
Happy to say that the liquidmocean gallery is pretty much set up now in Sanur. Still waiting for a few things to fill the walls up and we're expecting to evolve with other possible sales items as times go forward. If anyone gets stuck in Sanur, or wants to kill the time between the long stop lights by the MacDonalds feel free to drop in at the 6 Point Building.


The AC is pretty sketchy at the moment but will be placing some industrial fans in there until the wiring gets sorted.

Which is the 6 point building Mark?

Or better directions please.

Will there be a grand opening?

With (free) Bintang and cheese?
Mate, I reckon of all people you would have known all watering holes on the island! The 6 Point Building, if coming from Kuta you get to the traffic signals at the MacDonalds, turn right there towards JL Tamblingan and 50m on your right side is the 6 Point Cafe / Restaurant. We're right next to that as you look at it from the road on the right, can't miss it. Lower floor, 75sqm of space.

Am in most days from around 7am until 5 or 6pm depending on workload.

One thing I absolutely never do is "come from Kuta".

What about the most important bit? Bintang and cheese?

Trying to avoid a stampede?
Goodness me Markit, you really must get out and about sometime. Being stuck in the backwater where you live is starting to show.
6 Point is between the Pergola Restaurant and the Dog Food shop.
It is across the road from Surya Cartridges. (helpful hint) This is the place to get your printer cartridges refilled!
It is just up the road from Big Dave's place.
However be very careful there are rabid, wild dogs everywhere. They can sense your fear!
Let me know when you are going to be there and I will bring you some bl**dy cheese. In fact I will even take you down the beach to where the 40 bikini clad Norwegian maidens play volleyball everyday.
Let me know when you are going to be there and I will bring you some bl**dy cheese. In fact I will even take you down the beach to where the 40 bikini clad Norwegian maidens play volleyball everyday.
And I can show you some of the photo's from that same group! A recent photo commission for their catalog and web requirements! Bring a suitable change of underwear!

What an offer! So many wonderful things for a small boy out of the midwest - did someone mention cheese?

On a more serious note (marginally) why don't we call for a gathering of the 300 at Thermopylae and have a expat (and those that would like to be) gathering at your gallery (seems the only way I'll get some cheese) with perhaps a bus to take us all to the Kuta Carnival after the viewing?

What do you think to Sunday?

Of course I'm told there are a number of pussies that don't want to go to Kuta until "things" have settled down...

Any takers?
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What an offer! So many wonderful things for a small boy out of the midwest - did someone mention cheese?

Midwest? Well aren't you from the far east? We have some very good cheese around here - Camembert & Feta - homemade delicious....our company produce it, if you're so crazy about cheese why don't you come around and try some Markit?
Hey Markit, great idea. Will be away this Sunday but may well look at arranging something with a bit more notice, I may even source some cheese for ya!

Watch this space.

What do you think to Sunday?
Any takers?

Sunday! Goodness, Do you still think like a tourist? There are seven days in a week. It is not necessary to confine things to a weekend. There are bars open 7 days a week down here in the deep dark south. Be brave, move out of your little rectangle.
Plus there is cheese available.
Ok, in principle a gallery viewing (with cheese) is a possibility.

Just Sunday not a good choice?

My suggestion around the next Lord's day was based more on the avialability of the Kuta Carneval as a further "goody".

I love the Expat Get-togethers and welcome the opportunity to go to one but they tend to run out of steam as the afternoon runs on - or as the participants drink more.

Now my thinking was to arrange an Xpat do and also some other attraction/diversion too. Que - the dancing girls, please.

Would also love a boat ride? Maybe some fishing? Visit a whorehouse - just as a scientific fact-finder, mind, not as participant. Open to other suggestions too.
Not sure on the cheese front but will be chatting with some folks today to get an idea on costs for supplying you lot with finger food for a gathering of souls at the 6 Point Bar / liquid gallery, quite fitting I guess. Will update when I have a better idea of the agenda. Any preferences for weekdays? Will go with a majority decision.

Mark, I don't remember the thread but a while back you were mooting doing some villa photography, yeah?

If that ever came to anything I would like to see the results of that if possible.

We can chat about it between cheese courses and sausages from Chris.
OK, I'm gonna hedge the bets and recommend either Friday or Saturday next week, that would be 26th or 27th. Anyone happy with that? Whether Chris comes up with the goodies or not we get to chin wag, grab a few sarnies and drown a beer or three.

Re: Villa photography, yeah it came out OK, at least the owner was as happy as the proverbial Larry. I don't have any of the shots on my computer anymore as I delivered to the owner. Never really done more shoots, but would like to, just a lack of available time at the moment.

Shop is open now, sorry to not cater to those who wanna start drinking at 2pm but that's not my gig. If people want to stop in for a natter and a mooch around then no worries. Along with another photographer who is displaying some items here we'll be having a social evening soon, will announce that here when plans are laid.

Canon I guess customer relations isn't your gig either?

Moto being "my fecking doors open and if you wanna come then OK but really who fecking cares?"

I'll come anyway but not feeling terribly welcome...
Mate, read it how you will. I started out with the simple suggestion for a gathering seeing as I hadn't met any of the contributors here since I started posting. To have people throwing their toys out of the pram because they didn't agree with a suggested time frame that appealed to me, as square as I may be, and given the reaction to that kinda makes me feel the way you outlined in your post. BUT that's not the sentiment now, and never has been.

That's my last word on it. Done with this forum.

Mate, read it how you will. I started out with the simple suggestion for a gathering seeing as I hadn't met any of the contributors here since I started posting. To have people throwing their toys out of the pram because they didn't agree with a suggested time frame that appealed to me, as square as I may be, and given the reaction to that kinda makes me feel the way you outlined in your post. BUT that's not the sentiment now, and never has been.

That's my last word on it. Done with this forum.


Mate, read it how you will. I started out with the simple suggestion for a gathering seeing as I hadn't met any of the contributors here since I started posting. To have people throwing their toys out of the pram because they didn't agree with a suggested time frame that appealed to me, as square as I may be, and given the reaction to that kinda makes me feel the way you outlined in your post. BUT that's not the sentiment now, and never has been.

That's my last word on it. Done with this forum.


Mark, I hope you change your mind about being done with the forum because your posts have always been a positive addition and so often given us useful information. I find the best thing to do is ignore posts from posters taking sarcastic, childish potshots. When you read posts from people who complain about the time of a gathering while demanding free food and drink, just think "next' and move on. Please stay.