Trades & Technical college


New Member
Aug 31, 2005
Can anyone tell me if there's a Trades & Tech college in Bali? If so, is there a www site?



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi Renzo

...Can anyone tell me if there's a Trades & Tech college in Bali?...

To my knowledge, the answer is no (certainly if you imagine ones here like the ones in Australia).

Yours is an interesting question for me because I've often wondered the same myself. How and where do people here learn to become motor-mechanics, electricians, plumbers, etc? There is no shortage, however, of pretty useless privately-run "Tourism Colleges".

The Indonesian government doesn't seem to offer its citizens, (particularly in Bali), opportunities to learn "trades", with government backing. I have yet to see anything resembling free night-schools where people can learn to read and write, for example...or where deaf and blind people can get some schooling. There is not even one government public library in Bali, to date, that has a collection of anything worth looking at, let alone "borrowing".

Sad, but true. (Of course, if somebody has any information to the contrary, I'd love to hear it.)



Jun 9, 2006
Hi Renzo, regarding technical colleges,Im not sure about Bali but there is one of an extremly high standard in Malang East Java (5 hours drive from Gilimanuk) that covers alot of trades,it is called VEDC and is funded bye Germany to German standards !!!!!! So this bit of info should amaze a few people.
Their web addres is as follows.
Regards CAP


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
There you go again Phil, firing off with your arse, and not your brain.

Ask yourself a basic question....

The question is, “where do the Balinese learn their trades?”


In Bali, trades, or occupational skills are passed down from father to son(s) as much as Hindu/Dharma traditions.

Phil, for a guy who has lived on Bali for as long as you have, you clearly lack even basic common sense when it comes to Balinese ways.

Frankly, I’m amazed that you have lived here, as long as you have, remaining so ignorant.


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Actually, two of my nephews have just graduated from technical high schools - one as an electrician and the other as a mechanic. The nephew that is now an electrician is working in Malaysia, and the mechanic is on his way to Singapore to work on servicing large trucks for some Indonesian contractor.


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Re: RE: Trades & Technical college

Roy said:
Ask yourself a basic question....

The question is, “where do the Balinese learn their trades?”


In Bali, trades, or occupational skills are passed down from father to son(s) as much as Hindu/Dharma traditions.

Problem is what do Balinese do if they want to learn a skill that is not what their father does. Where do they do this? What if their father is a hotel room cleaner, how does the son learn to be a mechanic for instance?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Oh, thanks for enlightening me and others, Roy

Now I understand why most western-style toilets throughout Bali don't work properly - it's because the Balinese "plumbers" were "taught" by their fathers. Simple, huh? Also explains why "electrical wiring" is often so bloody dangerous - the Balinese "electricians" were "taught" by their fathers. (I wonder if that's got anything to do with the number of farmers electrocuted every year in their rice paddies?)

I think I'm starting to see a thread here. "Quality control", "standards", "licensing", "safety" - these, of course, are and should be matters only for village banjars.

Yeah - right on Roy-boy. Hey mate - how many sides has a triangle got again?



Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Now I understand why most western-style toilets throughout Bali don't work properly - it's because the Balinese "plumbers" were "taught" by their fathers.

No Phil, it's more likely that your head is stuck in the bloody things!

As usual Phil, you only see Bali from the most negative of views, and you insist that somehow Bali would be a better place if it adopted more western ways.

As I have asked you a hundred times, why does anyone who can only belly ache about Bali still live here?

Freo, I guess it hasn’t occurred to you that a Balinese, even one currently employed in the most menial job in a hotel, is very likely highly skilled and knowledgeable in other things? Your comment leaves me breathlessly wondering if you know any Balinese at all, or what they are capable of?

Has it also occurred to you that within a Balinese compound, uncles and aunts also reside? Has it further occurred to you that compounds exist within villages, and the community of villages is very close, and tightly knit?


Dec 21, 2004
Fremantle, Australia
Gee Roy, as seems to be the way at the moment, you are the only one on this forum who knows anything about Bali and the Balinese.

Your tone is so condescending at the moment I'm embarrassed for you. There is no point having a discussion with you on this topic or any other.



Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hey Roy

For a guy who has lived on Bali for as long as you have, I'm amazed that the Balinese still put up with you. I guess it's because they're basically very nice people and don't wish to offend you, in case you bring the wrath of Bush/Blair/Howard upon them.

And hi there, FreoGirl

...Gee Roy, as seems to be the way at the moment, you are the only one on this forum who knows anything about Bali and the Balinese...

I'm just surprised you didn't already know that. Roy doesn't write from his "personal opinions", like we lesser mortals. I think he's got a direct internet connection to God.

He certainly sounds in a bad mood the last couple of days (that's Roy, not God).



Nov 28, 2005
I agree, Roy we put up with a lot of your bombastic rants,( and some genuinely good stuff at times) but these last couple of days you are just a boor and a bully.
Have you got a bad tummy ache ? :roll:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Oh good grief. Phil has been on a tirade, and I can't even defend my position without this crap?

Screw it.

Come to Bali, try your best to last a year, but don't come to me to cry in your beer when your bags are packed and you're headed home, or wherever is your next port of call. All you will get from me at that point is a kick in the arse, and a fondly spoken, “see ya.”

Use your head. Ask yourself just how many Balinese post here regularly, and also, how many expats that have lived here for a decent length of time? It doesn’t take a full hand of five fingers to add this up.

I don’t have to wonder if years of posting here have added up to something useful, as I’ve heard this numerous times from folks I have personally met on a result of this forum.

So, Bolli...go screw yourself.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Phil, as for your most recent vomit at the mouth, it is amazingly clear to me that you have either little, or no association with the Balinese.

I can assure you that the Balinese in my neck of the woods not only love me, but respect me, and often come by to consult on matters of importance.

As all the Balinese women in my village know, free pre-natal vitamins are available from us, and guess what PHIL...the average birth weight in our village has increased by .5 kilo over the last five years and infant mortality has decreased by 50%.

Yea! I’m doing my best to make a difference in my village, and I grasp without question my role in our village. While you think of Bali as a pain in the ass, I embrace her.

If you have a problem with that, then “f” you, get off your butt, and do something...ANYTHNG, that is proactive and beneficial.

Your negative rants about what is my home are tiresome, and no longer to be tolerated.

Phil, I am truly very tired of your shit.


New Member
Aug 31, 2005
Thanks for your answer guys. So basically sparkys etc either learn their trade form their fathers (or do some sort of apprenticeship with someone) or go to the college in Malang. Cheers.


Jun 9, 2006
I wish you two would grow up and stop showing the whole world the frustrations and strain that you both obviously suffer.
Why dont you both meet at the soccor feild in Ubud for a wrestle and then get a few beers together and get over it............ I feel embarresed for you both.
Roy some people are fortunate enough to succed in feeding and schooling their mixed kids in Bali and some arnt.
You can call me a loser if you like but I openly admit that after 7 years and with the downturn of buisness I had to relocate for a while to Oz to improve our education so that we could acctually survive in Indo financially.
And to those that have the dream......... keep dreaming and one day you will make it a reality..........but realise that their are expensive costs multiplied bye however many kids you have.
And finnally lets openly use this website as a information transfer site with the goal of doing what all Indonesians do so well and what we long termers should have learnt and that is "Gotong Royong"
Tenang Aja Dong 2


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Sorry Cap, but the “dream” does not come cheaply...nor, as other expats such as myself, enjoy the tide, and the waning...ebb and flow, of expats in and out of Bali.

Telling me to “grow up” is ludicrous. Nine out of ten Ozzies that try to make it here in Bali, fail. And that is in a good month. If you don’t believe me, then just ask your mates, recently re-landed in OZ.

Moreover, I have no strain, but you being from OZ likely will not understand that. It may be I should re-state, that Bali is NOT little OZ? I don’t know, but I can tell you that I loose no sleep over Australians that that have failed here in Bali.

The mortality rate of recently arrived, and would be “expats” especially from OZ don’t make it here for a year. 90 % of recently arrived expats, including those on retirement visas are history. This failure is of no pleasure for any of us. In fact, it is quite the opposite.


Jun 9, 2006
Roy ,let me clarify your presumptions.,,,,,,,,,,I am not from Oz.
And Im not one of the dickhead Bintang teeshirt wearing hokker shaging westerners that we all have come accross ,,,,,,and niether am I 30 years older than my JAVENESE trinket.
I may feel like giving you an ear full ...but Im not aloud cause my heart is Javanese.
So take it easy brother ,find a creek,listen to the flow and go forward.
And I do envey those expats that can succed anywhere in RI.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
WOW - You really had a bad day (or two), Roy.
Why take it out on the rest of us?

...I can assure you that the Balinese in my neck of the woods not only love me, but respect me, and often come by to consult on matters of importance...

Believe what you want, "Amigo". I'm tired of your pompous BS as well, as are some others here.

It's you who doesn't quite get it (and you really don't).

Is it that hard to listen to other peoples' opinions, be they positive or negative by your solipsistic "standards"?
(I bet you didn't think an Australian could write or use an adjective like that, did you?)

Rest your typing fingers a bit, get on with your life, and enjoy your delusions, like the rest of us mere mortals.

I never thought this forum was an on-line University course about Bali with a "Professor" at the helm who simply wants to ram "the facts", (as he sees them), down everybody's throats. Wrong again, I guess.

Bye-bye, American Pie.


Peter K

New Member
Nov 24, 2005
There is a real need for trade/technical schools. Although I have met many very skilled workers (often times better then one would expect from a "western" worker), many others are winging it. Reasons:

Many young Balinese move South without having learned a "trade" from their fathers.

Many of the technologies used now, need skills that fathers did not have.

Growth and demand for is highest in areas that very few people in Bali have any knowledge of to pass along. (e.g. IT tech).

Other things to consider:

It is very difficult for an ambitious Balinese to get in a well paying trade in which a has no immidiate contacts. A tarde school with apprenticeship would give them a start.

How would girls get into trades?

Why is it that when very skilled labor is needed, such as whole house wiring, architects, IT, cellular tower construction etc. etc. companies import the skills from Java?

My two cents..


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
Hi, Peter K

I agree with you entirely regarding the lack of proper training facilities in Bali for people wishing to learn a "trade".

I think it is also difficult for many people to learn skills at a technician level although there are numerous privately-run "courses", for a price, that can often be beyond the reach of many. The level of "expertise" that is being taught by some of these "colleges" is highly variable, and at times, just plainly suspect.

...Why is it that when very skilled labor is needed, such as whole house wiring, architects, IT, cellular tower construction etc. etc. companies import the skills from Java?...

I believe there are two answers to this.

Firstly, many places in Java do have a respectable standard of training (for example, Jogjakarta, Surabaya, Bandung and of course, Jakarta). And secondly, a lot of Javanese workers have a reputation for being cheaper, more conscientious, and take far fewer "holidays" than their Balinese counterparts.
