Bert Vierstra

Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
I don't see why a retirement village would be a possible threat to children....

Yeah, maybe because of all the sweets handed out, a threat to their teeth...


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Ni Luh,

What can I say except many thanks for your kind words and support.

It’s clear from Angie’s post that she is not clear how life is in a small kampung di Bali. There are no secrets in a kampung di Bali...hell, even the coconuts have eyes and talk among themselves. No illegal activities can go on in my village without everyone knowing about it. If my village ever felt for one second that a community of foreign retirees could pose a threat to them, or their children, they would have never voted to accept the project.

As you gave me so much support Ni Luh, you are 100% correct that I defend the rights of children with an equal passion that I defend those rights of my own, and my wife’s.

As a point of fact, all of our lease contracts will have a criminal forfeiture clause, which basically means, any tenant convicted of any criminal charges such as drug possession, or the sale thereof, pedophilia, aggravated assault, murder, extortion, etc, will forfeit all rights of their lease back to the banjar. You will note that the clause will say “conviction” as opposed to charged. There has never been a case of pedophilia in our village, and I expect it will remain that way. In the almost eight years I’ve lived in my village, there hasn’t even been a theft.

Oddly enough, there is a new law concerning pornography being bantered about in the house of parliament, or DPR in Jakarta. Within this law, even the wearing of bikini swimwear on public beaches would be outlawed. Also, the wearing of traditional brocade tops, which are somewhat see through, by Balinese women would be banned. The most sickening aspect of this proposed law, as it currently sits in draft from, would be a reduction in the age of an adult to what is currently 18 to 12. I kid you not...and no pun intended.

Can you imagine? No bikini wear on the beaches of Bali, but sex with a 13 year old is legal!

The parliament of Bali, or the provincial Bali DPR is going crazy with this utterly unacceptable proposition. As one legislator was quoted in the Bali Post...”what kind of idiot would dream up this ridiculous proposal?” A woman was quoted, “is my grandmother to go to jail because she still doesn’t wear a top?”

Rest assured, in Bali, children will be protected, at least in the majority of villages. They will be allowed to be the kids they are to the full ability of the Balinese to keep them safe. Moreover, the wonderful dadongs of Bali will not be thrown in jail just because they like things the way they used to be...and the tourists in bikinis won’t be put in jail either.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Jamie

Jamie said:
POOCHIE you have children ?

None yet, but do plan to have one or two in the future. I am still fairly young so don’t have to rush.


Hi Angie

Angie said:
so don't patronise me

Sorry Angie, I was not meaning to condescend you. I was speaking to all readers on the subject of Paedophiles; this is why I purposely did not open my post by addressing you directly. This subject recently lowered the tone of the Valentines thread I created also.

Angie said:
I simply see the possibility of the village set up in the way suggested as being ripe for exploitation by some deviants

Why would a retirement home in a lovely Balinese Village surrounded by caring people be ripe for exploitation by Paedophiles :?:


Ni Luh


Apr 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Re: RE: Residence for seniors / retire in Bali

Ni Luh, as you have had enough of the pedophile issue, I will refrain from discussing it further with you.

Roy said:
As a point of fact, all of our lease contracts will have a criminal forfeiture clause, which basically means, any tenant convicted of any criminal charges such as drug possession, or the sale thereof, pedophilia, aggravated assault, murder, extortion, etc, will forfeit all rights of their lease back to the banjar.

Thank you Roy, for eventually getting around to answering my question :roll:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Jamie writes:

Roy ...where theres a will theres a way ...bad people go undetected till its too late , im sure even in your village .sorry

Who can deny the truth in that statement? However, I can assure you that Bergen New Jersey and Bunutan, Bali are like night and day. Bunutan is a very, very close knit village. There are no secrets here, or at least none that remain a secret for very long. It’s hard to explain this to someone who has never lived in a small Balinese kampung, so I guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

For certain, the activities of any tamu living in such a village is well known within the village. Moreover, I can assure you that the intell branch of Polda is well aware of the activities of foreigners living in Bali, and that all of us has a file.

While none of these precautions can guarantee that nothing bad can happen, in my view the chances are much less here than in most parts of the world.

Ni Luh writes:

Why would a retirement home in a lovely Balinese Village surrounded by caring people be ripe for exploitation by Pedophiles

Good question. I was thinking the very same thing. Since Angie doesn't want to address this issue with you directly, maybe she will answer this question for my benefit?


Apr 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Re: RE: Residence for seniors / retire in Bali

Roy said:
Ni Luh writes:

Why would a retirement home in a lovely Balinese Village surrounded by caring people be ripe for exploitation by Pedophiles

Good question. I was thinking the very same thing. Since Angie doesn't want to address this issue with you directly, maybe she will answer this question for my benefit?

If in a perfect world the residents in your village were all "caring people" then of course, no problem. I was asking how you were going to ensure that all the residents were "caring people" and not pedophiles.

It is clear that this scenario has already been considered by the banjar and yourself, as I fully expected it had been, so why question my initial reasoning?

You have already answered my question Roy, no further disucssion was required, that is why I didn't answer Ni Luh.

Now, I am turning off the computer and enjoying my Sunday with my family. :D


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Angie writes....

f in a perfect world the residents in your village were all "caring people" then of course, no problem.

BINGO lady, you've got it! Bloody rue, you win the prize!

Angie! My village is about as "perfect a world" as one would ever see. :p

If you don't think so, then either get over here, or talk to some of the members on this forum that have been here.

My "issue" with you is that you assumed, some how, and out of nowhere, that the nature of this project would encourage pedophiles. And ya, that sort of un-based logic set me off a bit, especially when it comes from someone who knows nothing about Bali.

I hope you had a great Sunday with your family. For us, we played in the swimming pool all day long...and it was hot too!


Aug 9, 2004
I havent been to Ubud but i have hear going out at night in the dark is dodgey and dangerous. :shock: :shock:

Yes Roy i am afraid there have been warnings about Ubud for all you love about it . Frankly health warning regarding certain parts of Ubud.

Confused eh well lets just say a certain establishment called Naughty Nuris comes with a health warning about staying in there to long for risk of ending up totally without feeling in ones legs and also problems with ones Balance. I wonder just what it could be eh ? :wink: :wink: :wink:

Any ideas Roy at all :) :)

Rgd Spark

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Ok folks, What's the point here?
The world is not perfect. But though I have never been in one personally. I have studied the goings on in an adat comunity INTENSELY.
I can not imagine a more wonderful atmosphere for children to grow in. And if my mother were still she would have loved to retire in her beloved Bali.
-So westerners lock up your kids. They are Far from safe here. And stick grandma in a home. That way you can get about your hurried lives without worries.
And Sparky, If I sit too long anywhere I sometimes can't feel my legs.
I assume you are refering to 'date-rape' drugs ie. GHB or the like. I go to clubs and rave parties all the time. It is foolish to leave any drink unattended. Anywhere.
If I were to have children. I would drop everything and get our asses on the Island as fast as possible.
It is NOT safe to be a child here in the USA!


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I Made...matur suksuma!

Frankly, I regret the day...some months ago, when I first brought this topic up. It’s often painfully clear how many folks have no idea about Bali.


Apr 17, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Re: RE: Residence for seniors / retire in Bali

Roy said:
especially when it comes from someone who knows nothing about Bali. !

It is not like me to resort to name calling but Roy, you are a pompous a**

I am tired of you. You and I are like "night and day", here's hoping you don't "ebb with the tide" aaaaaaaaaaah :evil:

I am currently cleansing my heart, soul and home of clutter, consider yourself cleared.

Sorry, Bert . . . I would have liked to stay, but he's just not worth it


New Member
Aug 23, 2011
Ayung River update


Just curious is anything moved forward on the retirement community? Haven't been able to find any new posts.




New Member
May 8, 2012
Perth / Ubud
Retirement Village


On a more serious note, (and yes, you deserved that smack), it is not me who has determined Bali as very attractive for retirement. That was established last year by a poll conducted by the AARP...the American Association of Retired Persons. They have a membership of over 20 million people. In the poll they conducted, Bali came in 5th worldwide as the place most retirees would like to settle.


To more seriously answer your, right now there are no retirement communities in Bali...but you can bet that soon enough it will happen. In my own village, just outside of Ubud and along the Ayung River, our community is planning such a facility to be built on at least five hectares of village owned land and right along the river’s edge with fantastic views of the Ayung River gorge. This will be a fully self-contained retirement community, but within it we will be re-building our primary and secondary schools, as well as a medical clinic specializing in geriatrics. Additionally, there will be a helo-port for emergency medivacs to the international wing of Sanglah hospital in Denpasar...about 15 minutes by helicopter.

The Ubud area, especially along the Ayung River has one of the best year round climates in all of Bali. It has moderate humidity, clean fresh air, and maintains an average daily temperature of 84 degrees Fahrenheit with little daily fluctuation.

This project is not a commercial endeavor, but rather community owned, and will be professionally operated by outside experts as needed. The benefit to the community will be that all children can receive complete education at no cost to the families right up to the collegiate level, and that all villagers will have free access to the medical clinic. Conceptually, it will be a village within our village, but totally integrated within the entire village.

The benefits for the retired foreign members of the village will be quality level only, with all services like laundry, cooking, gardening, cleaning, etc provided by the staff.

Currently, this is all still on “the drawing board” but it will happen as the vote to do this has been finalized by the village “adat” or elders. The concept is seen as a total “win win” situation where both the villagers, as well as the retirees benefit.

Since Rien has finally “come clean” and admit that he has similar plans, you can PM me for more details, which for proprietary reasons, would be careless of me to publicly share.

My friends, my wife and I are interested in this retirement village. Is it happening? Sorry I could PM you as I don't have 10 postings yet. Very happy to talk to you privately if you PM me and we can get into email communication.