Malas, stones, angry

Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Free breakfast at Pansophia Hotel school, I brought some pictures I took the day before, the director says I am welcome 24 hours a day. Tried to get a new modem the one in my PC doesn't work anymore, have to wait until tomorrow. Got angry, and hit, very unbalinese, an plastic chair. Both my hand and the chair got damaged. Protected Silvia and Satya against virusses. Satya's PC was a challenge, cause it had a virus that didn't let anti virus software being installed. I was smarter, hehehe. A quick swim to the sampan, have to show you a picture once, and after that confusing thoughts about women. I am too lazy to write more today, so I leave you with this picture. I was taken in a forest near Lake Tamblingan. It seems a large stone of some sort, and its is turned in some sort of shrine or something. Dressed with the usual "popart" and yellow cloths. I haven't asked what it was about, and actually I don't want to know. Its a shrine in a forest, and people sometimes lite their incense there, like they do on segara beach on the stairs to the sea, where I go to swim. I don't want to know, and it smells nice.


p.s. Thanks to Roberta (behemoth) their might be some action in Nusu Dua, if the police permits and the anti-pltgu forum agrees.


Dec 11, 2002
Boston, MA, USA
curiosity killed the behemoth

Bert said:
I haven't asked what it was about, and actually I don't want to know.....
I don't want to know.

Why are you so determined not to know? Now that you have teased us with this, I am in fact DYING to know!!!! So would you please ask someone? Thank you!!