
Jul 24, 2010
I have a Kirin and luv it. I do toast, pies, chickens, roast veg, finish thick steaks and chops
after searing in the pan etc...


I have a Kirin and luv it. I do toast, pies, chickens, roast veg, finish thick steaks and chops
after searing in the pan etc...

That's what they're for - same here
When I bought this house the kitchen only had 4*LPG burners
I wondered about how to get an oven that would fit in with future plans that I hadn't even hatched yet
And I saw the cost as well
Then I told a friend and she said "No, not need to spend that much - only 400K"
She took me to Singaraja and went to the store where she bought hers and haggled them to 400 on my behalf - they were after 500
She said hers had cost 400 so just do the same deal again
They did
Later she told me hers was actually 450 and gave an impish grin - she's a good girl!
She held it against her side all the way to my place, where we discovered the rotisserie was no longer working
She said we should take it back tomorrow
I said not worth it
And eventually the rotisserie motor gave up so I didn't have that constant whirr-click sound any more either
I don't think I have ever done anything on a rotisserie - ever - so I haven't exactly missed it

Last year I bought a KIRIN on an impulse
They are a 'good brand' according to the people who have seen it here
But the KIRIN is in a cupboard for when the Denpoo finally throws the towel in
The KIRIN was 450K as I recall

I don't think these appliances use much power because the element inside isn't very big
The 'value' of a Denpoo (or KIRIN) is the small size - ideal for 1 or 2 people
I also half-cook a chicken for the dogs every now and then - they love a treat like that


I just checked my Aussie-bought electric jug and it has 1850W-2200W

980W sounds about right for Indonesia
A lot of the houses do not have a high wattage power supply from PLN and if you switched on a 'western power' appliance it might throw the circuit breaker
I learned that when I went to buy a hair dryer in Singaraja
They are all around 700W which means she'll be there for a while after a swim and shower
A friend commented that most houses could not run a powerful appliance and that is quite OK by them
And most houses around here do not have aircon - maybe one in ten does, I was told

I brought a hairdryer from Darwin

I did a test with the local lower powered electric jug and timed how long it took to boil an amount of water
Then I did the same test with the more powerful jug
If you use 800W for 6 minutes let's make a rubbery figure of 4800
If you use 1850W for 2 minutes the r/f is 3700
Something like that
So, by using a more powerful appliance, you are actually consuming less power overall

Therefore, if you can cook a chicken in a Denpoo at 980W and it takes the same elapse time as a western oven which runs at a higher power, then you are using less power with the small oven, and that's why they are good value
It comes down to that cooking area size in cubic cms

Mine is actually 950W but I had to use a magnifying glass to read that on the label
And it was built in 'CINA'


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Mine is actually 950W but I had to use a magnifying glass to read that on the label
And it was built in 'CINA'

Ahhgg! That's probably why yours didn't work well when you brought it's probably a pirated version of my 'genuine' China made Denpoo....:icon_e_biggrin:


Ahhgg! That's probably why yours didn't work well when you brought it's probably a pirated version of my 'genuine' China made Denpoo....:icon_e_biggrin:

Sounds like you have the Turbo version 'asli'


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
My are Denpoo says 950W and made in Cina...damm these old eyes even tho' they are brown!
Off to the beach in Sanur for lunch and to check-out how cold the beer is.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Update...I have just now de-virginalised the Denpoo.
I set to 160 deg/30 mins and the pasta? bolognaise is cooked to perfection. I'm thinking of applying for Masterchef Bali 'coz I heard the Ubud BBQ was successful in terms of 'cuisine horibilus'.


Update...I have just now de-virginalised the Denpoo.
I set to 160 deg/30 mins and the pasta? bolognaise is cooked to perfection. I'm thinking of applying for Masterchef Bali 'coz I heard the Ubud BBQ was successful in terms of 'cuisine horibilus'.

You aren't going to believe this
I just took my last Mrs Mac's pie out of my Denpoo right at the moment your post came through and I am eating it slowly because it's still a bit scaldingly hot
I have smothered it with ABC Tom Sauce which is a lovely sweet little number
And a final Aga Red for the night (because I have purposely run out)

I was thinking lately 'I wonder how davita is going with the Denpoo' because you hadn't said anything
Now I know and it's great news and 'opens up a new world' for you

Thanks for the update and bon appetite

BTW, the pasta is perfect because your wife set it up properly and you followed her directions
Buy her some flowers for her return
I reckon she will be impressed you did this


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
AGA Red with a pie saturated in ABC...what kind of Plebeian are you?

I'm sated with the pasta swilled with a fine Wolf Blass Bilyara cabernet 2013...and only half-way thru'. You ozzies still don't realize/realise how lucky you have all been...

Flowers for the kidding...I just bought her a villa in Sanur.


AGA Red with a pie saturated in ABC...what kind of Plebeian are you?

A happy one !

I'm sated with the pasta swilled with a fine Wolf Blass Bilyara cabernet 2013...and only half-way thru'. You ozzies still don't realize/realise how lucky you have all been...

Oh yes they do
There has been a wine glut in Australia for around 7-8 years now and prices have remained low, which is (probably) why 2 Islands was born
In fact, there is a company called SOFA KING that has branched into wine sales due to slow furniture sales and his claim is his prices are 'SOFA KING low'

Flowers for the kidding...I just bought her a villa in Sanur.

You gentleman
Nice work

You buy her a Villa
She takes off to Jakarta for a week
You get a cooking lesson from your old/new mate paulseawind
And you have half a btl (2 glasses) of WB's cab left (I have met him - he's a shortie) and nobody to have to share it with
Life must be looking pretty good right now

Great story

BTW, I read your Blog posts - all 5 of them
Nice one about your Dad
It shows respect


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
SOFA KING Lo....that's brilliantly've made my day...thank you.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
just for wife is in JKT because her galpal , who lives in Vancouver, will arrive JKT tomorrow.
This lady was one of the reasons my wife and I immigrated to Canada in 1990 and became citizens. Her family are not wealthy and live kampung. We have a luxury apartment in JKT so she can stay there until acclimitised.
She was diagnosed with Lupus....which later became a in Canada? The poisons they gave her almost killed her...she has now recovered but needs this holiday to see her family...we never know when such a thing might happen to any of us and my wife is very supportive.

Since istree left, my life of freedom and debauchery, other than taking the piss on this forum, and listening to Brits about Manchester's game and GLEE boring!
I really don't care if WB is a dwarf...fine wine.... and I have 1 glass left!:cupcake: .....before I need to uncork another bottle...:eagerness:

selamat malam
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
We have a luxury apartment in JKT so she can stay there until acclimitised.

I'm not totally unwell but I am feeling a bit peaky, can I stay in your Jakarta Luxury Recovery Home too?

and my wife is very supportive.

I could use all the support I can get - how old did you say she is...?

Don't see this as a cry for help, more a chance to serve...


She was diagnosed with Lupus....which later became a in Canada? The poisons they gave her almost killed her...

A friend also almost died at the hands of an incorrect instruction from the Doctor - same thing really
I went to see him in Hospital
He looked shocking, like he had just come from the Make-Up room of a horror film, with severe big blotches all over his body
But, with the help of his long-time friend and the Hospital staff, he was nursed back to recovery and is back again

I am cautious of doctors and hardly ever resort to medication BUT I am impressed that here in Bali some meds are available over the counter
2 that I use are Cialis and Amoxicillin
Cialis (get the real one) is a necessary one for me these days (being 60 yrs old and fair square in the middle of the ED statistice) and Amoxicillin was used for an infection I got while using Cialis (very common, those UTIs, but easily treated)
I was so relieved to be able to get the Amoxicillin and treat myself, and it worked perfectly after I read blogs, etc, and made command decisions about my situation
Also, I learned a lot thru that little exercise which just goes to show that 'Every cloud does have a silver lining'

In Australia, one must pay a Doctor for his/her time to write a Prescription and then have to pay very high prices to get the meds
Oh, I forgot to add that you must also wait around until the Doctor has the time to honour the appointment you waited a few days to get

I hope your friend recovers fully
If you get complaints from JKT about the noise from the apartment you will know she's going OK


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
2 that I use are Cialis and Amoxicillin
Cialis (get the real one) is a necessary one for me these days (being 60 yrs old and fair square in the middle of the ED statistice) and Amoxicillin was used for an infection I got while using Cialis (very common, those UTIs, but easily treated)

First let me honour (honor?) your honesty and openness on a public forum "outing" your usage of pencil sharpener Cialis - everyone I know says they only use it as a party drug coupled with Viagra as V is faster acting and C is longer term.

Trouble is most of them are so involved and passionate in their "affairs" that they watch TV at the same time they're shagging.

Might I also respectfully point out that the UTIs (urinary tract infections) might not come from the pencil sharpener but where you are then putting the pencil? :icon_wink:


First let me honour (honor?) your honesty and openness on a public forum "outing" your usage of pencil sharpener Cialis - everyone I know says they only use it as a party drug coupled with Viagra as V is faster acting and C is longer term.

Wow - I hate V - it sets neurones in your brain and I get very thirsty and sometimes aggressive - I will not use it
C is definitely the go and the price here is Rp135.000 for one 20mg, lasts about 6 days and is in the new blister packaging - there are too many copies in the packaging out there - the poor ink quality on the box gives them away and the sales pitch of the street corner dude also adds to the conclusion it'd be like standing on a street corner tearing up rupiah notes
My Doctor said V was the first one and but C is the gold standard, and I agree

There are also the Indian copies that do work but you need to adminster them on an empty stomach and they only last 48 hours, if that

Trouble is most of them are so involved and passionate in their "affairs" that they watch TV at the same time they're shagging.

Depends what is on the TV!! But you can get a sore neck from craning doing that

Might I also respectfully point out that the UTIs (urinary tract infections) might not come from the pencil sharpener but where you are then putting the pencil? :icon_wink:

Yes, the pencil is the part that needs to be appropriately attired if it's a new/unknown/untried/initial/original/unprecedented encounter

(Sorry, I used to be a member of the Thesaurus Club)


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Trying the Denpoo again...this is fun. My maid was here but I sent her home as I don't need her to trusty Denpoo now has counter space and not destined for the high cupboard anymore.:icon_mrgreen:

btw my rotisserie doesn't turn unless 'rotisserie sign' is selected on the middle switch.