
Well-Known Member
Fellow Lotus Eaters and Expatriot Refugees,

One of the finest things about living in Bali is the seeming neverending string of events, shows, programs and just plain fun things that are going on all over these wonderful islands pretty much all the time. I'm sure you agree!

There was that Kite flying meeting in Seminyak on the 9th of August it was fantastic - problem was that I missed it because I didn't hear about it until the 23rd.

Or the Pandan Fighting, where the members of the Aga (Bali's original/aboriginal inhabitants) in Tenganan fight each other every year with those horribly sharp toothed plants the Pandan till blood flows. Missed that 3 years running cause nobody told me....

Of course everyone heard about the Culture Show held at the local fairgrounds in Amalpura in July where the best cooks from all over Karangasem gathered together to strut their stuff and after the prize giving anyone was welcome to try - this years event was all around fish and there were some wonderful things on offer and some of the best tasting grub going. Also featured were the best of the flower arranging, palm matt weaving and many, many more Balinese specialities - oh, sorry my missus and I were the only Bule there as they forgot to advertise it. We only found out by accident.

I hope you are all beginning to get my drift? I would love there to be some way we, I mean all of us on the forum, we could share these events with each other BEFORE they happen!!!

I would suggest that the managment make this a sticky or a gooey or whatever to keep it up front and those that hear about the goings on on the island simply post the event to this thead and that anyone that wishes to be informed simple sign up to recieve these posts automatically and HEY PRONTO!! we all know what's going on before it happens.

What do you think?
I agree...the more info the better.
However I find that AngloINFOBali and the back page of the Bali Daily (Jakarta Post daily supplement ex Sunday) covers most of the goings on and pretty much says what happened the previous week.
But more is better......especially those events out of town.
Thanks all,

Management the calendar is a wonderful invention but I don't think we/I can subscribe to it, do you see? This way if I'm subscribed to this post with email notification, everytime someone adds an event we all get an email telling us "aha, there's something on".

Hence my request to make it a sticky that anyone can subscribe to and recieve up-to-the-minute emails detailing what's on in Bali.

Or am I missing something?
What's Happening in Paradise?

Anything going on in your area?

Please just post it here.

If you want to be informed of events that are posted here just subscribe to this thread with email to you and Presto! In your inbox, hot off the presses.
Sanur Village Festival from 26 to 30 September. From Jakarta Post yesterday:

Sanur Village Festival to delight locals and tourists
by Wasti Atmodjo on 2012-09-25

Entering its seventh year, Sanur Village Festival (SVF) is becoming a more well-organized and joyful cultural extravaganza for both locals and visitors.

The annual festival, slated to kick off on Sept. 26 and lasts until Sept. 30, will stage numerous arts and cultural performances, as well as host a food bazaar from 40 hotels and restaurants selling food and beverages at affordable prices.

A number of activities will also highlight the four-day event, such as sports competitions, a fun culinary challenge, a Go Green program (coral plantation, a turtle release, a beach cleanup), a photo exhibition, body painting and much more....

Sanur Village Festival to delight locals and tourists | The Jakarta Post

Bali News: 7th Sanur Village Festival September 26-30, 2012
Balibule beat you to the punch there Matsaleh but more is always better than less - well, unless it's STDs or mother-in-laws (kinda the same thing, aren't they?).

I'm going tomorrow 27th
My (obvious) suggestions how to keep up with all the events of interest in Bali.

First, you get yourselves a Bali paper wall calendar sold practically everywhere. This calendar shows the Pawukon cycle and the Saka lunar calendar. Learn how to read it (well, roughly) and you’ll be able to know when it’s a good day to buy a cow, climb a coconut tree, or an auspicious (or inauspicious) day to start an activity, etc. Also listed are practically all the temple festivals and other ceremonies on the island, such as the usaba sambah in Tenganan, which lasts 19 days, and which feature the makare-kare (pandanus fighting) toward its end (which Markit complained he missed: it's usually around May-June). If you had consulted the Bali calendar, you wouldn’t have missed the huge festivities on the opening day, at Pura Taman Pule, Mas, or the spectacular “War of the Gods” at another temple, which takes place the same day (but one cannot be a two different places at the same time!). However, for the latter, I’ll let you find out for yourselves, as even most Balinese do not know about it.

Second, there are several web sites about “everyday” Bali info of events. But there, the problem is that they tend to be good for a while, and soon fall in disrepair and tell you what happened 2 or 3 months ago.:icon_rolleyes:

Finally, maybe you could read the Bali Post (again, roughly) where you will find ALL of the activities social and religious. If you are settled, more or less for good, in Indonesia, you might as well learn some of the language to get you integrated with the society, bukan?

Good luck. :icon_cool:
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All this adventurous learning of foreign languages and reading religious calendars. Before you know it we will start consorting with the natives and then where will we be?

Tin tin could just tell us on this thread what's going on...?

By far the easiest and safest way I think...?
As soon as I read the line get yourself a Bali Newspaper I stopped reading his post to be honest. We all could do that, but I think its a good idea to have a thread where people can give their inputs on annual events they have already been to, events they are looking forward to, whos going ect. Just a bit more then reading an Add in the paper sometimes i suppose.
Rangi maybe a little anal but I would prefer (if I can have that?) that this thread deals solely with coming events - as I am sick and tired of hearing how great this ceremony was or that fair "was so interesting" etc. after I've missed it.

Please start another thread with reviews and I will happily contribute after I've managed to finally get to see something.
Bit short notice I'm afraid but tomorrow (28/9/12) a big event concerning 4 local villages coming together on the holy mountain/temple between Candi and Bugbug at about 3pm to celebrate a marriage back in the mists of history that tied the 4 villages together (Ok, don't quote me on this). There promisses to be much merrymaking, lashings of Babi and the usual fighting with banana leaves (the hard rib in the middle) and the mass self harming we all love and adore with the villages Kris knives poking into bared and willing chests.

Come one, come all.
Rangi maybe a little anal but I would prefer (if I can have that?) that this thread deals solely with coming events - as I am sick and tired of hearing how great this ceremony was or that fair "was so interesting" etc. after I've missed it.

Please start another thread with reviews and I will happily contribute after I've managed to finally get to see something.

When you say your anal, if that means confused then I agree. I meant upcoming annual events that people have been to in the previous years. I know not every event is annual but I was using that as an example of why this thread would be useful.
Bit short notice I'm afraid but tomorrow (28/9/12) a big event concerning 4 local villages coming together on the holy mountain/temple between Candi and Bugbug at about 3pm to celebrate a marriage back in the mists of history that tied the 4 villages together (Ok, don't quote me on this). There promisses to be much merrymaking, lashings of Babi and the usual fighting with banana leaves (the hard rib in the middle) and the mass self harming we all love and adore with the villages Kris knives poking into bared and willing chests.

Come one, come all.

THANK YOU! These kind of events never get published in any magazine and we usually only hear from when they are over and done.