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  1. kayoticlaudia

    Visa Application changes from Oz to Indonesia

    And this is why I stopped applying for the SosBud in Germany..... They wanted a copy of my income statement, a print of of the registry office of the city I was living, a legal document stating I was allowed to reside in Germany (Dutch passport I thought was statement enough), return flight...
  2. kayoticlaudia

    Childrens passports

    LOL Davita! I am fine with my situation as long as I don't want to get married or die...... Things have changed A LOT since 2001 in re. to passports, citizenship, certificates pertaining to status (birth, marriage, divorce, death). It used to be easy but now everything has to be current and...
  3. kayoticlaudia

    Childrens passports

    No apologies necessary..... I was born in Taiwan to a Dutch father who was born in Indonesia who was born to a Dutch father who also was born in Indonesia..... And I have no official birth certificate (not registered as born at the local offices in Taiwan) - YET...... every 5 years they give...
  4. kayoticlaudia

    Childrens passports

    Can confirm this...... Have a Dutch passport so am a Dutch National but NOT a Dutch citizen. Was told this when trying to get help with my nonexistent Birth certificate. Am in a very confused state because then I am a citizen of....... heck if I knew!
  5. kayoticlaudia

    are Indonesians skinny or fat

    Tried the running off with the mobile - did not work on my daughter but then she is not so addicted to it thankfully....... Famine - they meant the intelligence and common sense as being lacking. This started with the internet and est. social media. Ice ages - this refers to the social...
  6. kayoticlaudia

    Homes needed for 2 bali puppies or advice on how to find them homes!!!

    Hi Katie, I will be back in Bali end October. If you can foster one till then I will definitely take one. I would like a male as already have two females, but will also take a female if that is all there is. Also can you tell me how they are?
  7. kayoticlaudia

    Help Me Please!

    ha ha ha ... masuk angin! Actually I thought it was the rain drops on your head..... No seriously...... get a blood test and if you have any common sense you can read the results. If the red blood cells are low in count it is most likely dengue! But you have to be adamant about getting the...
  8. kayoticlaudia

    Bread Maker Advise Please

    Investing in an oven imho would be better than a bread maker. You can get oven like contraptions to put on top of your gas cooker. Even baking bread on a camping fire is possible.
  9. kayoticlaudia

    Bread Maker Advise Please

    Bread making is an art.... I bake my own bread/croissants/pretzels in Europe as well as in Bali. The process is the same but the ingredients mainly the flour depends on the weather/temperature and humidity. So a bread maker is not really the way to go. A good bread kneading machine is all you...
  10. kayoticlaudia

    terrorist threats

    ..... which news? Have not heard anything here in Germany!
  11. kayoticlaudia

    An Earth-shatteringly Important Problem!!

    Tyre or tire was common in England way way back! I think that the Brits have stuck to the tyre for the love of history.... Plough or plow.... two extra letters that make a difference and again the British trying to stick to old heritage. As a teenager and thus in my rebellious years I was a...
  12. kayoticlaudia

    An Earth-shatteringly Important Problem!!

    ... well I'm talking about way way back! The snobs of certain countries were Francophiles..... The Dutch upper class for example spoke French to each other, the British upper class sent their daughters to France to be educated (which I am sure was extended beyond just books, culture and food).....
  13. kayoticlaudia

    An Earth-shatteringly Important Problem!!

    wha ha ha........ when I moved from Jakarta to Singapore and was thus in a British school I refused to change my spelling ie the "-or" to "-our". After my British teachers repeatedly gave me bad grades for spelling I did a lot of research. I won the case! It is the British love of the French...
  14. kayoticlaudia

    Where to get Australian birth certificate for baby born in bali

    Just get this done with all the legal signatures and chops! I can tell you that I, now already 47 years on this planet, have been trying to get a legal and accepted birth certificate for myself for the past two years! Born in Taiwan and no birth registration I am officially non-existent although...
  15. kayoticlaudia

    DHL express to bali with no address

    Just for information: you can use the German tracking number on the Pos Indonesia website. Notices that a shipment is in customs are sent by mail and these get lost more often than not.
  16. kayoticlaudia

    Small Package from USA Stuck in Customs Black Hole

    lol! 80% import duty on all items...... That is the rule here on imported goods in Indonesia because they want people to buy items bought that are produced in Indonesia. Makes sense unless of course it is an item that is not produced in Indonesia - but if I remember correctly there are some...
  17. kayoticlaudia

    Caught Working in Bali?

    As far as I remember it was that these people were tipped off..... I guess jealousy was the reason..... It was a Hotel/Homestay & Restaurant - what these people were working is unclear to me but any form of working without a permit is against the law. It was the police and immigrations that...
  18. kayoticlaudia

    Is Bali more and more expensive ?

    after a Bintang or two I might not quite get all of the above ...... But asking if Bali is getting more and more expensive is really a ridiculous question! The whole world is getting more and more expensive!
  19. kayoticlaudia

    Caught Working in Bali?

    The only first hand knowledge I have is of a person being deported (no prison) and never allowed back into Indonesia......
  20. kayoticlaudia

    Microsoft software for macbook.

    If you already have all the microsoft programs and a windows os why not install Parallels and you can run your mac as a windows pc as well as a mac. That way all you need to buy is parallels software.