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    Jimbo and Family in Lovina

    Good stuff Jimbo.\ God bless Bali Eh
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    Where to live in Bali ?

    Ive been looking at this link and find it interesting,not because of he location thing but purely I ask myself "WHY" and the reason I do ask myself is cause and as a few of you know Ive moved back to Aus after 8 years in Indo,(reasons being to get sorted in a few areas) .Ok why do I feel like a...
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    No KITAS needed anymore for children?

    Hai Gede,Thanks for the confirmation regarding your daughters sucesscfull dual citizenship application. Amazing really eh ! Its heartwarming to see a mixed couple acctually getting thru the red tape. Selamat berhasil ya dan semoga masa depan bisa jadi sangat jelas. I will contact the...
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    No KITAS needed anymore for children?

    Hai Bli Gede,great news for the freedom of your family,my question is did you apply and receive this dual citizenship for putrimu in Canada or in Indonesia,I hope you answer Canada as this will mean we too can proced with our kids docs here in Aust. Matur Suwun Cap
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    seven sleeps to wait . . . .

    Dahsa in the other thread everyone was asking what you where on with all the Ian Dury I read your in the Gilis..........well say no more...........jamur
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    My Map

    Good one Dasha,I thought it was me that was only crazy.I saw Ian 25 years ago and im still impressed. Talking about maps ,have a look at the island of Papua and it looks likes its running away from Oz,,,,,,,,,,,,cant blame her really what with all the uncouth you know what...
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    Learning Basa Jawi

    Hi Adam, I lived in Jawa for alot of years and wish I had of focussed more Basa Jawa than Basa Indo reasons being ,when I was partying with my Jawa friends the spontainouse humur was always in Jawa, The problem with your inlaws not speaking Basa Indo is a commen problem that I suffer too,The...
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    future for your chldren....

    Good to read all the replies after I set this disscusion back on its track. Its amazing how similar us Indonesian loving people are (with children) And you know what... all that everyone is saying is true...........No one person is wrong. So for my decision to move to WA to educate our kids...
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    future for your chldren....

    I will try and get back to the origanal reason for this topic which was "As I see it is the pros and cons of bringing up mixed marridge or straight bule kids in Indonesia. As of few of you know we moved to Perth after 8 years in RI. and a few of you also know how my heart bleeds (at times)...
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    Islam In Indonesia

    Allen and Drbruce,im not going to state specifics or waste my time looking up links for you guys. I will simply ask if you a few simple questions: Have you lived as a local in Aceh or East Madura ? Have you been to 200+ schools in RI.? Do you know the figures for men who have a wife or two...
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    Islam In Indonesia

    I agree with Rien ,Roy is spouting off about something he knows nothing about,you should stick to being a Balinese lecturer. Unless you have lived in in the real RI world..........and I mean realy lived the everyday orang kecil lifestyle ,not just sat around with some trendies in Ubud you...
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    Re: 120 day Tourist Visa

    Hi guest, I have searched high and low regarding this talk of a 120 day visa but come across a brick wall ,so if someone has the info maybe they will post. Cheers
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    Dual citizenship/Two passports

    Hi Bruce ,thats good news about the dual citizenship process,the cost was mahal but what you say is true...that your kids have some sort of right to the country they where born in. I dont mean to be pessimistic but isnt it a shame that its only till they are 18 and not for life. Cheers
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    Hi Jimbo,no news on the 120 day Visa or for that matter the Dual citizenship debate,I believe that some on the forum have applied and maybe received dual citizenship for their kids but as yet we have no posts regarding the ins and out of this issue. Oh well Its back to the grind tommorow after...
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    Should I stay or should I go?

    Hi Tinkabell,freogirl etc,Ive just been reading all the above and must have a wee laugh to myself.Freogirl your very astute in saying " that if your an expay for too long " its hard to go home.My Indo wife and 2 kids made the decision after 7 years to leave Indo last year,believe me it was like...
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    120 Day Tourist Visa on Arrival

    Hi manc in oz, I think in this disscusion we need to get to the root of it by finding out more about this new 120 day tourist visa.So that the details are more clear IE: which countries acctually are being considered ETC. Regarding how many times you will be able to leave and return on the next...
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    Trades & Technical college

    Roy ,let me clarify your presumptions.,,,,,,,,,,I am not from Oz. And Im not one of the dickhead Bintang teeshirt wearing hokker shaging westerners that we all have come accross ,,,,,,and niether am I 30 years older than my JAVENESE trinket. I may feel like giving you an ear full ...but Im not...
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    Trades & Technical college

    I wish you two would grow up and stop showing the whole world the frustrations and strain that you both obviously suffer. Why dont you both meet at the soccor feild in Ubud for a wrestle and then get a few beers together and get over it............ I feel embarresed for you both. Roy some...
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    Trades & Technical college

    Hi Renzo, regarding technical colleges,Im not sure about Bali but there is one of an extremly high standard in Malang East Java (5 hours drive from Gilimanuk) that covers alot of trades,it is called VEDC and is funded bye Germany to German standards !!!!!! So this bit of info should amaze a few...
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    No KITAS needed anymore for children?

    Very good then,good luck with it and I look forward to your explanation of a very succesfull process. FYI- We moved to WA 7 mths ago after 7 years in Indo so Yuni could further her education at University here. The changes have been Horific in the negative and exciting in the positve,the...