
Trying the Denpoo again...this is fun. My maid was here but I sent her home as I don't need her to cook...my trusty Denpoo now has counter space and not destined for the high cupboard anymore.:icon_mrgreen:
btw my rotisserie doesn't turn unless 'rotisserie sign' is selected on the middle switch.

Good stuff
I just looked at mine and there is a little picture for the rotisserie to the lower left of the dial but the dial does not get to it
I think I have the Denpoo someone else returned
But I don't need a rotisserie


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Correction...you are right. The rotisserie goes round no matter what heating is selected...very quiet. The sign is just a sign...doesn't do anything.
Just heated up a shepherds pie my wife cooked...nice and crispy topping of potato.


. . . shepherds pie ... nice and crispy topping of potato.

Sounds like it would go very well with ABC Tomato Sauce and an Aga Red or three
And, of course, sea salt - I use Maldon sea salt crystals from Down Under - (really good on a steak)

To get extra crispy on your pie top you can brush some oil (or melted butter mixed with oil) on, but not much - a tablespoon max and spread it thin with just the tip ends of the bristles to get the oil on the pie and not all in the brush bristles

I am trying to convert my 'I don't cook' neighbour to the Denpoo/Kirin way of life
I googled Denpoo DEO-18T to get him a pic, etc, and you won't believe this, but our conversation came up on Google as the 2 lead entries with the thread name
We're famous !

A shopping run to Darwin should also include a pack of Maldon plain/original/asli
Once you have had Maldon you won't want anything else


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
QUOTE 'I googled Denpoo DEO-18T to get him a pic, etc, and you won't believe this, but our conversation came up on Google as the 2 lead entries with the thread name
We're famous!'

And yet the Masterchef TV people haven't called or PM'd...how long should I wait?...:confused:

I think my wife put some sprinkled cheese as a topping and that went crispy...Also, I'm born Scots, so HP brown sauce is our standard.
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