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Apr 26, 2011
Ok heres my question.... I am thinking of setting up a charity in Bali. (I already live here) Does anyone know if you get a special visa for this????? so I don't keep having to fly to Singapore... or do you think I would be on the same deal...? Also anyone who is already running a charity in Bali I would love to hear from you, any advice?

The charity would be for..... people who have lost themselves and need some time out to find themselves again, those who are depressed, those who need counselling, those that need building up and encouraging to carry on, for people that have problems at home and don't have anywhere to go thats safe.....
think same like a monastery... but from a christian stand point.....

thanks, Aimee


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
Because I am in a Rotary Club and we interact with a few charities, the thing you notice is that they are setup as a Yayasan (Foundation) for the handling of finances. So I think your first step is to discover what bureaucratic processes are needed to setup a yayasan. There is an interesting page at
Giving Back - Opportunities to Support Indonesian Social Welfare Efforts
but it doesn't address the issues of starting one. So maybe if you meet a key player in an existing Yayasan, you could ask.
Apr 26, 2011
Because I am in a Rotary Club and we interact with a few charities, the thing you notice is that they are setup as a Yayasan (Foundation) for the handling of finances. So I think your first step is to discover what bureaucratic processes are needed to setup a yayasan. There is an interesting page at
Giving Back - Opportunities to Support Indonesian Social Welfare Efforts
but it doesn't address the issues of starting one. So maybe if you meet a key player in an existing Yayasan, you could ask.

ok thank you for your advice, I have looked at the site, Im just trying to find out about this "Yayasan" ??!! and the hunt continues....... :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I don't believe there is any special visa you can get. You still need to get a working visa whether you are getting a salary or not.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Isn't running your charity "from a christian standpoint" on a 98% Hindu island going to be a bit limiting for finding customers/clients?

Or are you only wanting donations from Christians?
Apr 26, 2011
Isn't running your charity "from a christian standpoint" on a 98% Hindu island going to be a bit limiting for finding customers/clients?

Or are you only wanting donations from Christians?

Hi! your the guy who has many pans in his fridge with oil in them!!! :) your story still makes me smile!

ok yes I hear what your saying.... 98% hindu...:) but that doesn't matter to me or the people we help, all they care about is that they get help..and all I care about is helping!

The donations will come from many countries... to support the foundation, bali I guess the least! who knows.... well God does! :)

you have any more funny stories? like the pans in the fridge??? :)

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
I think the 'easiest' way to realize what you want is to contact a church...they have special kinda visa's for church-related things, like a foundation.
Setting up a foundation from scratch and 'alone' could be a very challenging adventure...

I know that you would need to open a bankaccount in Indonesia (Bali) in name of the yayasan.
To do this you would need :

1. Basic explanation of budget
2. papers of domicili for the foundation (adress)
3. License/Certificate of establishment of the foundation
4. NPWP (taxnumber) from the head/owner of the foundation
5. Fotocopy of the (owner/head) passport with valid correct visa, and fotocopy passport/KTP of the
There will be two people's signature on the account.

budget explanation..not so difficult imho.
getting a place for this (ad)venture not so difficult too.
License and certificate, I have no idea where one should go to apply for this.
NPWP, tricky..cause one can't get an NPWP without a KITAS So getting a Kitas first...So it looks like you would have to start a PMA if there's not a different way with the help of a church.
People can start donating money to your yayasan.

Goodluck and I hope my post helps you a bit.
Apr 26, 2011
I think the 'easiest' way to realize what you want is to contact a church...they have special kinda visa's for church-related things, like a foundation.
Setting up a foundation from scratch and 'alone' could be a very challenging adventure...

I know that you would need to open a bankaccount in Indonesia (Bali) in name of the yayasan.
To do this you would need :

1. Basic explanation of budget
2. papers of domicili for the foundation (adress)
3. License/Certificate of establishment of the foundation
4. NPWP (taxnumber) from the head/owner of the foundation
5. Fotocopy of the (owner/head) passport with valid correct visa, and fotocopy passport/KTP of the
There will be two people's signature on the account.

budget explanation..not so difficult imho.
getting a place for this (ad)venture not so difficult too.
License and certificate, I have no idea where one should go to apply for this.
NPWP, tricky..cause one can't get an NPWP without a KITAS So getting a Kitas first...So it looks like you would have to start a PMA if there's not a different way with the help of a church.
People can start donating money to your yayasan.

Goodluck and I hope my post helps you a bit.

Thankyou thankyou!! yes you were very helpful! yey!!

I liked your.. "(ad)venture" ! I think I might steal that one!! :)

ok thank you, I will keep you guys informed!


gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.

Licenses and certificates are issues by the department in wich area of 'business' you operate.
for example a yayasan operating a hospital, would need to get a license from the department of health (dep.kesehatan)

The problems you mention : people who need to find themself again, stress, problems at home, etcetc..
I think that would be considered social help, so for a license and certificate I would try Dinas Sosial.
Apr 26, 2011
oooooooooooooo........... dinas sosial.... ok! :) thank you!! :)

so I would contact the dinas social department.....? located...? sorry Im clueless here!

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi Dan Sosial Kota Denpasar.
Jalan Hayam Wuruk No.151
Denpasar, Telp. 0361-235457.

Every city, Kabupaten has an depending on your location or better even the future location of the foundation (yayasan) is where you should apply...if the location is not Denpasar, maybe they can help you getting the right adess and who knows they might (should) help with questions you have.
Apr 26, 2011
hahaha.... I can get by in a restaurant! no better you stick to english! :)

Maybe you can post it and then I can get my friend to read it to me. :)

Thank you so so much for the address! your so helpful!

I heart gilberg! lol....

cheers :)
Apr 26, 2011
Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi Dan Sosial Kota Denpasar -

that's the link...there are some tabs to choose like -visi or struktur,
so you can get an idea of the Dinas Sosial :icon_wink:

and you're welcome, my pleasure to help..anything to make someone heart me, hahaha
please let me/us know of the outcome and stuff

thank you and yep will keep you all in the loop! I hope everyone on here will be doing fund raising with me!!? who's up for walking around in welly's full of beans.....? :-0


May 18, 2011
Why on Earth????

thank you and yep will keep you all in the loop! I hope everyone on here will be doing fund raising with me!!? who's up for walking around in welly's full of beans.....? :-0

Would you be looking at starting yet again another "CHARITY"
Making money for YOU?
There are plenty of them here already in Bali that you can add your idea to.
Saving the depressed and dysfunctional..............Great idea, but no need for another Bule to try and cash in.
Apr 26, 2011
Would you be looking at starting yet again another "CHARITY"
Making money for YOU?
There are plenty of them here already in Bali that you can add your idea to.
Saving the depressed and dysfunctional..............Great idea, but no need for another Bule to try and cash in.

o my goodness!!! you really have got me wrong! :) how can you just judge like that..... you must have had a bad experience like this before? I understand.

you should keep your negative thoughts to yourself tho, or better still get rid of them... you will feel better inside :)
please do not be so judgemental when you don't have any idea who I am. It was only a joke about people helping me in bali, I have many people all over the world helping this cause. Please do not be negative or nasty to me other anyone else. Its just not nice, be happy :)


Feb 10, 2011

Licenses and certificates are issues by the department in wich area of 'business' you operate.
for example a yayasan operating a hospital, would need to get a license from the department of health (dep.kesehatan)

The problems you mention : people who need to find themself again, stress, problems at home, etcetc..
I think that would be considered social help, so for a license and certificate I would try Dinas Sosial.

Gilbert......awesome! I can't imagine how many things you have learned about Indonesia, all of them so helpful for everyone. :icon_e_smile:
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