
New Member
Jul 18, 2011
Hi all, just wanting some advice as am wanting to buy some land around the Lovina area. Is it a safe area and are the villagers tourist friendly? I have received some great advice through the forum. Am dealing with Lovina Real Estate whom seem good. Any advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
.... Is it a safe area
Yes - relatively safe. There are occasional break-and-enters, but probably less than where you come from. Dangers to personal safety, like muggings, almost never happen.
and are the villagers tourist friendly?
The Lovina tourist area is sometimes shown as a coastal strip from the village of Pemaron in the east ot Temukus in the west. This strip includes about 7 villages. But more villages to the west of Temukus and up into the hills are often labelled as "Lovina" - so, in total, many villages. The friendliness of the locals in the villages varies a bit from one village to another. When you are interested in a property, ask around in that neighbourhood.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Lesson 1: How to make friends with all those northerners.

It's matter of choice - I looked at buying in Lovina when I first got to Bali and decided it wasn't for me because I found it really hot with almost no breeze, water availability is a problem and the ocean is like a bath also with no wave action - boring. If you are going to live somewhere as opposed to just visit on holiday all the boxes have to be checked.

On the up side the land price is cheap. Possibly because nobody wants to buy?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
What a load of crap!
I found it really hot
The coastal areas all over Bali do not vary much in temperature.
with almost no breeze
Maybe there is an occasional still day - again this happens all over Bali - but then there are sail boat races like this: Lovina Sail Boat Race 2009 - Oct 18, 09
water availability is a problem
again just crap - one reads of water table problems in Canggu - but not along coastal areas of the north. Then up in the hills you may find plots of land where drilling for water is not rewarding but that can happen is elsewhere too
the ocean is like a bath also with no wave action - boring
OK, so no surf - so it's safe for swimming, snorkelling, boating, etc. If by "like a bath" you mean the water is warm, then it's the same all around Bali


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Dear Ron,

When I say "I found it really hot" that is not a subjective experience and really not open to discussion or being called "crap" since I did find it really hot. Other people, such as you, may disagree but that doesn't chance my experience in any way.

For instance, if you were to catch your forskin in your zipper and say "that hurts".

If then I say "that's crap" for me that may well be true but you still have your dick in the mangle :icon_biggrin:

Nevertheless I may have learned not to pull my own zipper quite so hard or quickly.

Where breezes are concerned, I found that 30C (as it is most days all over coastal Bali) is a lot cooler in a stiff sea breeze than it was in the calm of the north. Maybe just my luck but every time I'm over there it's a breezeless, very hot day.

Spent 2 days running up and down fecking mountains like a mountain goat looking at about a dozen pieces of land and all of them had water supply issues. But like I said they were cheap.

"Like a bath" meant flat and unmoving - kind of like the Med or a big lake.

In my opinion for all those that want their Bali cheap, hot and boring, liberally mixed with local gangsters, hookers from Surabaya and miles and miles away from any civilization then Lovina is the place to be.

But what do I know? :icon_rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
There seem to be some areas in Lovina that are safer than others. I know of some people who have sold up after having continual breakins. Agents may not tell you of potential problems if you are interested in a particular property. Are you interested in living in Lovina or starting a business? I would suggest renting for at least 6 months and then you can tell if you like the area or not.


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
The more I read about north bali and building there, I am starting to feel I am going to get completely shafted!:icon_rolleyes:

We are looking for a nice piece of dirt we can build on in five years and then retire. No business, just relaxing. May start looking again at built up areas like Kerabookan etc but Lovina area interested us as it will be close to the new airport and cheap for now.


Apr 2, 2010
Being shafted shouldn't be a deciding factor as you're just as likely (if not more) to be shafted in the south or anywhere else in Bali. If you're planing to build any where in Bali you'll need a secure place and you'll need to get to know your neighbors and people in your area regardless of where you pitch your tent. There are plenty of ex-pats and people on this forum who live in and have brought in Lovina and its surrounding areas including myself so that should tell you right there that its not as bad as what you're thinking. Talk to people who actually live there and see what they have to say.

In my opinion for all those that want their Bali cheap, hot and boring, liberally mixed with local gangsters, hookers from Surabaya and miles and miles away from any civilization then Lovina is the place to be.

But what do I know? :icon_rolleyes:

For me personally it is boring, not a big fan of the black sand and flat water, can't say I've ever noticed local gangsters or Surabayan hookers but then again (Markit) I wasn't looking :icon_wink:. Civilization is only down the road in Singaraja, sure theres no McD's but there is a Carrefour and Hardy's which has almost everything you need.

Going up the hill in Lovina water and electricity (in my case) can be a problem, not so much near the beach, then again you won't get the views and the sunsets :icon_razz:.


Oct 12, 2010
There seem to be some areas in Lovina that are safer than others. I know of some people who have sold up after having continual breakins. Agents may not tell you of potential problems if you are interested in a particular property. Are you interested in living in Lovina or starting a business? I would suggest renting for at least 6 months and then you can tell if you like the area or not.

I was thinking of testing the waters (so to speak) in Lovina but I've found it very hard to find a suitable mid-term rental (at least 3 to 6 months). Now is prob not the best season to be looking for a mid-term rental but our lease in Canggu is up in 2 months - so if anyone has any suggestions?

Been up there a few times now and have had no luck. Looking for a 3br with easy access and not to many stairs for my elderly father.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
In my opinion for all those that want their Bali cheap, hot and boring, liberally mixed with local gangsters, hookers from Surabaya and miles and miles away from any civilization then Lovina is the place to be.

But what do I know? :icon_rolleyes:

Cheap?? maybe 10 years ago, but trust me it aint 'cheap' anymore..
hot and boring?? for some people it might be hot and boring, a nice cool pool works magic though. For not getting bored, there's loads and loads one can do.
local gangsters?? you mean the beach hawkers selling sarongs, or ? 'cause I doubt you've met any of the 'gangsters'
surabayan hookers, you mean the cewek-kafe? if so, nah I don't think so..(know so :icon_wink:) in the lovina area, most are from Banyuwangi and in Denpasar area most are from Bandung.
miles away from civilization? Lovina ain't miles away from civilization, but then again what is civilization in you book?
thrue about the water shortage in summertime, 99% sure you went uphill (straightline south) from Lovina, so you've just been up the wrong part of the hills.

to the O.P. if it was so bad as markit described, would there be anyone living here?
I think not :icon_wink:...I would suggest sending a PM to spicyayam about the kinda place you're looking for, he or his wife might know something for you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
The only reasons I have heard from people for not living in the north, is no surf and no international schools if you have kids. From other expats in the south that I have met (not through the forum), they seem to have a negative image of Lovina. I don't know why really. When we go to Kuta or anywhere in the south, I personally feel it is hotter with all of the concrete, pollution and traffic.

I would say anywhere in the south has more bars and places to eat out. I go out occasionally for dinner but mostly eat at home. There is only a couple of things I miss like Japanese sushi and an Indian curry. I have a guy bringing me freshly caught 2kg lobsters, for what I am sure is a fraction of the price you would pay anywhere else.

In Lovina you have the wet and dry season, with little or no rain for the whole dry season. Other than the fact you need to keep watering your garden, I like the dry season. You get used to the weather fairly quickly. If you don't like hot weather, then perhaps Bali is not the place you should be moving to!

Prices are going up quickly in Lovina. The area is popular with Europeans more than Ozzies. You can however still find some bargains. If your plan is to buy now and build 5 years later, I think you could do well buying in Lovina with the right property. Even if you want to sell the land 5 years later, I cannot imagine it going down. Also, I know many people who are living high in the hills in Lovina who have drilled bores to get water, so I can't see that necessarily being a problem.

You find many people in the hills around Lovina sharing electricity, so that can sometimes be a problem if you are looking to buy in a remote place. Since most local people have a couple of lights and a television set, this isn't a problem. But if you want an AC or pool, you will need to get your own meter.

Don't count on the airport. I really can't see it happening anytime now or in the distant future. Perhaps your grandkids will thank you one day!

There are quite a few Balipodders living in the north and always up for a lunch or dinner. If you want to meet up with some of us to get the lowdown of living here, just let us know when you will be in the area.

Sure there is no McDonalds or Starbucks here, but that is one reason why I love this place. I had a great cup of coffee at a coffee plantation at Munduk the other day with one of the best views. What more could you want.


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
We are coming to Lovina for the day early August then back down to Seminyak where we will be staying for our holiday. It would be great to have lunch/drinks but we will be spending most if the time with the real estate agent.
With schools, no issue as we won't be living there until my kids finish school in Perth.
Hot weather - Bagus! Can't stand winters in aus.
Thanks for the heads up for the electricity.
Fingers crossed for airport:icon_mrgreen:


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
We are coming to Lovina for the day early August then back down to Seminyak where we will be staying for our holiday. It would be great to have lunch/drinks but we will be spending most if the time with the real estate agent.
With schools, no issue as we won't be living there until my kids finish school in Perth.
Hot weather - Bagus! Can't stand winters in aus.
Thanks for the heads up for the electricity.
Fingers crossed for airport:icon_mrgreen:
Going just for the day seems to be a waste , it takes 3-4 hours each way if you do it casualy, stopping for a break or 2. The drive down the "hill" can make some car sick!
I suggest spending a day a 2 looking around, especially if you intend living up there. Plenty of nice people on here you could meet as well :icon_e_smile:


Aug 19, 2010
Bona gianyar
We are coming to Lovina for the day early August then back down to Seminyak where we will be staying for our holiday.

Am i right if i have understood you have never been up in the north?In that case it is really way to early to start talking to a real estate agent.Stay there first for at least a week,discover the surroundings,visit Singaradja and get the feel of the place.
Same goes for any other spot in Bali where you would like to build.
Your planning is the perfect scenario for disaster.
Have a nice time in Bali anyhow!


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
Am i right if i have understood you have never been up in the north?In that case it is really way to early to start talking to a real estate agent.Stay there first for at least a week,discover the surroundings,visit Singaradja and get the feel of the place.
Same goes for any other spot in Bali where you would like to build.
Your planning is the perfect scenario for disaster.
Have a nice time in Bali anyhow!
Have to agree there hermit.....have a look around, and talk to the expats who live there, great bunch of guys and gals. I would love to live there, but schooling is the only problem....at the moment.Hope one gets built in next couple of years.


Jul 28, 2011
Denpasar Bali
i think all area in bali quite safe for tourist. depend on your needs to, lovina is a good place for peacefull living, far away from town, can't surf but you got snorkling, diving, dolphin.etc
Re lovina every one has an opinion mine is along the lines of hugh heffner from playboy, if it flys, floats, sits there then rent it. I found the place great for a few days, after that i need the larger footprint of choice re kuta, legian, smackinyak etc


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
Going just for the day seems to be a waste , it takes 3-4 hours each way if you do it casualy, stopping for a break or 2. The drive down the "hill" can make some car sick!
I suggest spending a day a 2 looking around, especially if you intend living up there. Plenty of nice people on here you could meet as well :icon_e_smile:

I've taken your advice and have cancelled the Real Estate Agent and will spend a few days up there on our next visit.:icon_razz:


New Member
Jul 18, 2011
Terima Kasih!

I just want to say a big thank you to everyone on the forum. Great advice and we have decided not to rush in. We will stay up there for a few days as you all suggested. Sampai Jumpa Lagi! :icon_lol: