
Mar 3, 2010
So how does Guatemala or Peru qualify as being more grass roots than Bali? LMFAO. Maybe if you got out of Seminyak you'd realise what you're saying is nothing short of a joke. How would you know they're much more "grass roots" when you only spent a year there anyway. I've been to peru and was robbed at gunpoint - That's about as grassroots as it gets I suppose.

The more I read of your posts, the more charming you become.

And you say you've never been married? I cant imagine why
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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Grass roots - "People or society at a local level rather than at the center of major political activity".

It sounds like Bali to me.


Mar 3, 2010
Grass roots - "People or society at a local level rather than at the center of major political activity".

It sounds like Bali to me.

That's one of many ways of applying the term... but if this is degenerating into semantics, so be it. Thought you were above that "spicychicken"

I'm so over the one liner jabs

Ive been talking honestly and openly and if its all a bit much for one or two of you, get over it

Why not try actually participating in the conversation and actually interacting, instead of shooting the one liners from behind your keyboards

Better yet... don't

jab amongst yourselves... kids


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I wasn't trying to make a jab or anything and sorry if you read it that way. I would like to know how Guatemala and Peru are more grass roots than Bali. I haven't been to either country so I can't really compare. The sense of community is one of the things I like about living in Bali, something which I think has been lost in many western countries. There are also some foreigners here doing some interesting projects here that don't seem to get much press.

Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
LOL. The blonde brings out the old keyboard hero chestnut. Hilarious. Please do tell blonde, what makes those countries more grassroots than Bali. Instead of running home with your bat and ball how about explaining what you mean for a change.


Mar 3, 2010
I wasn't trying to make a jab or anything and sorry if you read it that way. I would like to know how Guatemala and Peru are more grass roots than Bali. I haven't been to either country so I can't really compare. The sense of community is one of the things I like about living in Bali, something which I think has been lost in many western countries. There are also some foreigners here doing some interesting projects here that don't seem to get much press.

Hi Spicy

Guatemala and Peru are rougher and more basic than Bali, way more basic and "of the earth" is the only way I can think to describe them (as are Honduras, Nicaragua and most of Central America and lots of South America.) There's an element of stepping back in time... and at the same time ... living every moment... Sounds corny but every day I spent there is more vivid to me than any other part of my life... and I believe that's because it was new and challenging and fucking fun.... which is something this island could learn about... fun... joy of life... and a little bit of salsa

The tourism there is in its infancy with most travellers there being fairly hard core at best (thus my grass roots analogy) and the expat population is minimal (they too were more "out there" type travellers before they settled, so a different kind of expat is drawn there)

Those countries are less "touched" by the outside world. This is mainly because for years they were torn apart by internal wars, (most of them until the late 90's) but the result is a raw basic place that is invigorating in that you really really know, you're not in Kansas anymore (I have never been to Kansas)

These countries have been through stuff and its shaped who they are and how they "be"

That's my perception of grass roots

There is something thrilling about that... every day seems longer and more lived because everything is new and challenging and adventurous.
But there is a peace there too.. you can relax and let your guard down. You can exhale

The people... they're dirt poor... it makes Bali look like a wealthy Disneyland in comparison and that includes the more rural areas of Bali, the places north and more regional in Bali have a touch of a sort of wealth that these people don't ever see.

Yet they don't take. They live, they work hard and they have a real joy for life.

And more importantly... you know where you stand with them... a smile is a smile and a scowl is a scowl and they both mean what they're meant to... no false facades.

If you want to buy land... its yours... legally... as long as you pay for it and it wont get swindled away from you by people who do it for a living.

And while as in all third world countries there is definitely corruption.... Indonesia makes them look like amateurs... especially Bali which has it down to a fine art

And I suppose now comes the part that mattered to me there, and slays me here

I was never once ripped off, or cheated and I never had to be on my guard constantly

Certainly as a solo female in those types of countries, I had to have my wits about me, but that is a universal caution for a woman travelling alone. And there were moments.

I too like Kura Kura, the colossal
tosser who posts his jibes here, had a double barreled shotgun pointed at my stomach... but I tried to sneak into the Mayan ruins at Tikal in the middle of a black jungle night, so really... what did I expect? It's one of my fondest memories!

The people of Central America had a pride and a style and while of course there were criminals there the way there is in Australia or USA Indonesia or the Ukraine or anywhere in the world... the general population had their eyes focused on something other than what they could get from someone else. Theyhad their own lives.

At its core, what I cant deal with here in Bali is that its the absolute opposite... they are a jealous covetous bunch even amongst themselves with feuds, stealing, late night sneaky vandalising and you know the rest.

Securing a foreigner as a partner was hardly a status symbol or things families planned... in fact those relationships struggled as the families didn't want to accept the foreigner in case he was not a good man.

Here good man, shmood man.. he's a Bulee, hes got money... lets marry our daughter to him (yes I know there are a few exceptions, like BKT I hope, but lets face it... its an industry here)

In Central America I was someone from somewhere else and we were curious about each other ... here from day one Ive been a walking wallet and so have all of you... no matter how wide the smiles

With all that said... I'm leaving... so you can breathe... my opinion is just that, and no threat to you

I still don't get why people are so threatened by my honest open feelings about Bali

Some of you remind me of the stoning scene in Life of Brian... hiding behind your fake beards and pretend voices while you stone someone for having different beliefs.

Is it really so scary for you that others don't love what you love? Am I really saying "Jehovah!"

That's sad. Sad for you and for me too, because I was hoping to have some real conversation here. I miss conversations excruciatingly. ... good deep full on talks with some sharp, fun, interesting, minds, about how we feel and whats happening in the world... preferably over a glass of wine and a cheese plate with Steely Dan playing on the CD.

And Ive given this forum a good go, but mostly just had jibes and one liners back... no one really talks... just sits back and sends out pot shots.

Keyboard jockeys like Mr Turtle who say on line what they don't have the balls to say face to face

I talk here like I talk face to face.

So I'm a bit over it all...

I'm genuinely happy for you that you love it here... and I wouldn't change your happy views for the world

I'm actually really happy for BKT... he's in love and christ I hope it works for him... I honestly do. I dont care that he's pissed off with my genuine concerned warning. I hope I'm wrong... there's got to be exceptions to behaviours and results and I hope its
his future that's the exception

Anyway... while so many of you say I haven't explained why I feel the way I do..... scrolling through all of your posts and then mine shows me that I'm the only one who really really says what and why

So you're not reading, or you're not absorbing and youre definitely not opening up, speaking the truth and telling
your story... you're just being critics of other peoples stories

and you know what they say about critics... they are failures at the real thing , so they criticise others who are doing it and lift themselves up by putting others down

So I think Ill take my wine and cheese and look elsewhere

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Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
aaaaaw shucks. Break out the violins. I guess you just don't realise that some people here actually take offence to the way you imply that the Balinese are all scamming con artists and out to cut the throat of anyone that has a $ in their pocket. And don't give me that " just read through my posts and see where I've also said nice things crap either".


Jan 20, 2010

kura kura , that was rude , you shouldnt speak to a lady like that . i also not agree with blondie but lets keep it clean here on the forum. jangan dong....


Active Member
Nov 4, 2003
Kuta, Lombok
Without reading all the posts again - so forgive me if I am not remembering correctly but I think there is a difference here.

Most people that move to Bali or Indonesia do so because they love the island/country/people.

Blondie moved here for business reasons - maybe not the best reason to do so and in looking to make money from her business found others looking to make money from her.


New Member
Apr 21, 2010
I love the last three posts and so true.
I have just married a girl much younger than me and yes, it's not easy.
However I am aware of the risks and willing to take them.
It's a battle I intend to win, but if [as the odds predict] I fail, then I will hold no bitterness and look on my experience as what it is. An adventure, and be happy I have improved someones life in an impoverished country.
I am certainly getting the best of it now!

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

What do you mean by this, Mat? Are northern balinese women difficult women?


Dec 18, 2008
What do you mean by this, Mat? Are northern balinese women difficult women?

No that is not what I meant. I was replying to the many posts that advise against relationships with Indonesian women, especially ones much younger. As in any relationships there is 'work' to do and I intend to have a long lasting happy relationship. But I don't expect it to be easy. Work on both sides is always needed in any relationship regardless of nationality and age.


New Member
Apr 21, 2010
No that is not what I meant. I was replying to the many posts that advise against relationships with Indonesian women, especially ones much younger. As in any relationships there is 'work' to do and I intend to have a long lasting happy relationship. But I don't expect it to be easy. Work on both sides is always needed in any relationship regardless of nationality and age.

I see. I always advice against relations with WESTERN women!
Aren't the northern balinese women very caring and a bit submissive, like thai women? I prefer the traditional way.


Dec 18, 2008
I see. I always advice against relations with WESTERN women!
Aren't the northern balinese women very caring and a bit submissive, like thai women? I prefer the traditional way.

I love my wife, but I wouldn't describe her in those words. Certainly not submissive! But I don't think you can generalize with all women from any one culture.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Ralph what is this "caring and submissive" bull? This is the second thread I've read that lists your predilection.

What you should be wanting is a full partner that is (at least) as intelligent as you are (shouldn't be hard) interested in all aspects of a life together and (possibly) good to look at and energetic and inventive in bed.

If "caring and submissive" is what you want then get a fecking dog - I think there are some going wanting here on the roads...


Mar 3, 2010
Oh dear, into women's lib, are we? I've got a PhD btw, and you?


Women's lib is history... ie its over... ie we're equal already... where have you been the last 30 years?

What are you in the sixties?

You have a PhD in what? You can neither spell nor punctuate, and you look at the world through the eyes of an uneducated, unintelligent man with the blustery confidence of a knat. Why quote your supposed PhD? How pathetic of you

You prefer submissive women because that's all you can handle and the only ones that will accept you

If you had anything of substance about you, you would seek a partner who is your equal

But you are too afraid for that

but don't be afraid... really... As stated by a previous poster... finding someone to equal your intelligence, shouldn't be too hard at all


New Member
Apr 21, 2010
Well, i'm continental european, and the problem with les femmes ici is that they are often feminist these days. I prefer a traditional, submissive wife with high school or something, not too much education.
Therefore my question: how are the women over there? They're hindus so probably rather traditional.