Dual citizenship/Two passports


Feb 12, 2004
singaraja, bali
Well, we seem to have finished the process of obtaining Indonesian passports for our kids. I say seem because I haven't actually seen the final result yet - we're over here in Sumbawa working and the new passports are at home in Bali. One of my brothers-in-law has sent photocopies over so that I can examine them and see what's what.

But, according to Ibu Desa from Kantor HAM, everything is done now until the kids reach 18.

The process was a bit of a pain for us as we are in Sumbawa about 46 weeks out of the year now. My wife and kids had to make a special trip a few weeks ago to finish the process with immigration, but all in all it was worth it. The final processing was rather expensive (28million for four kids), but over the long haul, this will save us a lot of money. But getting past the money issue, the main thing, I believe, is that my children are recognized by the country that they were born in and have lived in all of their lives. For them, and for my wife, that is the major issue.

I'll post something on what the passports actually say when we receive the photocopies.


Jun 9, 2006
Hi Bruce ,thats good news about the dual citizenship process,the cost was mahal but what you say is true...that your kids have some sort of right to the country they where born in. I dont mean to be pessimistic but isnt it a shame that its only till they are 18 and not for life.