Advertising cons in Bali


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
Advertising cons in Bali.

Rather than do some desperate searching around for all of the scattered examples so few in number, I decided to use just one issue of the Bali Advertiser; a Bali newspaper, printed in English, which is distributed freely, as the adverts pay for the costs.

It is of course impossible to know just from the newspaper, whether some of the advertised businesses are Balinese or Australian owned, or indeed anyone else, so the obvious inference here is that these cons are being perpetuated by your own countrymen, on you and everyone else.

Clearly, there are no loyalties to nationality, creed or gender, all recipients being psychologically manipulated into believing that they are receiving a good deal. Yes, your own countrymen are cheating you, or at least, trying to.

To begin though, one from a local supermarket, where upon I picked up a can of cherries, proudly displaying the logo, “Heavy, thick syrup”, as though this was the latest thing in “wonderfulness”. Yes, they can say it, but you do not have to believe it. Syrup, in any guise, is bad for you. It is sugar.

Anyway, here they are. Bali Advertisers con merchants:

1 – “If you do not have good results after 10 times, we give 100% of your money back.” – after 10 times, I’d be broke, and need all my money back, but I bet the smallest of gains would be significant in their eyes, and render you ineligible!!!
(Bali Pure Detox Centre)

2 – “Free Jamu, cheap – only 50,000rp.” – not free then!
(Dimas Traditional Body Massage)

3 – “We can provide you with better value services.” – really? How do they know that, if they do not know what you are already receiving?
( Sarana Sehat )

4 – “Offering Union of the left and right brain.” – but that doesn’t mean they can do it, does it?
( RAA Spiritual Health Services by Ann F. Sinclair)

5 – “Our professional therapist will come wherever you are...”

Bet they won’t if I am in a back street in Bejing. They also offer 10% discount, which means they are charging 10% too much in the first place, and anyway, you have to go twice to get that, so in fact you have to pay 80% more to get it.
( Nathalie Revival’s Treatment )

6 – “We will help you to fulfill your needs” – not, “We can cure you”.
( Bali Chiropractic Center ) – “Center” is how the Americans spell “Centre” – clue to ownership here, or perhaps they cannot spell. I wonder what else this “Professional Chiropractor” is so unprofessional about?

7 – “The best in beauty care” – isn’t that through diet?
“Professionally trained staff” – the so called professional trained them, but the staff are not professional, in that, they have not achieved an accredited qualification.

“Asian hospitality” – Indonesian/Balinese are not Asian, which is why it was originally called IndoAsia, ie. out of Asia, from which we get the word Indonesia as a corruption, after all, most things in Indonesia are corrupt or have been corrupted. Why should the name of the country be any different? – perhaps they are not hospitable either?

“of the highest international standard” – their standards may be high, but can they deliver them?

“Gift certificates available” – oh yes, you can give one to a friend so that they can get 20% off something that is worth 20% less than what is being charged!!!
( Panache Hair and Body Works )

8 – “No waiting list – just walk in.” – yep, no customers.
( Bali Dental Clinic 911 )

9 – “Guaranteed in extreme situations”, but they haven’t said what is guaranteed, or why the guarantee does NOT exist in non-extreme situations.
( Expacare )

10 – “50% discount for initial consult and examination”, which means you have to pay the other 50% for not having anything actually done. This is why they are able to say, “Call our friendly staff”. You bet they’re friendly. You’ll have to pay 100% of the costs if you want anything done.
( Chiropractic di Indonesia )

11 – “Nothing less than royal treatment” – if it is royal treatment, how come they are using L’Oreal products?

“Your hair is your crowning glory” - gee, thanks, I don’t need you then.
( Jiwon Hair Salon )

12 – “Yogurt wash to eliminate toxins” – actually, you are supposed to eat the stuff, which will do you far more good. Anyway, why are you putting toxins in your body? Stop. It’s free, and yoghurt, as it should be spelt, is nice to eat.
( Mandurah and Sedona Spa )

13 – “30% OFF – Free pickup service” – how can you get 30% off nothing?
( Angels Dream Spa )

14 – “Insurance doesn’t seem important until you need it” – really? By not paying the premiums all these years and investing the money, I can still pay all the costs and have some left over. Works for most things.
( Bali Medical Insurance )

15 – “The actual procedure is quite painless because of the small size of the needle and the topical anaesthetic” – a topical anesthetic is a painkiller, so if it is not used to kill pain, because apparently it is painless, what is it used for?
( Anti-Aging Beauty Clinics )

16 – “The best way to create the future is to predict it” – well, I’ve studied the master craftsman of that one, and he never predicted anything, did you GOD?
( Erna Twechuizen )

17 – “Sign up for US.100 – Limited spaces” – off course there are limited spaces – no site has an unlimited space, eh?

18 – “Virgin Coconut Oil” – hmmn? – a coconut is a seed, so it doesn’t have sex does it? Another definition used the word “virgin” to mean uncorrupted, but they had to corrupt the seed in order to extract the oil.

Not yet cultivated, explored or exploited? Nope, these have all been done too.

“Made from traditional palms” means that people having been using these palms for a long time, NOT that these palms are indigenous to Indonesia.

“Coconut oil is known as the “energy fat”” – ah, so just how much of this oil is fat then?

“Slightly lower in calories than most other fats”, but fat is very high in calories, so slightly lower, at best, means high in calories.

“Processed in the liver and converted directly into energy” – actually, this is what happens with all fats.

“16,000rp” – yes, but you are not telling us for how many micromillilitres our 16,000rp will buy.

No “VITCO”, you belong to the same club as all the ones above, which were all taken from part of the Health Section of the newspaper, less alone the majority of the remainder of the newspaper.

And lastly, I have to finish with this one from the Restaurant Section, that had me rolling about with laughter, with tears pouring down my cheeks and severe abdominal pains until virtually complete exhaustion overcame me.

The Luscious Bali, of Sunset Boulevard are proudly advertising their “Chocolate and Wine” every Friday, for if you spend a “MINIMUM” , a minimum no less, OF 700,000rp on your food and beverage bill, you get a complimentary bottle of their house wine and box of chocolate.

Firstly, you do not buy the bill. Secondly, spending 699,999rp, does NOT earn you their compliments, and thirdly, their cheap stuff bottle of house wine and a single chocolate, will probably amount to less than 1% of what they will require you to spend.

Yes, Luscious Bali, I am going to award you the Balibounder “Certificate of Hornswogglement”; an old English term to mean that you are all a bunch of swindlers. And then I felt so sorry for all those tourists taken in by this dupe.

Yes, one and all, the truth as always will without, and the evidence blatantly displayed informs us all, that businesses in Bali are trying everything they can to give you, the tourist, the poorest deal they can.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
What is YOUR problem? Can't you learn to use spaces and paragraphs when you write?

Your posts are like the mumblings of a drunken idiot! If you want anyone to read your "hard work" then at least be polite in the manner you present it!!

Good grief! You have heard this complaint many times! Do you think it's fair to Bert or Mats that they have to edit, edit, and edit again your posts?

Get with it, or get out! :evil:


Nov 4, 2004
Considering there are around 400 advertisements in the Bali Advertiser I don’t think that your 18 examples constitute that the whole of Bali are a bunch of swindlers.

Yes BB1 I am going to honour you with the Master of Gobbledygook award.
I feel sorry for all of the people, who actually might believe all the trash you go on with.

Are you incarcerated or something and can’t leave the country, beats me why you are still here.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Well BB1 I’m glad someone cleaned up your initial post and make it readable. Even with spacing and paragraphs, personally, I never bother to waste my precious time on Bali wading through your BS.

Those who have bothered to read your useless and innacurate diatribes have also made their points clear. I am wishing that you can read a whole lot better than you can write.

That's where I stand...and you, a total coward, and useless contributor to this stand somewhere else. If this was my forum, I'd nuke your ass! :shock:


Jan 27, 2004
BB1, I haven't got the time to read all your post, but you obviously got nothing better to do. I'm all for "freedom of speech" and all that, but there is no need to continously "slag off" the people & place where you live! :shock:

Apart from the fact that it is disrespectful, for your own safety sake, don't over do it. One of these days someone might lose it and you might just find a horse head at the bottom of your bed! Think about it ........


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Or are we still having fun with BB?

What makes a good forum is kind of like what makes a good party...lots of variety in the personalities that are there. I know that I for one am curious as to what’s next from BB.


Nov 12, 2004
Bert count this as another vote to allow BB1 to keep posting. This was not one of his better efforts but no doubt he is furiously typing up a new one. Some of these threads are hilarious enough to be anchored. Appreciation to yourself and Mats for the reformating.


Aug 9, 2005
unhappily in sydney
I say let bb1 post to his hearts content..... as much as his posts leave me speechless they are amusing and you kinda gotta wonder what he'd do if he didn't get to vent and get it off his chest !!!! :shock:


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
Nuke Him.
Not being one to enter the abuse forum, the "Nuke Him" pholosophy rather appeals at the moment, but knowing how unfair that always is, my apologies to those who feel slightly crispy after reading this.

First of all Roy.

Now you're probably a decent enough chap, so no personal animosity here, but honestly, do you not know how this board functions?
Well obviously not, so let me explain.

When I write this communique, I am typing it into the reply box, so you get it all nicely portrayed.

Unfortunately, maybe completely unbeknown to you, when I copy and paste, all the paragraphs etc are completely removed. Now clearly this is your problem everyone else's, but certaily not mine, so do not expect me to correct a mistake that you or your site designer is creating.

Now Lee.

There may well be 400 advertisements in the BA, but you were told quite clearly that the representation was from the health section, NOT the whle paper.

Given that, comparatively, indeed the whole of Bali etc etc. Try reading my posts more closely, something I am sure you would rather not do, but look at the damage you do to your credibility if you don't, eh?

Now Irma, how on earth do you know I live in Bali? Just because I say I do or I don't doesn't tell you anything does it? As I've said before, "Presumption is the province of the ignorant", and way too many people do alot of that on here.

Lastly, let us all remember Jimbo, who basically said that if you cannot refute what I say, then............................

Now of course, you might not like what I say or even agree with the way I say it, but the inescapeable truth lies bare for you all to see.

I am sorry if the truth hurts, but it often does, and I would not expect some of you to even begin to like what I say, but I have a simple adage for those who find my blatant approach a little too ripe, and it is as follows, but please take it in the broad perspective:


You may not like what I say, so go out there and do something about it, rather than slag me off or tell me and everyone else that it is a load of BS.
If it's not - - - PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
BB1, I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with the set-up of this board. Since you need some help, and poor Bert and Mats have to waste their time re-formatting your's a little lesson on how to reply to or make, a new post.

On the bottom left you will see the "post reply" button...right next to the "new topic" button. Hit it before you type in anything. A whole new page will come up, and you can type your heart out.

To set up paragraphs, hit the enter key twice so you make a nice spacing between your paragraphs. Before hitting the "submit" button, try using the "preview" buttom so you can see exactly how your post will look before you submit it.

We know you are posting from Indonesia or at least you are using an Indonesian why not tell us where you are? No harm in that is there?


Nov 4, 2004
but you were told quite clearly that the representation was from the health section, NOT the whle paper.

I decided to use just one issue of the Bali Advertiser; a Bali newspaper, printed in English, which is distributed freely, as the adverts pay for the costs.

Where do you mention it was only the health section?

Try reading my posts more closely, something I am sure you would rather not do, but look at the damage you do to your credibility if you don't, eh?

Maybe you should read your own posts more carefully, Im not worried about my credibility.


Nov 4, 2004
Ok, ok you win I just found where you mention the health section only. My credibility is shot to pieces. :oops: