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    Spending Money...

    Re: RE: Spending Money... You say that like its a bad thing mimpimanis :lol:
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    Cyclone Glenda headed towards Bali?

    Roy i think my whole street heared my laugh with your laugh post. how true my friend, how true.
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    the shape of things to come.

    I long for unity with oz and indo. despite the media hipe and bu**sh*t the goverments seem to be a bit more mature, i hope? Families gather at Nias From: AAP April 02, 2006 A MEMORIAL service for the nine Australians killed in a mercy mission on the Indonesian island of Nias a...
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    Cyclone Glenda headed towards Bali?

    hmmm didnt consider the northern hem. lived a sheltered life i suppose. but of course roy it must be like that. like water down a wash basen. must go the other way. remindes me of a song. "i come from a land down under" . silly australian. sorry mate
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    Bali Belly can do irreversible harm

    i was aboard the jupiter 2, many times.
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    Cyclone Glenda headed towards Bali?

    Well you got me there Roy. as far as i know most cyclones move in a southerly north direction. the tears down my face say so. lol i will stand corrected my friend.
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    Cyclone Glenda headed towards Bali?

    well i cleared the beer bottles out the way for this (to get to the key board). there is no way in hell a cyclone will travel north. and as bert would say "thats it"
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    Bali Belly can do irreversible harm

    Roy, im sorry. but i got to ask "hati, hati, saya kentut". What does that mean. (lol, or have i just hit the nail on the head by word asociacion). then big lol
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    Nyepi Eve from Bunutan

    And me too please Tommy
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    An Observatory for Bali

    I'm onto it guys. :idea:
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    Bali Belly can do irreversible harm

    RE: Bali Belly can do irreversable harm well bb1, i think its real neat that you are into healthy living. just a few points I'd like to debate and get your rebuttal on. every time i go to Bali i get sick for about 3-4 days usually in week3. I'm not sure weather its the infamous Bali belly...
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    Bali Video online from 1988

    I watched it.........and im speachless. Really really cool. thanks Bert.
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    Well FedericoRoma, this is hard to answer. What do you consider "GOOD"? Night life? Good hotels and service? Peace and quiet? A cultural experience? Do you travel with family or alone? Tell us more about what you need/ want my friend :roll:
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    Do not accept Bali for what it is.

    lol roy. I do hope very much that can meet all of you in Bali 1 day soon. Tell me. It would seem that a lot of you expats meet. Is there a set aside date that forum members came together or does it happen spasmodically?
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    Do not accept Bali for what it is.

    I think i should take a 12" ruler to the nuckles of you 2 boys. :wink:
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    Do not accept Bali for what it is.

    Bar-lee is how i hear it pronounced
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    Reject and Revise RUU Anti Pornografi/Pornoaksi

    I think all things can be discussed as long as it is kept inpersonal. We can all put our point across without being sarcastic or insulting. I thought the point of a forum is to have interlectual discussion and sharing points of view. NO ONE being right or wrong on spacific pionts of view...
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    An Observatory for Bali

    I love astronomy. What kind of telescope/platform are you thinking about. I would be keen to lend a hand.
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    Another Newbie

    Welcome to the furum Rog. :D
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    Reject and Revise RUU Anti Pornografi/Pornoaksi

    well your hair looks better