
Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Davita....2 cottage pies and 2 sausage rolls....heated to a crispy perfection...View attachment 2225

Looks yummy...
I have an idea...why not start a TV program titled...'How to be a Masterchef using only a frying pan'

Come on man...don't be a 'cheap charlie'....buy your wife an oven!:tongue:


Feb 2, 2014
Also bought yesterday...in fact delivered to my door.....steak and cheese pies, egg bacon and cheese pies......mmmmmmm freshly baked, hot when they arrived........and, low and behold.....cheaper, bigger and nicer than back home.....go figure....of course a couple of people won't believe that because they have conquered bali and nawt else exists outside

and....she don't want an oven, she knows how to make do.....besides new shack we move to in december has one.
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Jul 24, 2010
Thanks Sam. No Idea tried this mob but got no response from his queries.

These are Lamb cutlets from Raja Meats Sanurrrr.

I bought these as they have a good amount of fat on them.

I have seen trimmed lamb racks cheaper but they have little meat on them.

These were 269000rp. Good flavour.

Gunna have a crack at their lamb leg next.



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
seattle pekutatan
Anyone know where to get a leg of goat?
Makkro-Lotte usually has them frozen, and there is a live goat market in Denpasar near a university where they will supposedly butcher the parts you wish. Sorry I can't specify the location, but think you can research the subject here as it was posted with detailed directions within the past couple years.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Thanks Mugwump - found it and will act accordingly: Find the traffic lights on Gatot Subroto, Denpasar at the crossroads with Ahmad Yani and turn into Ahmad Yani South. You'll go past the Police station on the left (if you've ever been to Wangaya Hospital coming from the north this is the way you were going). This is Banjar Lumintang or Kampung Jawa (depending on your choice of God).

Most of the traffic will take the first right into Maruti. Go with it and immediately look on the left for KAMBING KURBAN which is beside the Badung River and bridge.

Or, come north up Kartini from Pasar Badung and go past Wangaya Hospital on the left. All the traffic will turn left into Maruti.

Choose your goat, the bloke will arrange what you want.


Feb 2, 2014
Thanks Sam. No Idea tried this mob but got no response from his queries.

These are Lamb cutlets from Raja Meats Sanurrrr.

I bought these as they have a good amount of fat on them.

I have seen trimmed lamb racks cheaper but they have little meat on them.

These were 269000rp. Good flavour.

Gunna have a crack at their lamb leg next.

View attachment 2232View attachment 2233

there service was excellent for me......thats expensive for lamb chops....about 2.5 times the price back home, yet their leg price is almost similar and very good....can only put it down to them hiking the price for the more popular chops, than legs....no other reason for it, cos if they can get legs for similar price, for sure they can get chops too.


Jul 24, 2010
I thought the opposite! Those chops are a similar price in Australia. I got a quote on a lamb leg at Raja
was over 400,000rp @ 170,000/kg maybe 40% more than back home (but have not been home in a while).

I think the pricing is reasonable for the odd Lamb fix.

My best buy was the whole Aussie ribeye from Alamboga beautiful. Cost 560,000 for 3.5kg.

I am going to buy a leg, bone it out and cut it into 3 smaller roasts. A neighbourhood dog will hit the Jackpot
that day!


Feb 2, 2014
I have their price list here...legs 180k a kilo...chops 270k a kilo.....back home and most recently march this year i was paying circa 140k for chops and 110k for legs....all excellent quality....and these were imported further from oz and nz than oz to bali.....understand taxes can be different, but talking about the leg and chop price diff only.

The lamb sausages from raja imo...are not worth it, ee could not tell difference between them....but huge price diff.

Alamboga is a good supplier, not tried there meat yet other than mince.....looking for a really good salmon supplier....for right price of course.


Feb 2, 2014
For you Davita....missus just cooked this pizza in the frying pan....seriously good cook she is......would make me rich if she opened a restaurant



Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
For you Davita....missus just cooked this pizza in the frying pan....seriously good cook she is......would make me rich if she opened a restaurant

View attachment 2240

Looks yummy but don't know about being rich.... there's about 4 pizza restos within walking distance from me and none are very busy...maybe in take-away. I prefer thin and crispy anyway.


Feb 2, 2014
This was thin...and crispy after the frying pan did its job.......being rich i was refering to her cooking ability in general, especially thai as would be expected....high claim, but yet to taste better anywhere than her tucker.

Problem is restaurants are a lot of work and never home.....that could be a good thing for some....maybe a lunchtime place only.


davita, you need to buy a Denpoo or a KIRIN
They are a small electric oven with a rotisserie
Rp400.000 approx and is the size of a microwave
No need to run a big gas oven for a couple of pies
Once plugged in, you set the temperature and whether to heat from the top or the bottom or both top and bottom
Then set the timer
You are then free to do something else because it switches itself off when the timer ends and your food is just kept in there as a warmer
You get used to how long the timer needs to be set
Meat pies come out browned and crunchy top and crust - use 190 and 35 minutes but start watching the top around 30 minutes until you get the hang of it


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
[MENTION=12095]Pau[/MENTION]sawind post #56

You will not believe this....
My wife is in Jakarta for a few days so I gave our maid the weekend off. This leaves me in charge of my castle (a small villa actually) and I have free access to the normal taboo area...the kitchen.

I read your post #56 and remembered we had a gadget in a high cupboard. I always thought it was a toaster-type oven so I got it out...guess what...it IS a Denpoo exactly like you describe...Denpoo DEO 18T Oven Listrik - TV & Elektronik Rumah Tangga dijual Jawa Barat - Bekasi - berniaga.com...some of it (I think the rotisserie bits) is still wrapped in plastic.

So thanks for the heads-up which has given me confidence to give it a trial run later. I'm within walking distance to Raja Meat so I'll pop around and get-me a few pies and...190deg for 30 mins will be set. The instructions say to bake...use TOP HEAT...correct?
Do you mean those are the settings for a frozen pie, or do I need to defrost first...we don't have a micro-wave here?
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davita #57

You will Not believe This!
I also have a DEO-18T
It's about 2 years old
The rotisserie worked in the in-store demo in Singaraja but by the time it arrived home on my scooter, the rotisserie wasn't working
I think it was the last 1.4 kms of bumpy road into the village that did it in

Anyhow, you will also Not Believe This either!!!
Just as your post came through, my Mrs Mac's pie had just finished in the Denpoo and I am halfway through eating it right now
How's that!
Talking about pies, you also have a Denpoo and I can give you some up to the minute details on how to do the pie because I am actually doing it at the same time
Soon you'll be rushing out to buy an apron and a big white chef hat!
(Actually, my wife is a Chef and she wears a small hat - I think it's only the French who use those flamboyant ones)

Before you start the oven, get the pies ready to go
That black oven dish that is inside your oven, just slide it out
Get some alfoil and put it in the dish so it covers the bottom
Put the pies on the alfoil and make sure each pie is not touching the other pie or the sides
Slide the dish back in on the middle slot
There are 3 choices of slot on the Denpoo DEO-18T
Choose the middle slot, because of the surrounding heat being applied - that makes sense

OK - the top dial (right-hand side) is the Temp
Set it to 190
The next down is the Selector for the heat elements - turn the dial all the way to the right to use both top and bottom - the little diagrams show what each of the 4 settings are used for
You will find you use that setting for almost everything except grill (grill where the heat is on top such as for snags, chops, etc)

For a frozen pie if you just use TOP it will still be cold on the underside and maybe even still a little firm
So, set it for 'surround sound type heat' and it will be fine
Note: If the pie is not frozen, do the same as for frozen except only apply 15-20 minutes, depending on the pie itself - keep an eye on the browning of the top of the pie

The bottom dial is the combo ON/OFF timer
Make sure the door is closed and set the timer to 30 minutes
The red light will come on so you can see it is ON and, therefore, cooking - that's a handy feature to use from a distance

The rotisserie will turn but that rotisserie bar should not be inside for this exercise
I keep my rotisserie bar in the drawer and, sadly, the parts on the Denpoo and the KIRIN are not interchangeable due to different internal widths

Then just wait until the bell goes off - the red light goes off a second later

Bon Apettite!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Great info...thank you.

My wife is also a good cook although not professional...she has pre-cooked many small casserole dishes for me (stew, curry, shepherds pie, etc) while she's away, and I have instructions on how to heat them up, one by one, in the big gas oven.

I think it more efficient to re-heat in this Denpoo...what's your take?


You're welcome

Yes, I think use the Denpoo if you are comfortable with that
It's good practice for you too

Use your wife's times and temperatures for each of the things you are heating/cooking - should all be quite OK
And use the top and bottom heat selection each time and the middle shelf
The Denpoo heats up quite quickly just as a gas oven does because it's cooking chamber is quite small

And if the Denpoo door does not close perfectly, just add about 3 degrees to the temperature setting and a couple of minutes to the timer
You will soon learn how to jiggle all these parameters

But, one thing I just thought of, if she has left you something in a big dish that is too high for the Denpoo middle shelf, (e.g. a casserole dish) maybe go the gas oven for that one

One thing you can do, for general safety, is unplug the Denpoo as soon as the cooking is done and you are about to take the food out, because it is an electrical appliance
We have a policy here of unplug the appliance if it's not in use
Toaster, jug, oven, washing machine
I don't know about your weather so much but we get big electrical storms here in the Dec-Feb period and we are now in the habit of not having things plugged in unless they need to be