Bali Belly can do irreversible harm


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Dandan, I'm not certain of you request. Are you asking me, or someone else to make a "Do" and "Do not list" for travelers to Bali? If so, I can throw in a few suggestions, but by no means is this comprehensive.

The Do List:

1) Drink only bottled water, preferably the “Aqua” brand. AND, drink a lot each and every day!

2) Bring some charcoal tablets and powdered electrolyte.

The Do Not List:

1) Use or ingest tap or other than bottled water in any manner including drinking, brushing of teeth, or cleaning of a wound.
2) Buy and ingest food from any roaming food vendor.
3) Eating fruit unless it is peeled.
4) Go to any monkey forest, or temples over-run by these nasty macaques. One bite from these nasty critters can land you in a hospital, or worse.

This is a short list of simple common sense. Avoiding traveler’s diarrhea is almost impossible. It is brought on mostly by the simple, yet abrupt changes of climate and diet. Best advice I can offer to thwart this nasty fact of the traveler is to drink lots and lots of water and avoid foods that you are not accustomed to eating. The down side of the later advice is that one can miss one of the greatest joys of travel....THE FOOD.