
New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
My name is Setiabudi from Jakarta, Indonesia.

I am in Bali right now and I'm looking for business partners from other countries.

I had the idea to create a new business in Bali is "PERSONAL ASSISTANT SERVICES" with Wrist Watch Device built in GPS and GSM (GPS Personal Tracker) for tourists who come to Bali.

More tourists come to Bali to enjoy the culture, nature and its people. Mostly they used the service of a travel agent where all of their activities were arranged by the travel agent until the most trivial matter that are driver, guide, transport and the Bali tours.

However many guests are keen to find and enjoy Bali more personally, they want to seek an adventure of their own without being arranged where to go but also did not want to lose the feeling of comfort travelling in Bali.

I had the idea to create a new service that is "PERSONAL ASSISTANT SERVICES" where there is a 24-hours staff duty who served as tour guides remotely and driving directions remotely through our equipment Personal GSM Tracker is a watch that can form 2-way communication between staff duty with tourist.

With our services they can go wherever they like and they are not afraid to stray and is not afraid
to stay at their location they visited. Because the services we can provide whatever it takes
tourists to their location for instance need a tent, need food, need a stove, need a bike, need a
bodyguard, need a doctor, need ambulance and others. all we can send to their location because
we know their position on a map via GPS Personal Tracker Built in GSM which used them.

if you're interested in working with our team and work together to make this business into a reality...
please email me at mr_ltf (at) . Because we will only form a small team had to start
this business.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Welcome to the forum. It is an interesting idea you have, but I wonder if you will get many people intrested in this. People only realize they need this kind of service after they have run into trouble.

The GPS equipment will be a little expensive to purchase initially. Maybe you could work with car rental agencies?

Also, many people have a GPS device built into their mobiles now and you can get maps for Bali, which people might think is enough.

Applications for the iPhone and Android are really hot right now, so if I was you, that is what I would be looking into right now - an interactive travel application for Bali. There are probably some applications done already, so you might need to think how to make yours better/different.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
thank you for your reply spicyayam...

Our plan of services was made with 2 services are basic services and additional services.
For basic services are as human guides, but was replaced with a wrist watch device built in GPS + GSM.

tourists can talk through this tool to the operator (Duty Officer) to ask what is this place or asked where I am or want to go to a destination better through which the road. Because the operators know where they are, operator can see the computer screen. On the screen there appears a map and coordinates of the point where tourists are now a realtime.

so these basic services instead of human tour guide with a lower cost because they do not have to be given lunch. cost is calculated daily or weekly and that means it is not sold to tourists but but only lent by deposit guarantee. Not all tourists have a mobile phone built in gps so if tourists want to rent our equipment so he's like having a companion who could be asked at any time 24 hours.

Then in addition to basic services were no additional services such as send meals, send tents, send ambulances and other to tourist locations are at additional costs at that moment.
for examples, tourists were now in Uluwatu beach. he's hungry and eager to eat hot dogs. just call our operators and hotdogs come to uluwatu beach. he likes the beach Uluwatu and plan to stay and need of tents, stoves, meat, sleeping bag, and also bodyguard. just call our operators and everything will be delivered by our team with a separate fee for delivery, buy meat and rental equipment


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
It will only work if they are able to order free drinks and bar girls - that's the age of the teckies you are after and that are at all likely to be interested in your service.

I can see it now - a bunch of lost Bule wandering around the island looking like dickless tracy with a fecking great armband on that's screaming at them in a mixture of Balinese and English.

Sorry but I would recommend you go back to the drawing board - they always say the first million is the hardest - that's why I started with the second lol


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
I think that came to Bali not all speak English and humans have different desires. comfortable for you is not necessarily comfortable by other people. easier for you not necessarily easy for other people. expensive for you is not necessarily expensive by other people.

so we hope they feel more secure and comfortable if they use our services. for that we should have specific target markets and conduct different marketing
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Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
I think that came to Bali not all speak English and humans have different desires. comfortable for you is not necessarily comfortable by other people. easier for you not necessarily easy for other people. expensive for you is not necessarily expensive by other people.

so we hope they feel more secure and comfortable if they use our services. for that we should have specific target markets and conduct different marketing

Setiabudi, this sounds to me like a great idea and if I were a tourist in Bali it is something I would consider using if the price were right. But first I would have to know about it. Marketing and advertising will have a huge impact on the success of your project. It would be great if you could get hotels to recommend your service and hand out brochures to customers. An eye-catching product stand at the airport or a big poster describing your service would also be helpful.
As a tourist, after realizing the service exists, next I'd want the big question answered. WIIFM? What's In It For Me? In all your advertising your focus needs to be "you" oriented and by that I mean focusing on the prospective customer and how you can solve his problems.
If I had a Dick Tracy watch on my wrist I'd think it was so cool I'd be showing it off to everyone.


New Member
Jun 26, 2010
Buruan, Blahbatuh, Bali
great idea to have a watch size "tour guide". It would be interesting to know the financial and technical as well as personnel feasibility of the project in more detail. How much money do you think you need and for what. What is your time frame for this etc. Just don't publish this on this open forum if you ever want to make business, please.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
My New Business in Bali

I am Setiabudi from jakarta. now I go back to Bali to start a new business that is
Bali Rental Plus (BRP) visit:
We rent out various types of vehicles and equipment to meet your needs for a holiday in Bali

Renting vehicles:
- Motorcycle (with GPS Tracking and helmet navigator for remote guide by phone)
- Car (with GPS Tracking and mobile phone for remote guide by phone)
- ATV (Coming Soon)
- Offroad vehicles (Coming soon)
- Bicycle (Coming soon)
- etc.
Renting equipment:
- IP TV + Internet Wireless (to view satellite television broadcasts via internet)
- Open Box + Parabola (to view satellite television broadcasts via parabola)
- Tent (coming soon)
- Surf Board (coming soon)
- etc
We also have 24-hour delivery service:
- Gasoline delivery to your location (especially for those of you who rent our vehicles)
- Food delivery to your location (especially for those of you who rent our vehicles or equipment)
- Other delivery (Tent, Surv Board, Bicycle, etc)

We will try to provide the best service for you. We also are looking forward to your suggestions for our best services.

We also accept the investor to provide vehicles or equipment for rental to the user. investors will get web report on rental orders data.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
There are so many individuals and companies offering cars and motorbikes for rent, I would suggest doing something different. Concentrate on one thing and do it really well.

One market you might want to focus on, is parties and events and rent things like chairs, sound systems, lighting, marquees etc.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
thank you for your advice.
our focus to the rental motorcycle. indeed many motorcycle rental in bali but no one has provided additional service directions remotely via telephone.

we rented a motorcycle equipped with gps tracking and helmet navigator (helmets + headphones + mobile phone). so users can contact our staff duty to ask for directions way to go and ask for any assistance such as help sent gasoline at night when all gasoline shops closed .

our duty staff can see the position where the motorcycle was on the map. so our duty staff can point to the right and could send gasoline to the user's location quickly because all motorcycle use a GPS tracking (user motorcycle and delivery man motorcycle, both are visible on the map by the duty staff)

so same product with an existing but different services.
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gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
@setiabudi...ever heard of googlemaps? free navigation provided by phone with gprs can easily check their own location and online guidance from A to B. Hungry and need a restaurant, type it in and you'll get different options in the vicinity. Another thing, most people are also not affraid to ask for directions, okay sometimes that can be confusing with the 'go west, then east, turn to the north and you're there" kinda directions, but on vacation that's part of the fun.
as for gasoline-delivery?...every couple of miles theres a gas station, if there's no gasstation or it's closed, there are warungs along the roadside who sell gas by the liter...okay watered down, but hell what does the customer care, it's a rental.
If I were you, I would seriously reconsider starting this business...but hey, you are you and I am me, so if you decide to start it up...the best of luck to you,and your investor.

@spicyayam...that catering stuff kinda business is widely available.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
hello gilbert..
yes I know about the google map on mobile phone and I also frequently use it. But not all tourists have a GPRS mobile phone just like you. I'm not the target market of tourists who frequently came to Bali but who first came to Bali. So I think my business has its own market segment.
I am not currently planning to start this business but already and ready to receive orders.
regarding the gasoline-delivery only if required course and you also know that if at night on 10 pm most warung-gasoline are closed and my friend ever seen a tourist push motorbike because running out of petrol on the road at midnight.
and anyway I do not just rent a motorbike ... but whatever may be desirable. In fact I will make adventure packages. so that there are other business combinations with my rental business.
thank you for your suggestions
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gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
there used to be a place on the airport where one could rent like a handheld navigation device, don't know if it's still there though.
Even then, your start up capital is going to be pretty high, monthly overheadcosts are also going to be quite considerable...I hope you know what you are going to get yourself into.

Just an idea, maybe better to outsource the rental equipment (bike,car) and have/make contracts with the existing rental company's that you provide the guidance part if so desired by the customer. Hereby expanding your market considerable, also saves in insurance,service/maintance of car/bike, just of the top of my head.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
there used to be a place on the airport where one could rent like a handheld navigation device, don't know if it's still there though.
Even then, your start up capital is going to be pretty high, monthly overheadcosts are also going to be quite considerable...I hope you know what you are going to get yourself into.

Just an idea, maybe better to outsource the rental equipment (bike,car) and have/make contracts with the existing rental company's that you provide the guidance part if so desired by the customer. Hereby expanding your market considerable, also saves in insurance,service/maintance of car/bike, just of the top of my head.

for motorcycles and cars has been working with local companies.
I also have my own gps server that can display the map position of motorcycles and also has its own gps tracking equipment.
yes I know with overhead costs that will be issued ..
to repair/maintance i already have a team mechanic.
do I need from investors such as ATV, offroad motorbike for Adventure packages, etc.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
I have an idea .. there may be tourists who frequently came to Bali and do not want to lease vehicles in Bali so he could buy it in cash. when he returned to his country ... the vehicle can be stored at my place for rent.... and profits I transfer to him.
then when he returned to Bali he could use the vehicle for free (because the vehicle belonged to him). So he's cheap holiday .. and get the profits of rental (profit sharing system) and the vehicle could be sold sometime in the future.
This can be applied to anything like: Motorbike, Motorbike off-road, ATV, bicycle, surf board, tent, Air Conditioner (AC), refrigerator, diving equipment, etc.
you will get a web based report orders
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