
I guess most foreigners living here have had sickness problems over the years. I am hoping someone can offer some advice. I have been bedridden sick for several days with no noticeable improvement. I can only presume some kind of virus. I’ll document by day.
Day 1 Mon
Had a walk, short dip in the pool and lay down for a mid-day nap. Woke up at 3pm with a fever and a weak head and feeling lethargic all over. No appetite and difficult to even be interested in fluids.
Day 2 Tue
Fever reduced VERY slightly but the tiredness level has increased a lot. Can’t eat. Forced some fluid down.
Day 3 Wed
Went to local doctor’s surgery and told him I had a fever, a headache, lack of appetite and now a little diarrhea. He check Blood Pressure which was perfect. Temp was 37.1 so only slightly high. He then gave me some black tablets for the diarrhea, some red tablets for the fever, some white tablets for the headache and some green tablets for the stomach. They were all massive great things as solid as small rocks. I felt like I had just been to the ToyTown Doctor. I didn’t realize that is how you fix things……. treat the symptoms first?
Day 4 Thurs
Getting weaker now. Have only eaten 4 bananas in over 3 days. Still have the runs and also an urge to throw up but nothing in there.
The biggest problem for me is that I HAVEN’T SLEPT since 3 pm Monday. Not a wink. I am desperate to sleep but I just get “tired”. My eyes don’t look like I haven’t slept and I am quite alert……. but weaker by the day. I lie down, then within seconds I have to move….. as if I’m not comfortable. This goes on all day and all night. My eyes are wide open most of the time. I struggled to walk 100m to a local restaurant as I was hanging out for a San Miguel Light. I managed 3 beers and some soup with a little boiled potato but didn’t improve my sleep chances at all.
Day 5 Fri
Had another horrible night rolling backwards and forwards. Getting on for 4 days with no sleep and no prospects of any solution.
Can anyone perhaps recommend a doctor (Sanur) who is fluent in English or maybe you have had a friend with a similar symptom? Is it possible to use sleeping tablets in a situation like this?
I am almost at my wits end. (Please don’t waste my limited wi-fi connection and current mental attention span on attempts at humour.)
Yes was going to say Dengue also...or something else from a mossi bite.

I have had similar feelings before, cannot sleep, irritable, cannot lay still etc, edgy.......any tingling feelings anywhere ?

Mine did not last more than a day or so though and no idea what it was/is as went away by itself.
Don't be a fucking idiot and waste time putting your symptoms on a public forum.

Go to Pena Medica, Siloam Hospital or BIMC and get a full workup.

If you die please let us know if there is an afterlife.
I'd trust an english speaking public forum more than some quacks.....especially if someone recognises the symptoms as having had them before.
Yes was going to say Dengue also...or something else from a mossi bite.

I have had similar feelings before, cannot sleep, irritable, cannot lay still etc, edgy.......any tingling feelings anywhere ?

Mine did not last more than a day or so though and no idea what it was/is as went away by itself.
You had Masuk Angin
Famous Indonesian disease!....All fevers are caught by wind getting in your ears

ha ha ha ... masuk angin!
Actually I thought it was the rain drops on your head.....

No seriously...... get a blood test and if you have any common sense you can read the results. If the red blood cells are low in count it is most likely dengue! But you have to be adamant about getting the blood test as it seems antibiotics are the cure for everything which is not really the case.
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Anti-biotics are great! I can just go to an apotek without a script and cure myself. But not for virus..Good for extreme shits (like when you're gonna die shortly) or bad chest infection.
Sounds exactly what I had 4 years ago. It took the doctors approx 3 to 4 days to diagnose since I had 2 things at once.
Result: dengue and stomach typhoid.

I went to Surya Husada hospital.
I feel like I'm improving at about 1% a day which is better than going the other way. I don't think I have dengue as I would know if I had been bitten. I've had 2 different strains of malaria over the years so I'm careful. Yestreday, a Lancashire lass from nearby insisted that I needed a "hot toddy" and rushed off and made me one. It was delicious and I had a very nice 2 hour rest afterwards. A few hours later I managed to get down 2 pieces of toast so was very pleased.
I'm not quite clear why, other than for economic reasons, why someone who is so ill would not go to a medical facility?

Penta Medica can do all the tests and have a pretty good name. You really need to be careful what you do here in the tropics as some of this stuff will just eat your ass off without you knowing it until it's too late - think Hepatitis/Cirrhosis, Typhoid, Dengi, etc.

If you do decide to carry on please report on the presence or not - 82 virgins/singing angels/Peace at Buddhas tootsies.
I am anti doctors.....all for building your immune system stronger yourself.

more hot lancashires and some totty should see you better by monday

read about a child in perth that had a flu vaccine go wrong.....turnip now.

then the kid in bangkok forced to endure the dentist while held down, hes a carrot I believe.
I am anti doctors.....all for building your immune system stronger yourself.

Or die like they do here because can't afford doctors...Although I agree when talking about flu etc. But a lot of diseases are making a comeback in western countries because of stupid anti vaccine myths
To an extent.......thing is people abusing and more so doctors abusing antibiotics and now not work so good.....people need to do what chopper recommends and harden the fcuk up a little and build their system...

I do this and have not been to a quack for anything minor for years system gets itself over anything like flu, sore throats, fevers etc very quickly alone.

but obviously anything serious I do/will seek medical attention for all.
anti biotics are becoming increasing useless because people don't finish the entire course,especially in developing countries like here, a as soon as they feel better they stop taking them allowing a small number of super bugs to possibly develop.If these multiply look out