
Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
But if they were on KITAP (not KITAS) wouldn't they be allowed? KITAP allows you to work...

Negative... a Retirement Kitap doesn't permit employment...an Ijin Mempekerjakan Tenaga Kerja Asing (IMTA) issued by the Manpower Ministry, not Immigration, issues a work permit in RI.


New Member
Jan 16, 2015
Thanks. But what about KITAP sponsored by Indonesian husband/wife?


New Member
Jan 16, 2015
Sorry, it has nothing to do with this thread, but as I am new here, how to create a new thread? Thks a lot


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
No problem Pan...usually threads do go awry...but if you want to post new..... look to the top of the page and click on 'Post New thread"...select a title and go for it!!!

A Spousal Kitap does allow some informal work, like helping out, but it's a grey area...for example, it doesn't permit teaching or working for a Company...that still requires an IMTA.

I think that Markits friend problem wasn't so much the work permit but something to do with advertising his villa for rent without the Pondok Wisata.
Pondok Wisata License and Other Legal Requirement to Rent Out your Property in Bali


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Actually my friend did and does have a Pondok Wisata - *!?*@ See I do it myself and that's really where the problem lies.

My friend doesn't have feckall - HIS NOMINEE has and had a Pondok Wisata.

My friend forgot this simple fact AS MOST EXPATS DO!!

How often are you in a conversation with an expat when you hear that same thing?
"my house"
"my pondok wisata"
"my property"
My friend forgot that simple fact that when the immi guy said to him "you have been renting your property" there were at least two untruths (possibly 3) in the statement: it wasn't his property and he hadn't been renting feckall.

Had he not been and old scared man that didn't understand the language (or much English for that matter) he might have remembered that his "owner" did have a pondok and there was in fact no proof that he had been doing anything wrong and if anyone had been renting anything it was his nominee.

But as any cop will tell you most criminals incriminate themselves if you give them the chance.

Frankly, I think most of us need someone sitting on our shoulder constantly repeating "this aint yours, this aint yours".

Didn't Caesar have something like that?