
Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
From Bali Discovery:

Beritabali.com reports that Indonesia’s Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, is not prepared to divulge the exact location of a planned airport for Buleleng in north Bali. However, while officiating at a festival at Lake Batur, Kintamani, Wacik hinted to the press that the Bali’s second major air gateway will be located "either behind or alongside" Mt Batur.

Responding to reporters’ questions on the location for the Buleleng International Airport, Jero Wacik refused to reveal the exact location. However, while presenting a speech at the opening of the Lake Batur Festival, Wacik told his listeners that a new airport would be built either behind or beside Mount Batur.

Dropping a clue, Wacik said, “the economy and tourism surrounding Batur and Kintamani, Bangli will continue to progress because behind Mount Batur will soon stand a new airport.”

He went on to say that once the exact location is fixed the land acquisition process could commence, paving the way for the construction of the airport.

The Minister said design work has already begun on the new airport.

The Minister said he was unable to give the exact location of the new airport in order to prevent land speculators from misusing such information.

Speculation places the new airport on the north side of Mount Batur, somewhere between Kutambahan and Tejakula

Wacik said construction on the new airport would begin before the end of the year.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Dumb and Dumber

I'm no expert but I can't see an "international airport" being built along that stretch of coastline as a possibility. The sea is on one side and the hills on the other. Are large jets going to land parallel to the coastline or perpendicular to it? And even IF it goes there, how and how long will it take people get down South or Ubud where most tourists will be heading to?

I hope Mr Wacko does a better job in his new position as Energy Minister, but I doubt it.

"Wonderful Indonesia", indeed.



Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
And if Bali build's a second international airport, what will happen with the original international airport. Will Bali then have two international airports?

If Bali has two international airports, how will the airlines decide to which airport they fly? Will not nearly every Bali visitor prefer to fly to Ngurah Rai?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
you guys do realize that 'international' doesn't actually mean that international flights will arrive...
there are airports that have international in their name, without any international flights arriving...


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
Ok, so they are planning on building a new international airport that will only serve domestic flights.

I think you will have to change your signature Gilbert ;)

I guess time will tell us what the actual deal is. So many different versions.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
eventually there will be going international flights in and out from the new airport.
but as far as I know not immediatly.
airlines will choose what's cheaper for them in the long run..i.e.landingfees/groundhandling fees/etcetc..
ngurah airport will stay as it is, not like open up a new one so the old one gets closed.
I agree with that most people will prefer to fly into the south...maybe international cargo flights will head north, relieving the traffic down south :icon_wink:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
...maybe international cargo flights will head north, relieving the traffic down south
Yeah - now wouldn't that be great? How would the cargo then get down south? Via Bedugul, Pupuan or Kintamani?

Why don't they build the thing inside the Batur caldera? It would make as much "sense" as this poorly conceived fantasy (nightmare?).

Welcome to Wacko's Wonderful Indonesia
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Ehm...maybe via the also new planned tol road..
Which is going to be built where, exactly and when? From north to south over the mountain range or are they "planning" to build long tunnels through it?

The Serangen-Nusa Dua "tollway", all 11.5 kms of it, is still a work in progress (and a poorly thought-out band-aid measure). The removal of the statue at Simpang Siur might finally begin in November. Oops - sorry, I think they've decided to leave the bloody thing there and either build a fly-over if they can afford to buy the surrounding land, or build a tunnel underneath it (where the water table is around 1.5 metres).

I'll believe it all when I see it...


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
I vaguely remember that that is the proposed route for the "North-South Tollway" (or whatever it's going to be called, if it ever happens).

From Seririt through Pupuan and then where? To Antasari, to join the main heavily congested Gilimanuk-Denpasar road? WTF?

I think the current road between Seririt and Antasari passes through some especially beautiful countryside. (I try not to spread that information widely, since some resorts/hotels have already begun their invasions - can't win, I guess). A toll road through there will fuck it up, big time, not that the "planners" give a stuff about that.

So, maybe an "International" airport somewhere between west of Tejakula and Singaraja, and then presumably, new arrivals wanting to get down South get transported via the "toll road" to Denpasar? Makes about as much sense to me as tits on a bull.
I also find it difficult to imagine cargo trucks driving through Singaraja to Lovina and then Seririt to get to Denpasar. It's all way too stupid for my little brain.

I just hope the idiots behind all of this wake up to themselves in time. Unfortunately, I doubt it.


gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
from sririt over the mountains and then not connecting to the Gillimanuk-DPS road, but going 'straight' down south and connect somewhere near Bedugul..
airport a bit to the west of sririt...so the plans/drawings make sense, but feasability and if it really is going to happen is like you said another :icon_biggrin:


Dec 3, 2007
Lovina. North Bali
I remember reading s few months ago about a railway line along the west coast completed by 2014!!! it must be true coz I read in the paper (online I think) lol

I also heard a very long time ago the the plan for the second airport would initially be domestic, plus small shuttle flights from one airport to the other.

I've been here long enough to believe it when I see it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
seattle pekutatan
Airport Planning by Airheads

This absurdly simplistic lack of planning that conveys " Build it and they will come" mentality is too absurd to be considered seriously. No consideration for: lack of access, unavailability of accommodations, long travel to adequate accommodations, inadequate physical attractions in the vicinity, all this to say nothing about the fact that the airlines and the manufacturers of the latest largest and most economical airliners and their respective needs are going to have a lot to say about whether they intend to use a facility that would perhaps be totally inadequate for their requirements. Total bullshit to attract dumb speculation can be the only motivation.


Nov 28, 2011
Method & Madness?

Batam has an 'international airport' :icon_rolleyes:

But on a serious note, everyone is assuming that the tourists' target destination will be in the south.

How long does it take to build an airport? Many years ago as it was being topped out I interviewed an Architect from the company that designed Sukarno Harta (Arup, I think)... he said: after land aquisition - between 6 - 10 years.

So how long does it take to build a few international hotels & toss up a bunch of beach bungalows like Kuta had 15 years ago?

So does anyone see the strategy:
Take the pressure off the Southern Resorts
Start construction of an airport above Batur
Watch the tourism infrastructure build itself

Just a thought


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
I don't subscribe to the theory of "build an airport and they will come". The south of Bali was originally attractive because of the good surfing. The surfers came and others followed. That's been true for many places in the world such as Hawaii and Cuzumel, Mexico. Other places became popular because "jet setters" half a century ago travelled there for the exceptional beauty and privacy such as the Amalfi coast in Italy. Others then followed as the place became well-known through the media. Ubud originally became popular because a few celebrities came for the art and bohemian lifestyle. Through the media it then became known and people followed.

I'm only talking about tourist locations. I can't think of a big city in the world that didn't grow and develop as a result of transport. But tourist locations need a trigger and the north of Bali hasn't created that interest point.


New Member
Dec 2, 2011
It makes sense to also build a northern airport, There are many expats or balinese who have family in lovina and singaraja, it wouldnt make sense to buidl it there amongst the hills but flat ground in the north is possible, not every visitor to Bali wants to rest work and play around kuta


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
Some people said that it will be build in Negara instead of Buleleng

They wanted to build an airport in Negara before which would be BY FAR the better choice (east java could use it too) but since Pastika is the new governor and originally from Singaraja now of course the new airport has to be built in SINGARAJA...it the governor would be from Amed i guess it would be Amed :icon_e_sad:
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