I'm getting sketchy to zero internet speed with my Indostat ISP pulsa card. The mobile broadband modem that is supplied here at the place I'm staying is a 4G unit. It says I'm getting 4 bars which ought to be loading webpages at the very least...but it's been hell on a stick for a week.
I'm only able to get reliable internet by using my personal hotspot over my phone using Telcomsel as my provider.
I am in the Ubud area and will be here for the next 4 1/2 months so really need to get this sorted.
Would be real happy to hear advice from some of you as to which pulsa card provider is better....?
Also, would I be better off getting a usb modem? Which one and which provider?
Thank you one and all!
Other that the sucky internet, life is wonderful here in Ubud!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Once you've read all this you will know everything and understand less, I'm afraid that's the lot of us Internutties on Bali.



Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Buy a modem that is not locked to a provider and then try each of the major providers. Ask the people around you what they recommend, one provider may work better than another.
Bwhahaha! You got that right! I had already read all ten pages of posts before I asked my question for that very reason! (Understanding less!)
Oh well, I will just go to the shop and try new cards with different providers till I find something that works!

Once you've read all this you will know everything and understand less, I'm afraid that's the lot of us Internutties on Bali.
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Apr 25, 2010
Wilverhampton UK
My suggestion is buy an open mifi you already know your telekosel already works in the area so buy a data sim only put it in the mifi and you should be fine.