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  • Watch out guys, these posts are visible to the public. You can see them by clicking 'Activity' in the top menu. You should delete any of these posts that have personal information. You need to use 'Conversations' to keep your communications private.
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    Reactions: matsaleh
    Thanks for the warning as I wasn't aware these posts were public. Not that I ever post anything I don't want the world to know anyway... :0)
    Hi markit what are some names of cities or provinces. It looks like karangasem is the name of the are that you live
    Answered in forum - lets keep this there as this is too confusing.
    Katie I've talked to our mutual friend today and would love to hear your side of the story. I've tried to contact you a number of times and you aint returning messages or you did and then you didn't want us to visit you in Sideman and you keep sending me messages (and others) at 3 in the morning that are quite scary. If you want some sound, objective advice about a relationship and situation that I know more about than most then lets meet - if you want more poison in your ear then... lets not.
    I am not in a good place at the moment, of course I will try and manage this, with regards to Pak Kariasa, I think I have a lot to share with you, it involves a lot of money, and him screwing us...I am really tired of the way I am being treated & I probably need to change my sponsor/nominee,,,it about time,,,good luck I guess,..I am sure I can hang out with you, and hopefully you will understand.....
    sorry, i meant to ask whether it is OK to call today? otherwise, my partner or I will call you tomorrow morning!
    Mark. Where are you? Long time not hear from you, All is good here and started buiding. No plans, I go every day and give diections, got great , skilled workers, materials expensive but shopping around, having fun. My kid, Edward [Looks a bit like your Avatar only happier] is a real pleasure. Love to hear where your at . Are you getting that house boat together? Still love it in Bali but now have no illusions only dreams.
    Mat [ mat= kadek]
    Did you solve your firewire IT problem? If not I'm coming to Bali the week of the 8th Jan 2012 & could bring you the firewire-usb connector.
    I'm spending Monday, Tuesday (9 & 10th) looking at land in Tabanan, being shown around by Alasdair from IntouchBali --- I am open to other areas.
    I'd appreciate the ability to pick the brains of someone whose been there done that & got the t-shirt, about the whole, buy-&-build trauma that somehow I seem to be setting myself up for.
    If you're free Wed/Thurs we could meet...
    I'll be coming in from Singapore and never miss a chance to dip into the duty free (place your orders!).
    I'll be coming with my partner, Singaporean Chinese... yes she can cook :)

    So if you're not doing anything & fancy giving us the guided tour, let me know - also place the duty free order: 1L Gordon's gin is about IDR130,000 ;)
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