
Dec 18, 2008
What about a pepper gas spray. Anyone know if they are they legal in Indonesia? Very affective instant result for self defence.

Dick Rector

Feb 26, 2011
Sanur Bali Indonesia
What about a pepper gas spray. Anyone know if they are they legal in Indonesia? Very affective instant result for self defence.

A blast of insecticide spray does a good job too (although I hope you don't ever need it for this reason)
It is VERY painfull in the eyes and will blind the attacker and with a bit off luck forever. For sale and legal in every shop and warung.

Happy New Year everybody!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
...what I meant was a response to the highlighted part in your post , some american website stated that "gun possesion is illegal in Indonesia, period."
Directly above the original quote, I wrote:
This quote from an American website is not exactly correct, but topical:
Your speculation about what may have happened with the police, (being paid at both ends, etc), wouldn't surprise me at all.
And IF true, it suggests to me that the cops were only interested in ripping some bules off, who'd just experienced a terrifying home invasion and robbery. It's a miracle the victims weren't killed or seriously injured physically in the attack.

No matter what "security measures" pollyanna and her family adopt, I'm sure it will take a long time before they can truly feel safe and comfortable again, which is very sad.

And gilbert...Not to drag this out too much longer, but what can you tell us about "self defense" if something like this happens to one of us again?
If I stab some attackers and kill them in "self defense", will I have to pay their "medical" bills? If the attackers were Balinese, would I have to pay for cremation ceremonies?

Yes, I know it sounds silly, but many things are silly (from a Western point of view).
After all, some people have called Indonesia "Opposite Land", and even worse (like "Indostan").

Best wishes to you all for a great New Year!

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
yep you did write that JC...Sorry if my post read like it was directed to correct you in anyway...that was not my intention.
Just wanted to be clear about that owning a gun is possible and not illegal if one follows the law to procure one.

About 'Self-Defense'...
If someone enters your property uninvited, you are allowed to expect the worst and defend yourself..if defending yourself leads to up that the trespasser dies, so be it..
you can not be held accountable for cremation costs or if he does not die, for hospital costs :icon_biggrin:

About a year ago, a Friend of mine (dutch/brasilian) with an Indonesian mother, had the 'pleasure' of finding someone on his property, actually two guys, one inside on the property and one on the perimeter wall when returning home after a evening dinner..he jumped out of the car, first grabbing the short (40cm) baseball-bat from behind the seat...the one on top of the wall
jumped down and made a run for it, the second one wasn't that lucky...long story short, that one ended up in the hospital more in the next world then in this world.
The lovina tourist police 'applauded' what happened, and said that Tony was completely in his right. If the trespasser would have died, it would have had the same outcome..
meaning, one has the right to defend him/herself or loved ones/family or even property...
I do have to say though that they way such an event can play out, depends a bit on the relation one has with the police..
as we all know, one can be totally in his/her right, but end up pulling the short straw....

Btw, never heard that 'Indostan' before, that's funny though.


New Member
Sep 15, 2011
Hi Pollyanna,

I hope you have now recovered since this terrible experience and beginning to feel less vulnerable. What have you ended up doing about security at your home?


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
We’re working on the security and I’ll write more when all is done. Right now the electricians are installing more lights (with movement sensors) around the perimeter. Yesterday we went to CV Patriot but didn’t find anything we could use except for pepper spray and bought three of those.
Bob has placed a bat in our bathroom, the place we would go to lock ourselves in and away from invaders.
Bob has also bought a pellet gun (rifle?). I don’t know anything about guns but this one needs to be cocked before each shot so he’s ordered one that is semi-automatic.
We’ve bought a motion sensor but haven’t installed it yet. If it works well we’ll get a few more of those.
The main thing we are working on is putting an electric fence wire around the top of the perimeter fence and wall. As soon as I have enough information to write about that I’ll let everyone know. We’re talking to a company in Australia about the electric fence.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
I am not a gun expert but would a paint ball gun not be more painfull then a pellet gun? Is a pellet gun one of those you use at the carnaval to shoot chalk sticks and win prices?
Dec 13, 2009
Glad you're safer!

Polly, sorry to learn about your home invasion. Glad you and your family are still with us. Too bad it takes something like this to spur great ideas and actions. Remember too, loose lips sink ships especially in today's technological world.


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
I am not a gun expert but would a paint ball gun not be more painfull then a pellet gun? Is a pellet gun one of those you use at the carnaval to shoot chalk sticks and win prices?

Pellet gun may not be the right name. It uses little round metal balls. Some of you guys would know the name of this gun (or rifle). Bob isn’t here to ask right now. The guys propped a 20mm thick plywood board up for target practice. Those pellets or whatever they are shot straight through the thick board and kept on going halfway through the field next door. I hate to think what they would do to a soft body. And this is one of the legal guns.


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
I have been reading all the different types of deterrents everyone has been suggesting and talking about getting.
You must be prepared to use these guns,sprays etc, and also be prepared for the concequeneces if the said weapons work, or even worse, if they dont have the desired effect. Think long and hard now as you only have a split second to think we it all happens.


Nov 28, 2011
Air gun

Pellet gun may not be the right name. It uses little round metal balls. Some of you guys would know the name of this gun (or rifle). Bob isn’t here to ask right now. ...... And this is one of the legal guns.

If the 'power/trust' of the pellet is compressed air - in the UK these are called "air guns' & also legal (....though the laws on their use in self defense are different!)

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
I have been reading all the different types of deterrents everyone has been suggesting and talking about getting.
You must be prepared to use these guns,sprays etc, and also be prepared for the concequeneces if the said weapons work, or even worse, if they dont have the desired effect. Think long and hard now as you only have a split second to think we it all happens.

very true..and I would even dare to say,
if you need to think you're too late...
you know what I mean goldminer :icon_biggrin:


Nov 8, 2010
The air pistol with the round ball are often refered to as a BB gun, I am with Gilbert and Gold Miner on this one.
Normally when someone is in the act of crime their adrenaline levels are running high, the effect of your weapon of choice may not do what you are hoping for so you may want to have a plan B.
Let just hope it gets better not worse.


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
I have been reading all the different types of deterrents everyone has been suggesting and talking about getting.
You must be prepared to use these guns,sprays etc, and also be prepared for the concequeneces if the said weapons work, or even worse, if they dont have the desired effect. Think long and hard now as you only have a split second to think we it all happens.

Goldminer, you’ve hit the core of the problem with having any type of weapon. In our situation I was taken by surprise and didn’t even have that split second but even if I did in the future I’m not sure I would be willing to shoot a gun if I knew it might kill. Maybe if there was enough time for logic to kick in but not in that split second you mention. And our new rifle has become the bedroom accessory I never expected to have, just sitting there for whoever wants to use it.

We did get pepper spray. That could also end up being used on me rather than an attacker but at least it wouldn’t kill. For us, at our age and our abilities I still think prevention is the best answer and a big part of our prevention, we hope, will be perimeter security and not letting the thugs in in the first place.