
Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
Well, i'm continental european, and the problem with les femmes ici is that they are often feminist these days. I prefer a traditional, submissive wife with high school or something, not too much education.
Therefore my question: how are the women over there? They're hindus so probably rather traditional.
Ralph, women are not more "traditional" because they are hindu. They are not more submissive because they are Balinese. You may have better luck trolling in your home country for a partner. You aren't more likely to find someone who truly wants to be your servant in Bali than you are anywhere else in the world. And getting a dog is not the answer. They deserve better than that.
Perhaps you're here just to 'stir the pot' but, really, that isn't needed. There is enough controversy here already.

If you want to find out how submissive the Thai women really are just let them know you have no money and see how they respond.


Apr 20, 2009
Denpasar, Bali
Well, i'm continental european, and the problem with les femmes ici is that they are often feminist these days. I prefer a traditional, submissive wife with high school or something, not too much education.
Therefore my question: how are the women over there? They're hindus so probably rather traditional.

Are you for real?

You know the rest of the world is living in 2010. Maybe you should get out of your cave more often. I'm surprised you got internet hooked up in there.

Seriously, what you are looking for is a house maid. They can be hired in europe as well.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Regarding "Dr Ralph", the self-proclaimed "continental European", donfuego beat me to it by asking if this person is for real?

We all read a lot of rubbish on web forums - par for the course, I suppose - me, too. Every now and then you come across someone like "Ralph". Unlike most idiots, Ralph has a pee-haitch-dee (supposedly). In what, I wonder? If a university was involved, it should hang its professors immediately.

Like donfuego pointed out:
Seriously, what you are looking for is a house maid. They can be hired in europe as well.
I think that's disparaging to house maids. I doubt that Ralph could afford to pay one European wages to begin with, assuming somebody was silly enough to employ and pay him. One never knows, of course.



Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
My wife is gentle, kind and caring. Not too much education but smarter than me in almost all things. Looks after the children, house and all things involved in that. She also looks after their education, last one going to Uni this year and she is typically eastern. If I had to pay her a salary for all these things I would not have enough money ever.

She rules us all with a rod of.....love and can make grown men cry if we hurt her in any way. After amost 28 years of marraige to her it was the best thing I have ever done.

Is she my equal....not on your life she is vastly my superior.


Bsc Geodesy, Msc Civil Engineering, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Building, Fellow of the Architects and Surveyors Institute, Member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors.

My wife completed Sekola Dasar............................................


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
For blondie

I've found your honesty and personal revelations refreshing.

I've been sick to death for years reading about how great Bali is, how friendly the people are, and so on. Some are and many aren't. Like just about everywhere else (I haven't been to central America, yet).

The current knee-jerk reactions to the Cowboys In Paradise documentary by Balinese Tourist ministers shows quite clearly how shallow and incompetent these officials are. Few surprises there. They sound as if they really believe the rhetoric about Bali.

Wouldn't it be nice if they got off their backsides and actually did something like fix broken roads, clean up garbage, educate their own people about plastic etc, jail all incompetent doctors...?

My honeymoon stage with Bali ended many years ago. Unlike yourself, I did fall in love with Bali, but that was Bali in 1973. It pains me to see what I regard as the continual degradation of this once astonishingly beautiful island. It angers me to witness the levels of both ignorance and apathy exhibited by many Balinese I come into contact with everyday of the week.

Thank you again for sharing your experiences, especially since they are not the usual run-of-the-mill rose-coloured-glasses stuff.



New Member
Apr 21, 2010
Thailand is rather overcrowded with farang riff-raff so i thought bali would be a good alternative for an intellectual like me. I will be there in june.

Why don't people leave if they hate it?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Thailand is rather overcrowded with farang riff-raff so i thought bali would be a good alternative for an intellectual like me.(sic)...
Please tell us you're joking!

So now you're a European Continental "intellectual" ?
Give us a break...


Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
kura kura , that was rude , you shouldnt speak to a lady like that . i also not agree with blondie but lets keep it clean here on the forum. jangan dong....

Urus iba pedidi. Bace malu konyang posts mare kato tulis.


Feb 3, 2010
I've found your honesty and personal revelations refreshing.

I've been sick to death for years reading about how great Bali is, how friendly the people are, and so on. Some are and many aren't. Like just about everywhere else (I haven't been to central America, yet).

The current knee-jerk reactions to the Cowboys In Paradise documentary by Balinese Tourist ministers shows quite clearly how shallow and incompetent these officials are. Few surprises there. They sound as if they really believe the rhetoric about Bali.

Wouldn't it be nice if they got off their backsides and actually did something like fix broken roads, clean up garbage, educate their own people about plastic etc, jail all incompetent doctors...?

My honeymoon stage with Bali ended many years ago. Unlike yourself, I did fall in love with Bali, but that was Bali in 1973. It pains me to see what I regard as the continual degradation of this once astonishingly beautiful island. It angers me to witness the levels of both ignorance and apathy exhibited by many Balinese I come into contact with everyday of the week.

Thank you again for sharing your experiences, especially since they are not the usual run-of-the-mill rose-coloured-glasses stuff.


Have to agree with you Johnny. I fell in love with Bali in 1981 but it took until this centuary to take off the rose coloured glasses. A little slow I know :icon_redface: but then I wasn't looking. It annoys me when people do not believe an experience someone has written about and dismisses it because 'the Balinese are not like that' well sorry take off your glasses. I can understand Blondies frustrations and I may well get to that point one day. At the moment I can ignore some annoying issues because I choose to. It's also not just Balinese it is all Indonesians and for that matter every country around the world. 99 out 100 times when someone is asked what they love/like about Bali it is always the people. Well they are showing you the side they want you to see, be careful what are behind those smiles. Not everyone is like that but some people are so stupid to think that would never happen in Bali.

The other forums are full of it. Someone writes something negative and everyone jumps down their throats.

Kura Kura

New Member
Feb 26, 2010
I'm Balinese-Aussie. I can list a 1000 things wrong with Australia as well. No country is perfect. What I object to the most are people who get "ripped off" in Bali and then proceed to taint all Balinese with the same brush. Lately there's been Indian students getting bashed/harrassed in Melbourne and the Indian press are having a field day. Most Indians though realise it's only a few bad seeds and not all aussies are violent rasicsts. I travel all over Indonesia surfing and get to see a side of the country most don't usually get to see. There's riff raff everywhere from Mawi Lombok to Aceh, but to suggest that all Indonesians are bad apples is insulting to me and my parents. It'd be the same if i said all aussie businessmen are land sharks or to never trust a yank on a handshake alone. I'm not suggesting don't point out the dodgy aspects of Indonesia, by all means go ahead because i do it all the time as well ( fix the roads, water problems in bali, corruption, alcoholic tourists etc etc) , just don't think that because bali isn't as it once was or that you had some bad experiences through nominee property deals etc that the people are all bad. And Blondie I apologise if I insulted you but you need to pull your head in a bit and realise that just because you're pissed off with life in Bali you're still a just guest on the island. The way you're carrying on is similar to a lot of poms that move to australia with the attitude of "we'll show those colonials" and then when they realise it's not as easy as that and things don't go their way they whinge like there's no tomorrow and pine for home again.

Ask yourself what you can be doing for Bali not what Bali can do for you.


Mar 3, 2010
People are people.

Live and let live :)

I honestly didn't want to hurt or make anyone angry

I felt sad and trapped and lonely and angry too

so I found this forum, a forum of expats to talk to and just connect cause I havent connected here. I wasnt on the streets insulting Balinese and I never ever would.

Then it all just blew up and I fought back,,, , because i always will... its just me so I have to fight for myself .. no one stands up for me (jokko did and it made me cry... thanks jokko xx) and jonny

Im sorry Kura Kura if I offended you

It was just my world I was writing down

Ive never been so unhappy ,,, ever... ever .. anywhere in my life

its my truth and its not about your parents kura Kura... its about my life through my eyes here on this island

Im glad you finally told me something about yourself though... it made you real, instead of just the occasional pop up comment dripping with sarcasm. None of us are awful... we just don't meet each other and only have these words to judge.... its not the real world... no matter what anyone says about social media... nothing beats a face to face smile, hello and chat

and today I finally sold my house and now I'm going ... in 4 bloody weeks,and I so overwhelmed

talk about fucked up... what a mess

I need to go, I know that

and I regret this anger

my story was my truth, that's all, not your parents, not your wives... me experience of Bali that I cant lie about

its how its been... just for me

and its made me sad, and angry and disillusioned

I'm leaving end May and I haven't got the joy yet of moving or of new things the way I usually do

something has been lost for me here.. and maybe its something I did

I dont know any more

and Jimbo... I love the way you speak of your wife xxxx


(Blondie.. but a red head.. my late wonderful father used to call me Blondie when my hair was a pale golden pinky red as a teenager)


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Congratulations on the sale of your house. I am sure the next four weeks will fly by. Are you going to be able to take your pets back to Oz?


Dec 18, 2008
Good luck Blondie.

Good luck Blondie. I hope you find happiness in your new home.

As in all places you live, it not how 'good' the general population is is how good your friends are.
Pick your friends wisely and they will give you the strength to "thumb your nose" at the other ignorant bastards.


Mar 3, 2010
Congratulations on the sale of your house. I am sure the next four weeks will fly by. Are you going to be able to take your pets back to Oz?

I am actually moving to Spain....and yes both my animals are blood/serum tested in the Netherlands and cleared to enter Europe without any quarantine

Australia will not accept any animals from Indonesia direct no matter how tested or clean.

if after 6 months in Spain I wanted to go back to Oz, I could then take them in with only 30 days quarantine and a barrage of tests of course (about 15 of them if I recall)

The hardest thing is getting them out of Bali, which I have sorted, but which is nerve wracking to say the least

Thanks for your congrats... You're right, 4 weeks will fly..... 4 days ago I didn't even have anyone looking at the house and now... I'm booking flights



Mar 3, 2010
Good luck Blondie. I hope you find happiness in your new home.

As in all places you live, it not how 'good' the general population is is how good your friends are.
Pick your friends wisely and they will give you the strength to "thumb your nose" at the other ignorant bastards.

Hi Mat

Thanks for your good wishes. Friends are one of the things Ive missed here the most.

I'm looking forward to the adventure of Spain and the newness... it challenges me and brings out my best....

there are things, and experiences and new friends waiting to be met (plus a couple I already know) . Its a whole new part of my life starting
