
New Member
Hi, we came to Bali in 2010 to start up our holiday villas.After problems with notary and real estate manager,who sold us the property with a proper IMB,we asked an agency to progress our PMA and KITAS. After 1 year PMA was finished and our KITAS last month.Now there is a new problem.They say we cannot run our holiday villas,because there are only 4 and have no restaurant! So it isn't a pondok wisata but a 3* hotel,they say in Jakarta. IMB is also not oke! Now we have to
hire a management agency who will take care of our property or our sponsor has to take care. Otherwise we will get problems! We don't understand this system
anymore. Does anybody can advise us what to do?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
pondok wisata license needs to be in the name of an Indonesian citizen and therefor cannot be held by an PMA (foreign investment company).
Their explanation is vague and not to the point, so to be clear...it's not because there's not a restaurant or 'just' 4 villa's, the problem is that a PMA only can hold licenses for 3* hotel or higher.

as for the proper IMB, what do you mean with proper? as in commercial building permit? or just that the building has a license? In who's name is it?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
You need to check the "Negative Investment List" from the BKPM website. http://www.bkpm.go.id/file_uploaded/PPres-36-2010.pdf (page 66).

Foreigners cannot own a homestay, but for a guesthouse, which I presume is the translation for "pondok wisata", they can own 51%, according to the document. I thought the classification for a pondok wisata was only based on the number of rooms - 5 or less. Maybe you need a new notary or lawyer :boxing:


Jul 28, 2011
Denpasar Bali
if you looking for 3*hotel license thats must be a restaurant in it and another certificate needs to be 3* hotel.but if its pondok wisata that should be no problem if there is no restaurant. But for PMA you can't running the company on your own, you should take indonesian partner to do your company.