
Dec 18, 2008
I have an idea .. there may be tourists who frequently came to Bali and do not want to lease vehicles in Bali so he could buy it in cash. when he returned to his country ... the vehicle can be stored at my place for rent.... and profits I transfer to him.
then when he returned to Bali he could use the vehicle for free (because the vehicle belonged to him). So he's cheap holiday .. and get the profits of rental (profit sharing system) and the vehicle could be sold sometime in the future.
This can be applied to anything like: Motorbike, Motorbike off-road, ATV, bicycle, surf board, tent, Air Conditioner (AC), refrigerator, diving equipment, etc.
you will get a web based report orders

Might work. I often wonder what to do with my Suzuki Katana for 6 months of the year when I don't use it. Thought of leaving ot at my local garage and let them use it as a courtesy car or rental.[for a price]. Your Idea could be a goer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
I'm with you Mat this Idea is a real goer............ down the drain.
Most GPRS in Australia come with Asian maps, your market is for new tourist to Bali so they don't want to drive themselves. Cheap taxi & drivers, your market will be some cheap euro's so you need to be very cheap for your cars. Now the motor bike side of the business is a gold mind, geee I wish I had though of that, $2 dollars a day for a bike the money will just roll in. And the Tents bugger, with the price of hotels in Bali this will be a hit. Put me down as a partner, the cheque is in the mail.
Were in the money, were in the money:icon_mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I agree with Fred. Car and motorbike rental in Bali is not a great business idea. How far do you have to go in Bali, before ten guys are screaming "transport" at you. The extra money you will need to pay for a GPS service or telephone operator giving you directions, I am sure many people will opt to just get a driver.

I would be thinking about the market for corporate events, weddings, kid's parties etc. If expat families are paying $10,000 a year for their kids to go to school here, that market must be a good market to go after.

Another business idea that has come up on the forum is the lack of buildings that have a commercial IMB, which you need to register a PMA company. All you would need to do is find some office space that has a commercial IMB and rent out small offices to people, or just charge people for them to use your address for the registration of their companies. You could also provide mail forwarding and secretarial services.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
- Mat ... thank you
- Fred2 .. thank you ...
- spicyayam.. thank you ...

I still believe motorcycle rental business is a good in bali ..
with additional services, I have contributed something different ...
bike rental prices that I offer is almost equal to the market ... but users get more services ... which can be guided remotely ... and can ask for whatever assistance
My business has been started .. so please contact me if you want to store the vehicle or equipment for rent ... we can meet because I was in Bali for a long time...
I will make a report rental orders in realtime ... through a web report .. so you can see how much profit you within 1 month ... system is a profit sharing .. what percentage of you and what percentage of me .. Visit..
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New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
look for resellers in each country

good news ... My business has been opened/launching ... I am looking for resellers to offer a package living in Bali for 7 days .... stay at 3 different places + 1 motorcycle with free remote guide.. that is in Baturiti-Bedugul + in Uluwatu-jimbaran + in kuta ..

the price of mine:

- only $US 155 for package 421 (4 days at cotage baturiti + 2 days at guest room uluwatu + 1 days at cotage kuta + 7 days honda vario motorbike with remote guide)

- only $US 199 for package 322 (3 days at cotage baturiti + 2 days at guest room uluwatu + 2 days at cotage kuta + 7 days honda vario motorbike with remote guide)
- only $US 131 for package 511 (5 days at cotage baturiti + 1 days at guest room uluwatu + 1 days at cotage kuta + 7 days honda vario motorbike with remote guide)

rate inclusion:
- pickup at airport
- welcome drink

you can markup the price as you like and I will make a website with your language + dotcom domain + free hosting for you .. if you become a my reseller

I'll help you too .. for ads on google for the visitors from your country

please email me at admin (at)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2011
seattle pekutatan
I have an idea .. there may be tourists who frequently came to Bali and do not want to lease vehicles in Bali so he could buy it in cash. when he returned to his country ... the vehicle can be stored at my place for rent.... and profits I transfer to him.
then when he returned to Bali he could use the vehicle for free (because the vehicle belonged to him). So he's cheap holiday .. and get the profits of rental (profit sharing system) and the vehicle could be sold sometime in the future.
This can be applied to anything like: Motorbike, Motorbike off-road, ATV, bicycle, surf board, tent, Air Conditioner (AC), refrigerator, diving equipment, etc.
you will get a web based report orders
When I tried buying a car I was told by the dealer that the car could not be in my name as a foreigner. It was new and suppose it might be different for a used vehicle.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
When I tried buying a car I was told by the dealer that the car could not be in my name as a foreigner. It was new and suppose it might be different for a used vehicle.
Unless you hold a KITAS visa, foreigners cannot own cars or motorbikes in Indonesia. This is not a new ruling, it has always been the case.


Apr 2, 2010
When I tried buying a car I was told by the dealer that the car could not be in my name as a foreigner. It was new and suppose it might be different for a used vehicle.

Exactly, a tourist/foreigner with out a Kitas can't buy a vehicle here. But even if they could no one in there right mind would lend it to a random local guy they met on the internet.

Let me give you an example of what could happen if I take you up on this idea. Say I give you my car to rent out for one month while I'm overseas. You take the car and rent it out 10 times, it gets banged up, dented and thrashed by everyone who uses it. I come back from overseas and ask "Hey did anyone rent my car?". You say "No sorry no one rent your car". Knowing that my car has obviously been used what on earth could I or anyone for that mater (even a local) do in that situation? I'll tell you NOTHING!!! nothing at all. Maybe in my country but not here buddy

Also your website looks terrible, not only does it look tacky but your main selling point which is your "GPS Tracking and helmet navigator" is no where to be found except for the few lines of red text. I wouldn't of even know what your product was or does if you hadn't of explained it in your first post.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
thanks for your criticism .. I'll try to fix it become better and focus..

then about the car .. here I can not lie ... because you can login to the web to view order history data and car movement history.. in the form of the movement's history in maps or the table number...

See pic... at ...


Apr 2, 2010
Its not a case of lying, I could tell how much mileage the car has done by looking at the speedo, I wouldn't need a car movement history. Anyway you could remove the GPS tracking device from my car and put another one on it, I'd never know. The problem with your idea is that if you decided not to pay someone for what ever reason there really isn't anything they could do.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
here gps will live 24 hours in realtime. anytime you can see on the screen maps .. wherever you are ... I admit that here requires the existence of trust .. anything can be manipulated.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
Also your website looks terrible, not only does it look tacky but your main selling point which is your "GPS Tracking and helmet navigator" is no where to be found except for the few lines of red text. I wouldn't of even know what your product was or does if you hadn't of explained it in your first post.

Hallo BKT ... My website has changed how it looks ... how do you think .. is it still tacky? ... thanks for your advice



Apr 2, 2010
It looks a little better but again your main selling point which is your "GPS Tracking and helmet navigator" is no where to be found except for a few lines of text. To me your website looks like any other rental website.

Instead of the banner with the pictures of bali on it put a picture of someone using the tracking helmet and some text explaining what it does.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
It looks a little better but again your main selling point which is your "GPS Tracking and helmet navigator" is no where to be found except for a few lines of text. To me your website looks like any other rental website.

Instead of the banner with the pictures of bali on it put a picture of someone using the tracking helmet and some text explaining what it does.

thank you very much BKT ... I will try to continue to improve it ..

this time my business not only focus on the rental bike + Remote guide only ...
but also create a combination between lodging + motorcycle + remote guide ...
so.. if anyone on this forum have villas with more empty room (available room)...
then it could be cooperation with me ... for I create additional packages "Stay Plus in Bali" as I've made at this time... and payment to you is daily when there is only room rent..

at this time I also tried to market to the Indonesian people... especially jakarta .. and I have created another website in the Indonesian version... namely

I also open the opportunities of cooperation with anyone to become a reseller... to offer packages "Stay Plus in Bali"...
I will help you make your own website with your own language version.... with your own domain name and your own price.. all for free..
all domain and hosting fees I will pay for it ... and also I will take care of the domain registration... whereas for the hosting, I have my own VPS.. so it can be free forever (i hope... :icon_wink:)

please email me to admin (at)

note: sorry my english writing is not good ... I just reckless ... write here is always accompanied by google translate... :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:
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Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
Hallo BKT ... My website has changed how it looks ... how do you think .. is it still tacky? ... thanks for your advice


looked at your website:maybe japanese do like the idea of being guided by telephone when driving a motorbike.Do you have japanese speaking phone-staff?
Friends of mine rented two honda vario bikes for 35.000 rp per day in Ubud this year,so your prices are not competitive.
Kamar tidur= bEdroom,not badroom,very confusing with bathroom=kamar mandi.
Why the packages?let people decide for themselves where and how long they want to stay and if they want transport as well.
No pictures of accomodation easily accessible,put some with the main text,not only in the gallery.


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
looked at your website:maybe japanese do like the idea of being guided by telephone when driving a motorbike.Do you have japanese speaking phone-staff?
I do not have japanese speaking phone-staff...
I think not only japanese but there are many more like russian, chinese, etc.
my problem here .. I need the support of other parties to make this business can reach the entire country who came to Bali..
I need a professional sales force and worldwide and need investors to develop this business idea become even better ..

Friends of mine rented two honda vario bikes for 35.000 rp per day in Ubud this year,so your prices are not competitive.
motorcycle that I offer here is a new (2011) so I still want to stick with the price on my website ... unless there are investors who can work with me so the price can competitive..

Kamar tidur= bEdroom,not badroom,very confusing with bathroom=kamar mandi.
:icon_biggrin: I have to fix it... thanks = terima kasih

Why the packages?let people decide for themselves where and how long they want to stay and if they want transport as well.
I actually have a plan for the free package which can choose their own place.. and determine the length of stay alone ... but here I need to have a huge list of villas that can be offered ... for that I would like to invite other parties to cooperate in the provision of daily rental rooms at various places ..

No pictures of accomodation easily accessible,put some with the main text,not only in the gallery.
I've added some banners on the front page ..

please understand here I start with my own capital ... and create my website also by my own .. my spirits high for the successful .. but my capital limited ... I need the support of investors ...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I think you are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist. I think most people after booking their flights, look for and book their accommodation. How to get around is more than likely decided on after they get to Bali. They have many options whether it is by motorbike, car or car with a driver. Most hotels offer this kind of service, often for a discounted rate for their guests. The price of a driver/guide is so reasonable, if anyone is worried about getting lost, they will take this option. People who rent motorbikes are usually happy enough trying to find their own way around and they will choose the cheapest option. Getting lost is half the fun of traveling.

If you want to offer a service for tourists, I would suggest coming up with something different or unique. Go through some of the travel forums and look for things what people are asking for and where there is no business offering that kind of service. Have a look at popular tourist destinations outside of Indonesia and what services/attractions they offer, that might work well in Bali. Tripadvisor could be good for this.

One idea I had just after reading Von's post, perhaps you could create a guide service, with guides who have very specialized knowledge of a particular thing in Bali, such as Batik, gamelan painting etc. I am sure people would be prepared to pay a premium for such a service.

Many people come to Bali to learn some kind of art like painting or wood carving. Perhaps you could put together packages based around these courses, that includes transport and accommodation. The advantage with this idea is that you don't need to spend much money setting it up. You could even get in contact with universities and colleges in the US/Australia/UK, so people who take your courses get some kind of credit for their degree.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2010
Uluwatu (GWK), Bali
One idea I had just after reading Von's post, perhaps you could create a guide service, with guides who have very specialized knowledge of a particular thing in Bali, such as Batik, gamelan painting etc. I am sure people would be prepared to pay a premium for such a service.

Many people come to Bali to learn some kind of art like painting or wood carving. Perhaps you could put together packages based around these courses, that includes transport and accommodation. The advantage with this idea is that you don't need to spend much money setting it up. You could even get in contact with universities and colleges in the US/Australia/UK, so people who take your courses get some kind of credit for their degree.

thank you spicyayam ... has opened my mind ...
I would consider to make this course package .. I think I need foreign partners ..

by the way ...
on this forum .. I also opened myself to offering a simple website development services at low cost .. using joomla cms or cms prestashop.

I also have a team of software programmers at low cost if you need .. especially the field of java platform, symbian platform, php, adobe flex, etc

I am even willing to make a free simple website for you .. including domain registering and hosting by my self with the hope of getting a fee later time if your products sell ...

examples of websites that have my own ..
for example using a prestashop cms: can open or and for example using a joomla cms can open or or etc.

also if you want to find products made in Indonesia other than Bali .. I can help you .. because I have a lot of the local network .. almost all over Indonesia


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I think I need foreign partners ..

What would you need a foreign partner for? I would first approach local universities and colleges and ask them what courses they can offer foreigners. There are a couple of people on the forum who are coming to Bali for study. How they found out about these courses, I have no idea, but I am sure there would be plenty more people who would want to do something similar.

Next I would go to any other place that teaches some course like yoga, massage, painting, dive master etc. I would focus on putting together courses that are a few weeks or months long. Internships is another idea, but the visa situation is probably tricky.

Then you just have to put up a website with good descriptions, prices of all of the courses you offer. Do some marketing and I am sure you will start getting enquiries from day 1. Allow people to leave feedback on your website about the course. Trying to make relationships with overseas universities and colleges, would come later.

I just think the profit margins for car and motorbike rental must be so slim and already so much competition.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Not wanting to be negative but for me, personally, one of the greatest pleasures upon being on holiday in some place brand new is the adventure of finding my way around and, yes, actually getting lost.

The best adventures and most scenic views have been discovered by just going left when I should have gone right.

People on holiday don't usually have to be somewhere at a special time so it doesn't really matter if they do get lost.

But good luck - I think you'll need it.