Advertising cons in Bali


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Re: RE: Advertising cons in Bali

Lee said:
Ok, ok you win I just found where you mention the health section only. My credibility is shot to pieces. :oops:
I wouldn't be concerned, Lee. BB1's credibility went out the window quite some time ago. :p

You have to admit though, he is entertaining. :)


Jan 27, 2004
Entertaining? Not when his posts are sooooooo loooooooong!! :roll:

BB1, I think you live in Bali, it's just a gut feeling, maybe wrong..... but if you use a Bali internet provider, surely that's where you live? Also you wouldn't complain so much about the place if you didn't live there!

Anyway, write what you want, within reason of course, but don't complain so much! Blimey!! :shock:

Paul M

New Member
Jan 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia

I'm sorry BB I thought it was a very good attempt at humour. In fact the extracts had my wife and I in stitches! Upon reading the responses of others I then realised it was yet again another attempted "Bali put down". I guess your entry comes back to personal perspective, and maybe this is not so bad.

What a boring place it would be if we all agreed on such trivial issues. At the end of the day maybe the pen is STILL mightier than the sword as we are all out there swinging at BB again. He has acheived exactly what he wants, not to offend but inspire thought. I am slowly warming to his valour although I do not support his rheteric............I guess we will just play along as he wants.

Nuke him? No.............unless he becomes unduely rude or offensive. Until then I guess he will walk the line so we keep swinging at him.

Paul M


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi BB1

Seems like the Vegemite drip didn't work. But, did you get your doctors to up your dose? If so, you need even more.

Do they let you out long enough to find a girlfriend/boyfriend? Might help.

And what else do you do with your time? Don't worry, mate...I know you're not John Cleese. Keep it up, if you must - you make some people laugh anyway. That's great. You ever see that old B&W movie called Morgan - A Suitable Case For Treatment?

If I had the permission to "work" for free in Indonesia, I'd consider taking you on as a private patient. Can you play a musical instrument? Write songs? What about a photo of what you look like?

All power to you - if you're lucky enough, you might escape one day. Who knows? Do you know Elvis?


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Ahhh! Replies, ripostes and refuting. Now we are having a forum. I am sure we can get more food for thought (or laughter depending on your point of view) Or will it all stop now Bert has unmasked the fiend.

Tune in for the next exciting installment of Balibounder......unbound Part 1 Unleashed:)


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
A couple of is that which was made clear by Bert by his use of the word, “presumably” that this is Steve Chapman. Whoever it is, he or she is using the ISP in Bali, Channel 11, for their posts. The fact that this was an eleven member team is coincidental.

If this is indeed Steve Chapman, who was captain of the team, then who among us can fail to understand his loss, his grief, and his great anger? None of us would fail in this, I am certain. Again, and only speculating that BB1 is this person, then Made is right, sincere condolences are in order.

But, and also speculating on this identity, the horrible loss and experience this man suffered is not a legitimate reason to tear away at the heart of Bali, or her people in search of a remedy to soothe the anger, and likely guilt associated with being the team captain.

BB1 if you are indeed Steve Chapman, then I think I can speak for us all by saying our combined hearts go out to you, your other surviving team mates, and especially for those who did not make it, their families and loved ones. BB1, if you are who it is being speculated you are, then get some first rate counseling to help get through your grief and anger. Do this for yourself, and do this for your mates, those still here, and those passed on. You already know it is what they would want for you. I’ve also sent you a PM which I hope you read.


Nov 4, 2004
Try googling Steven Chapman Bali, who in my travels read that he is a UK based blogger formerly know as Daddy war blogs.

His style of writing is more like what we are used to with bali bounder. If I read one of the blogs correctly (just as confusing) he states in regards to the first Bali bomb ‘in an aussie bar near where I live’

So maybe he's the one.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I noted that also Lee. There appears to be three "active" Steve, Steven and even a Steven Curtis Chapman, one of whom was the captain of the sports team that lost several of its members in the Sari Club bombing, another being a columnist for the Chicago Tribune, and the other, the blogger you mention. You are right, there is much uncertainty here...and we may never know.

In my mind, (such that it is) I ruled out the Tribune writer, and the blogger. My logic for this is simply, why bother to concentrate on Bali when there are a billion other topics to write about?

Time may tell, then again, it may give us nothing more than we already have.

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Its not the Sports Steve.

Balibounder has posted under this name in 2004, on the other expat forum, where he is planning to buy a car in Jakarta.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Hmmm, I do love a mystery. You mention the “other expat forum” so maybe it’s not the same as the other travel forum, but there, (the other “travel” forum), as you mention, are several posts, all dating from November, 2004 posted by “balibounder.” No balibounder1, and no Steve Chapman. Moreover, there are no posts either previous or subsequent to those November, 2004 posts.

Bert, why have you ruled out the “sport’s Steve?” Just curious about your skills of deductive reasoning. :)

And please, do not reply, starting with, “it’s elementary my dear Roy.” :p


New Member
May 8, 2010
Chiropractic advertising must be very attractive to people in order to try the service or cure the chiropractor could give them


Aug 9, 2006
Mornington Peninsula Melbourne
Do you remember this thread Jim? If you get a chance have a read over it (as I did by mistake the other night thinking it was recent) and then go and check Balibounder1's other 18 or so posts. It's fascinating and I (like Roy ...God bless him) would love to know who Steve Chapman was/is and what became of this mystery man. Bit of a fluke of the old Chiro woman do drag this one out and check the old Sanurian getting a little firey for a change!