Bali Belly can do irreversible harm


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
The joke of many a home coming soiree, the infamous “Bali Belly”.

As a quick aside, pathetic nicknames for potentially fatal or otherwise conditions, is something I deplore most vehemently, as the populace, gullible to the last, will always continue to believe that it is Ok, although not nice, to be ill. Some will even eulogise on the merits of having attained the infamous “Bali Belly”, in order to be acclaimed as now being part of the club. Well, you surely are, but I’m not quite convinced that you’ve weighed up the cost of the subscription.

Anyway, “Bali Belly”, experienced by many in varying degrees of uncomfortableness, in front and behind, and resulting almost universally in the all too typical dose of antibiotics – the cure all to end all regimen that leaves you feeling wonderful and elated.

And then you get home. And then you start feeling not quite right. And then you ache – and then the headaches start. You get irritable. Constipation even. Maybe flatulence, and the return once more, of the inimitable “Bali Belly”. “But I’m no longer in Bali!” I hear you scream. No, but Bali is still inside you!!!

For most, it is obtained from the water, and no matter how hygienic you think you are, the odd second or two is all those nasty little bacteria need to infiltrate your intestines, and get to work disrupting the natural bacteria that keep you so pert and perky. ( Consider the shower, that some of you will take several times a day, and the twice a day tooth brushing session, both in water supplies teeming with bacteria ).

Most of you of course, have very little defence against such invasions, as your diets contain so many fats and sugars, excessive simple carbohydrates and only a token adherence to enzymic input. Couple this with the contraceptive pill and the widespread proliferation of steroid medication, and resultantly, the incursion of tropical bacteria which you do not experience in your home countries, becomes severe, and a heavy dose of anti biotics is the only course of action open to you, consequently destroying massive amounts of bacteria in your bodies – both good and bad.

Enter the parasitic yeast, a natural fungus that lives in everybody, acting as a detergent in your small intestines to ensure that everything maintains an equilibrium, but in this situation, is able to get completely out of control, due to the “invade all and kill all” action of the anti biotics. Yes, anti biotics are NOT the cure all medicine that pharmaceutical companies and the medical profession lead you to believe; they can, in adverse conditions, lead to fatalities from secondary infections.

Killed off in their millions, are the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria and bifidobacteria, so the parasitic yeast now has a breeding ground to infiltrate many of the organs in your body. Do not be surprised therefore, that following your trip to Bali, your general health could begin to deteriorate; the parasitic yeast rearing it’s ugly head in a variety of symptoms and degrees, namely: Depression, anxiety, irritability, digestive problems, fatigue, lack of concentration, allergies, acne, migraine, muscular pain, cystitus, vaginitis, thrush and menstruation irregularities.

Like the damage from smoking, which occurs gradually, irregularly and without short term repair, so also these indications of a underlying cause, escalate out of control, affecting your health for as much as the remainder of your lives, however short that might be. Livers and kidneys are highly vulnerable, as too are the reproductive systems, urinary tract and small intestine.

Hundreds, indeed, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are continually in a state of complaint, suffering from this, then that, and never seeming to remove the plague that affects them. Doctors try this, then that, and the continuing downward spiral manifests itself later in life as the most infamous killer, cancer, now thought most recently to be initiated in the small intestine by imbalances created throughout life, by diet, and the wonder drug, the broad spectrum anti biotic. Put quite simply, for billions of you, prevention is better than cure, and if you need to resort to medication, then it is almost certain that it is you that has done something wrong, maybe weeks, if not months, and in some cases years before the event.

It is so nice to think that you can blame genetics, or bad luck, for something that is blatantly your fault. But if your doctor told you that, you’d be going to another doctor in future wouldn’t you?

You cannot expect the abuse of youth, or indeed middle age, to degrade as you fade. Any fading that is to be done will be because of this abuse, as when your bodies need all the defence mechanisms they can muster, they will encounter depleted reserves, the result of which you most certainly will pay a price.

I remember hearing so many times, “I need a holiday”, “I need to get away”, “I can’t handle the stress anymore”, as the continual poor excuse for mismanagement of your lifestyle. Society has progressed to treating it’s vacations as medication, looking to locations like Bali to alleviate the ailments that their lives provide, little realising, that in reality the progress was backward, and the cure, seemingly purely transitory.

I have heard it said before: “I cannot live without my Vegemite”, at which point I considered, “and I am sure you cannot live with it!!!” Then a trip to a local supermarket had a rather obtrusive female enquire of me, “Ere – ya knaw if dey gaut any Vegemaite, maite?”, to which, feeling somewhat violated, I responded, “Well Madam, I do believe ( beckoning yonder ) the vegetables ( not vegderballs, as so often pronounced ) are over there”. Her face was a picture, and a not very pleasant one at that, being somewhat ruined by a poor diet and far too many cosmetics over the years.

A breeding emporium for hormonal imbalances, her spotted and blemished cheeks and overall pallid aura, radiated ill health, yet here this woman was, yearning for the yeast to feed her already out of control yeast. Yes, a parasitic yeast is visible in the face of the sufferer. Far better a healthy portion of Liver if you crave Vegemite, but people are happy in their ignorance, and never do what doctors tell them until they realise they should have done it 20 years earlier.

Oh, bye the way, if you want a name to the parasitic yeast that could be causing so many of you so many health problems, particularly after your trip to Bali, and maybe even several years after your trip to Bali, then look no further than:

CANDIDA ALBICANS – oh, and if your immediate reaction to this is one of “Phah, I’m alright – what’s he talking about?”, then wait and see, for one thing is certain, Candida Albicans is in all of us from the moment we are born, but because of the lack of health and hygiene in Bali’s hotels and restaurants ( witness the ever increasing Health and Hygiene Courses being initiated by such establishments, evidence that no such standards were extent previously, and have many years to go before they could ever begin to come up to western standards ), so this invader will find an environment in you that suits it’s escalatory nature, passing from human to human with intimate contact as it’s transport, reducing your lifespan and quality of life for the remainder of your duration.

Do something about it. Reduce the risks. Do not be psychologically influenced by all the media hype, the big money players or the “it’s good for” slogans. Fast food is far more dangerous than you think, literally because of the repetitive and continued consumption. Equally so with many other foods, so unless you make a concerted effort to radically change your eating habits, whilst you seemingly are in reasonable health in your home countries, the moment you step food in Bali, then your immune systems will be attacked from every quarter, simply because it is a tropical country.

So, if you are not used to a tropical climate, then never, ever consider going to one unless you have made dietary changes for at least two years prior to your visit. Yes, it can take that long, longer sometimes, for your body to adjust the lack of toxic input, and the enhancement of enzymes, complex carbohydrates rather than simple ones, and first class protein.

Do your research.

Your bodies are extremely capable mechanisms because they have evolved together with evolution. The two are in balance, but because of worldwide population explosions, particularly within the last 74,000 years, the world now has to feed a resource that evolution has not been able to keep pace with, resultantly, cheaper and less nutritious food purveys our shop counters, and a whole load of expensive rubbish sits side by side with it.

As I said earlier, you cannot expect the abuse of earlier years to degrade as you fade, and fade you do, from a much earlier age than most of you expect. Indeed, from the moment you are born you start dying, but the real downer occurs at about the age of 30, when particular enzymes are no longer produced by the body; the body relying completely on dietary input. This is why the under – 30’s seem to shrug off so many ailments, and why the almost flippant use of the anti-biotic is so damaging, because it kills off the “good guys” that younger people have an abundance of.

Simply put, since “Lucy” was discovered in Africa, dating the human race to 3.5 million years ago, all the way up to the last 60 odd years, humans did not consume fizzy drinks, cheeseburgers, and canned foods, just to name three. Food was fresh, varied, balanced and highly nutritious, and everyone exercised, sometimes quite vigorously most days; and this is how we evolved. The advent of civilizations, beginning with the Egyptians, sounded the beginning of the end for the healthy evolution of humans.

Your bodies have not evolved to cope with the dietary rubbish most of you eat, which therefore leaves them severely under par, and less able to cope with tropical bacteria and viruses that have. This is the very reason why so many ailments exist now-a-days that formerly did not.
“It’s not my fault I got ill. That’s what bacteria and viruses do”.


Let me conclude with one very simple logic – the common cold. Yes, it is common. Why? Because so many people get it. Why? Because it is a virus. WRONG. You get it because you have weakened immune systems due largely to diet, so before the good guys can fight off the invader in your bloodstream, the full blown symptoms of a common cold result.
If your immune system was strong, you would not get a cold. Yes, you would catch the virus, there is nothing to stop that happening, but a couple of sneezes later and your expected cold is history.

So, if you want a holiday in Bali, or indeed any other tropical country, make sure you have adequate protection BEFORE you go there.


Nov 12, 2004
RE: Bali Belly can do irreversable harm

Is there a doctor in the house who can respond? I'm starting to think tthat BB2 is a humorist in the British mold; sort of a completely off the wall version of John Cleese. Couldn't you imagine him doing the supermarket encounter over vegemite? - Fawlty Towers to a tee. Anyway how else can we explain this amalgam of fact, good advice and conclusions oveblown to the point where one is either rolling on the floor laughing or heading for the doctor's surgery. Let me try a Bert-like summary.

Antibiotic usage can be bad for you
Bali Belly is bad for you
Bali Belly + antibiotics might be bad for you
Bali Belly + antibiotics is bad for you
Bali Belly + antibiotics could kill you
Bali Belly + antibiotics might kill you
Bali Belly + antibiotics will kill you
Bali Belly + antibiotics + vegemite will definitely kill you - you ugly degenerate!

That's about as far as I can get but no doubt others will take up the challenge. BTW BB2 congratulations on learning the usage of paragraphs for better readability. I got through it all this time.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2004
RE: Bali Belly can do irreversable harm

All power to you Lou - a wonderful summary of BB's rantings and ravings.

I sort of read it to the end and my conclusion was this person definitely needs a very big SHOT of something. Arm-chair "doctor", "researcher", "palaeontologist"...what a great mind. I bet he/she's big on quantum physics as well. I can only wonder what conclusions they (as he/she is/are possibly schizophrenic), can bring to this forum. Sh*t - I hope I haven't given them an idea about that. Nevertheless, it's encouraging to know that some mental institutions, somewhere on the planet, afford their inmates internet access.

BB - ask (beg) your doctors to up the dosage of whatever you're on because it's not working properly. Do they give you yoghurt to eat or is that an optional extra? (I mean the good stuff.) Then again, real Vegemite (the one before they started reducing the salt content) might help you if administered intravenously over a very long period of time.



Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
RE: Bali Belly can do irreversable harm

well bb1, i think its real neat that you are into healthy living.

just a few points I'd like to debate and get your rebuttal on.

every time i go to Bali i get sick for about 3-4 days usually in week3. I'm not sure weather its the infamous Bali belly or just an adjustment my body has to make. the latter i think. Ive heard of people being very ill with Bali belly, a couple of days incapicitated.
And Ive heard the best thing to do is sit on the bog with a bottle of water and flush it out (the bug) for a couple of days. lol.
like all things the body doesn't like, it is magically designed to expel the poison. such as for example, a few to many bintangs or nasty water bugs.

i have a friend from Burma. who still goes to the market, buys fresh produce and cooks in the Burmese way.
but every time he and his family go back to Burma they all get sick. i think its natural. your stomach gets accustom to certain bugs and when you change it you get sick(accept he had Burma belly).

i just cant believe this is life threatening. the human body is very versatile.

now, onto bad food stuff. its important what we eat for sure. but, how do you explain that the people of Australia are living longer and longer. they keep raising the retirement age man.

and last of all i have to say it cos it was there to be said.

if lucy was dating the human race 3.5 million years ago why did she stop just 60 years ago.
maybe your right , fizzy drinks, cheeseburgers. there mustn't be a decent ro*t left amongst us.

and mate i got to shake my finger at you about the Vegemite it is full of vegderballs. :D


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
RE: Bali Belly can do irreversable harm

Davo, you make some excellent points. I think the term “Bali Belly” is too broad a term to define the various gastro-intestinal disorders that can occur either while traveling or at home.

The most common ailment often classified under the Bali belly umbrella is simple traveler’s diarrhea. This is quite common, brought on by a change in climate as well as a change in diet, and I’ll bet most of us have experienced it at one time or another. This ailment is generally not accompanied by a fever, or strong gut cramping...nor is vomiting usually associated with it. When those symptoms are included, it generally means something else, from food poisoning to a parasite. For a proper diagnosis, a stool sample and lab analysis is usually required.

I agree that all too often antibiotics are prescribed and when not appropriate, they can do more harm then good as they can also “kill off” the “good” bacteria needed in the digestive system.

Regardless of the course of treatment one decides on using, I have found from experience that taking charcoal tablets as well as lots of electrolytes are very useful. I have also learned that if taking antibiotics it doesn’t hurt to have some yogurt at least once a day to help replenish the “good” bacteria in the intestines.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
RE: Bali Belly can do irreversable harm

The biggest single cause of upset stomach for travellers is the change in the drinking water. This is because even safe drinking water has its own microbes that you get used to.


Nov 4, 2004
BB1 I think you’re suffering from a bad case of verbal diarrhea, I hope your taking something for it. :p


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
The biggest single cause of upset stomach for travellers is the change in the drinking water.

Agree, if one is stupid enough to drink water from the tap. :p
And, sad to say, that gastrointestinities will very brutal.

Even in Bali, after all these years, I don't brush my teeth using tap water. If it ain't from the bottle, with the AQUA label, it doesn't touch my lips. :shock:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I never thought of using bottled water for cooking, since it's generally heated to a boil. Do you do this for the benefit of your guests as a precaution? I wonder what most restaurants use for cooking...tap or bottled.

Also Mimpi, is your water from a bore, (well)? If a well, is it possible to filter it to be totally potable? We are on "city" water and it's pretty awful.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Back to Jimbo's point, if the salad in a restuarant is washed with tap water, then I can see that as a potentially big problem.


New Member
Jun 21, 2004
It's amazing what a slightly more positive attitude can do, eh? The criticisms are needless and wasted.
Sorry, not here to educate you - only tomake tourists more aware about the serious problems in Bali that many are completely unaware off. What they do about that is up to them, but at least they will have a choice, rather than being in an ignorant position and unprepared to cope.
The advice given about Yoghurt was good, but not good enough. Do your research. Most yoghurt is a complete waste of time and no better than a fruit sundae.
Rememeber, if you find little of merit in my posts, than fine. Focus on the minute particle that you do.
You may just better your position too.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
BB1, two things immediately come to my mind with your reply. One, is that you even bother to reply, as most of us are used to you just flinging paint on the canvas, and then running off.

The other thing that comes to my mind is “hati, hati, saya kentut.” :p


Nov 4, 2004
BB1, if you want to educate people on the over prescription of antibiotics and the harm it can do to one’s system can’t you do it in a more positive way. I agree with you, it is just the way in which you put it across, that Bali is to blame yet again. Sure one can get sick when traveling here or any other country for that matter, you post is about antibiotics and their adverse effects, which really has very little to do with Bali.

Anyone taking antibiotics, should supplement their gut again with probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, bifidobacteria L. bugariius & others (It can be bought in powder form and added to juice) so as not to suffer later from Candida Albicans (many of the symptoms are disguised as something else so the wrong treatment is usually given)

Yoghurt must also contain the live culture, preferably not sweetened yoghurt.

You say: but because of the lack of health and hygiene in Bali’s hotels and restaurants ( witness the ever increasing Health and Hygiene Courses being initiated by such establishments, evidence that no such standards were extent previously, and have many years to go before they could ever begin to come up to western standards ), so this invader will find an environment in you that suits it’s escalatory nature, passing from human to human with intimate contact as it’s transport, reducing your lifespan and quality of life for the remainder of your duration.

The standards of Bali’s hotels and restaurants has nothing to do with Candida finding a suitable environment to grow, sorry but I don’t agree at all with this statement. I suffered from Candida Albicans (from over prescribed antibiotics) many years ago long before I ever traveled to Bali, it is the diet that creates a breeding ground for the yeast. Going on a yeast free diet and taking probiotics solved the problem.

It is actually a good idea for anyone planning on traveling to Bali (or other places) to build up the guts resistance to the bad bacteria, by taking probiotics for at least 2 weeks before, to help fight any invaders.

It's amazing what a slightly more positive attitude can do, eh?

Works both ways BB1

Da Da


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Roy, im sorry. but i got to ask "hati, hati, saya kentut".
What does that mean.
(lol, or have i just hit the nail on the head by word asociacion). then big lol


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
The American English translation would go like this:

“Danger Will Robinson, danger, I am about to fart.”

Hopefully your childhood was blessed with episodes of Lost In Space, or the meaning will be somewhat lost in translation.


Apr 15, 2006
yeah man, just put it in a simple lst of dos and donts and people will actually be able to benefit from your undoubted knowledge and learnings