Last March 2015 when I applied for a SosBud Visa by mail from Perth to Canberra I had to send them a copy of my bank account (and have a sponsor of course).

Could you not have applied in person at the RI Consul in Perth?
When I used to do a Sosbud visa to come to RI, many times, I applied to the Vancouver Consul office and it never went to tha Ottawa Embassy....and I was retired in Canada.
Maybe Australia is different due to the estranged relationship between the countries.
Last month when applying for a new sosbud in Singapore I did not have to show any banking details whatsoever. Only my sponsors details in Bali.
No problems.
i applied for a sosbud visa at Darwin in October, there is a sign at the window and they ask YOU for a 3 month bank statement My wife was with me and although we had already printed and signed a sponsor letter they provide a pre-printed sponsor form that you fill in with your/her details.Usually takes about 5 working days and i don't believe they send your passport anywhere only check with jakarta for approval possibly! This visa (60 days plus extend 4 times up to 180 days total)is the one that you can convert into Kitas BUT not anymore according to Imigrasi Jember,they want a VITAS instead to convert to ITAS..This is going to be a major hassle if we have to go to Jakarta for pre-approval then leave the country and return again.I might have to use a dreaded agent so they can pass a few bucks onto imigrasi on my behalf aarrgh...Has anyone ever gotten a pre-approval for VITAS before without going personally to Jakarta??

Who was your sponsor?
The logical and common sense reason for a sponsor to be in RI is if anything goes awry with the visa holder the Government still has access to the sponsor to clarify whatever is the issue.... Immigration need to know what position and financial situation the sponsor holds. Makes perfect sense to me.
If the sponsor is not living in Indonesia than how can they be an effective sponsor?
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Are you saying the rules have changed or immigration do not know the rules???Sometime you need to show them the regulations, not uncommon to ask 3 different officers before you get the right answer.

I showed them the regulations and they were pissed with me telling them their job,I told them i was going to complain and they said go for it.The head guy is never there (or is hiding) kepala kantor making new rules for the guys out front
Who was your sponsor?
The logical and common sense reason for a sponsor to be in RI is if anything goes awry with the visa holder the Government still has access to the sponsor to clarify whatever is the issue.... Immigration need to know what position and financial situation the sponsor holds. Makes perfect sense to me.
If the sponsor is not living in Indoneesia than how can they be an effective sposnsor?

my wife(indonesian) is my the preprinted sponsor letter (printed by Indo Govt.)is strange because she would have to be there(inDarwin,which she was) to sign it...unless in other peoples case they could email to someone in indo to sign and return
My experience of applying for a sosbud in Oz was that the paperwork was filled out by my sponsor, signed and emailed back to me along with the bone fides of my sponsor who was a representative of a recognised language school that I had paid to attend. I had several photocopies of each document, photo's etc. Attended the consulate paid the money and handed in the application and returned 5 working days later to pick up my passport with the visa approved.
I wasn't asked for any of my banking details at all.
The Indonesian staff were courteous and very helpful.
That of course was just my experience.
Could you not have applied in person at the RI Consul in Perth?

Yes, I could. It takes me 50 minutes to get there..... find a parking spot and queue up with many other applicants then do the same to pick it up a week later....... or just post it to Canberra!! However..... it looks like Canberra and Perth don't talk each other too much although I have always been led to believe that the Perth applications are sent to Canberra for approval.
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It appears that link is a visa agent.

Here is a link to the SosBud page at the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra:

403 Forbidden

(if you can't see it, right click on it and copy address into browser)

I have never been asked for any letter but last year was asked for bank statement and proof of a return ticket. The $600 a week part is new and the fee is now $70.
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And this is why I stopped applying for the SosBud in Germany..... They wanted a copy of my income statement, a print of of the registry office of the city I was living, a legal document stating I was allowed to reside in Germany (Dutch passport I thought was statement enough), return flight ticket, sponsor letter and ktp copy and sometimes they asked for proof of health insurance! Just too much hassle which is why I started applying in Singapore. So much easier!
Every year since 2006 I have got a social visa in Ny,and spend 5 months per year here in Ri,i have never been asked for a Bank statement,i assumed that was because my sponsor is responsible for me while I'm over here,i don't speak Indonesian but I believe the letter she gives me to get my visa states that she is responsible,however I could be wrong about that,

Each year before applying for the visa I always check the Ri Consulate website in Nybjust in case they have made any changes,i did that again November last and nothing had changed,however when I went to the Consulate they told me things have changed and they now require a bank statement from me,because I left it so late and because of a holiday in the US there was not enough time to get the Bank statement so I came here on a Voa,

It's a little confusing as to why they change the rules and not make the changes known on their website,

However I'm thinking that either the Voa that can be extended or the 60 day visa are a better idea,because the social though it can be extended is very restrictive,it can only be extended in the place the sponsor is from,which makes it hard to travel much because I have to come back to Surabaya every couple of weeks to extend.
.....came here on a Voa, However I'm thinking that either the Voa that can be extended or the 60 day visa are a better idea,because the social though it can be extended is very restrictive,it can only be extended in the place the sponsor is from,which makes it hard to travel much because I have to come back to Surabaya every couple of weeks to extend.

I believe that you can extend only the paid-for VOA and not the free VOA by 1 month however local visa agents have usually have good contacts at Immigrasi so the legal rules can often be avoided. I hate corruption........ :) :) :)