
Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
We're looking for a security company that can advise us on a good security system. Has anyone had a good experience with a security company in Bali? What we have in mind is advise about perimeter security, CCTV, etc. This is after the fact but we need to do something to beef up our security immediately. Thanks, guys.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
don't know why you need to beef up your security....but a CCTV ain't worth nothing if nobody's watching the screen, if you know what I'm saying.

You could try and hire some guys from satpol pp or baladika or even laskar...
depending on the severity of the problem.


Sep 3, 2008
Bali + Vietnam
I met a guy surfing over in G-land a while back who was running a company called GPS in Bali.

They are a security outfit and I think they look after this kind of thing.

I havent had any work done by them (im an electronics technician and put my own system in), but he seemed like a very genuine guy, and very down to earth.

Google GPS sucurity Bali and you should come up with something....

On the other hand....if you're in Singapore doing a visa run etc etc, pop into Sim Lim towers , theyve got a whole florr basically dedicated to this.

A 4 cam setup will set you back about $450 Singapore.

I wired mine back to my loungeroom TV, and have theco-ax split so that it also comes into the main bedroom TV.

doubles as a great lazy ass device, i never have to go to the door t see who's there...just change channel to AV.2. and all 4 cams apppear on the big flat screen (no need for dedicated security monitor).

that price includes a 500gig back up hard drive. With 4 cams set to "activate on motion detect only", it'll run for 2 weeks before taping over its old records.

(when i say i put my own system in...i didnt actually do it, i just had my tukangs do it, it took about 2 days and cost next to nothing - they are no experts!)

you can also set them to send you the pictures live over the net, but with the shitty net connections in Bali, and the crazy cost of a dedicated high speed line, i didnt bother. also didnt want to see what the missus was getting up to with the pool boy while I was at work.

hope this helps....


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
don't know why you need to beef up your security....but a CCTV ain't worth nothing if nobody's watching the screen, if you know what I'm saying.

You could try and hire some guys from satpol pp or baladika or even laskar...
depending on the severity of the problem.

I understand what you're saying about it only being useful if it is being watched but the police are being fairly insistent that we put it in. I imagine what they have in mind is watching the disc after a problem has occurred. We are more interested in deterrent since we've just been attacked badly and robbed in our home.

The main thing we want to do right now is beef up the perimeter security and electrify the fence so that it gives just enough of a shock to be difficult to hold onto or to climb. We're also improving exterior lighting. While we were building I asked at a few places about loud panic alarms that can sit beside the bed but never could find one.

Neither one of us want someone walking around our house all night. The way our house is designed we'd lose a lot of privacy.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
so sorry to hear that your privacy has been invaded in such a way..
hope are all okey, shaken ofcourse but broken no.
I will check into a security company that does something like you described...will PM you.


Nov 4, 2008
Kerobokan and Nice , France
List security companies in Bali

Pollyanna i'm so sorry to hear what happened to you and your family.
It must be awful, on of my best friends was in Bali last Week for holidays and someone did break in to he's apartment and he had to go back home and shortened he's holidays.
I hope all will be alright for your future.
Here is a list with companies that does security in Bali.
Bali IT, Security & Network Installations - AngloINFO, in Bali, Indonesia

Best regards and Merry Christmas.



Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
Andy, thanks for that information. We've sent an email to one of the companies in the list asking for further details. We would like to create a strong perimeter defence so we'll see how they respond. So many of the companies in Bali only provide security personnel and we'd like to have a more passive system.


Dec 18, 2008
You were attacked and robbed, and now want something passive? :icon_rolleyes: Get a double barrel shot gun! :highly_amused:

Perfectly ok to kill robbers/prowlers on your property. The thinking is if they are there uninvited they are up to no good.
Machete's a good tool.


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
Goldminer, a gun is what my husband wants but I don't. I think we are as likely to be shot by a gun as an intruder and i especially worry about having a gun when children are in the house. I want to create a barrier that is too difficult to penetrate.

Mat, they came armed with their own machete and threatened to use it. We were painfully bound, hands and feet, gagged, and my husband also had his arms bound to his side. We were both attacked and required stitches. They were vicious and we feel lucky to be alive. The only one of our four dogs who tried to defend us was also hit very hard on top of her head and knocked to the ground. We thought she'd been killed. By the way, she is a large, very gentle golden retriever X standard poodle and would have thought she would be the last dog to try to protect us. We thought the male Bali dog would be the guard but the Bali dogs just kept their distance and barked.

Situations like this are never like we would expect them to be in our imaginations. It all happens too quickly. The assailants knew to disable us before we were aware of what was happening.


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
Hi Pollyana, i am sorry for the ordeal that you experienced, must have be terrifying for you. I am not sure how you protect yourself passively from this sort of attack. Fences, cameras will not stop them. Satpam or guard will probably run away. The dogs are a deterent but must be guard dogs, trained to do their job, not just bark.
Personaly i would look at the firearm option, however, you must be prepared to use it if you have it or it maybe turned on you.
Do the polce have any ideas who did this? Is it something that has happened in your area before?
Again, sorry to hear about this and hope you can find a solution soon.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
Waw Pollyanna

I'm not sure what to say. That sounds horrible and I can only hope that the emotional scars will heal as well.

I would imagine that a lot of noise and light deters robbers. I am thinking of installing a few powerfull spot lights with movement sensors around my house. Whenever someone walks by, the entire neighbourhood lights up and I think anyone trying to break in would want to hide from that.

Another idea is to have a very loud alarm as that usually frightens robbers as well as it may draw attention from neighbours.

Another thing is to lock doors inside your house. Lock the door from your room so even if they do manage to break into your house, they will also have to break into your room. THat is of course if you are inside your room when the robbers break in.

Pepper spray? Electric tasers?

Where your children inside the house when the robbers came in? Where they tied as well?


Dec 18, 2008
What a terrible experience. So sorry for you and your family. Maybe the electric fence is a good idea if plugged into the mains, but the electric could be disabled. Armed guard seems like a sensible idea. Very unlikely they will return though. I hope you recover from this soon and it doesn't taint your love of Bali permanently.


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
preventive measures.EXPATS UNITE!

As it is almost certain this was a job by people who came to work at the house(my priviliged information),i wonder about the following:
What about it if all expats would demand contractors to provide them with a list of workers and a copy of their KTP?
And make this known to all their workers,so it has a deterrent effect.
It is unlikely contractors do a check on criminal records on the workers they send in,many of them coming and going and only staying for a certain period of time.This way the workers would be less anonymous,and the police could check them out,albeit after the fact.
I am especially thinking about contract work like people who tend your garden,build pools,bale's,or even your new house.
if a contractor does not want to cooperate,too bad,he should not be given the job if your security is not his concern.
Most cases of robbery you read about in the indonesian language papers involve someone who is familiar with the house.
Time for an expat union to make a fist?Expats of all nations,unite!

About the perimeter:If it would be impossible to make a quick getaway,it might also scare people off.So if you have an electric opening fence,that is operated from the inside ,it might be a good idea to close it with a visible chain and padlock at night.


Apr 2, 2010
So sorry to hear about your ordeal Poly, makes me sick just thinking about it.

Personally I would be looking at buying a gun, I think if I had gone through what you and your family went through I'd have no problem pulling the trigger and blowing some p.o.s's head off.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
A gun sounds good but finding a way for the robbers not being able to enter sounds even better