...Made, and I agree with one's need and right to maintain privacy on the internet. All I ever asked of him was, gender and where in Indo they were posting from. Seems to me if one wants to play the role of devil's advocate, and kick Bali around like a football, a little bit of credentials is in order to present some credibility. BB offered absolutely nothing, and from my view, that says everything. That he was somewhat entertaining is certain, and that I won't miss his frequent eruptions is also certain...for me anyway.