
Dec 7, 2010
Relevance Button

When i select a date and a location i get transfered to another page with all villas availabale...when i try to sort the relevance/price i can't chose the price option cos it keeps disappearing.
good luck


Nov 28, 2011
odd name

I'm in the internet business in Singapore (for the moment) and a couple of things strike me:

1. obscure name: vilondo.com - what does it mean? nobody will ever find it, so you're going to have to pay serious money for some heavy duty SEO guru to get you on Google Page 3 - much less Page 1 ..... or have a serious advertising budget (on the internet 'build it and they'll come is a myth')

2. Nice clean site - prices are through the roof though - mostly people do comparison searches

3. Do you actually have agreements with the villa owners to use their photos (ie: copyright) & market their property?

4. You need to look at something like booking.com and see what works - ok their look & feel is a bit cluttered but they make pots of money - basically online booking is all that people are interested in

As I see it the site is "more flash than dash" I hope you have 'more cash than flash"
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Apr 2, 2010
I'm in the internet business in Singapore (for the moment) and a couple of things strike me:

1. obscure name: vilondo.com - what does it mean? nobody will ever find it, so you're going to have to pay serious money for some heavy duty SEO guru to get you on Google Page 3 - much less Page 1 ..... or have a serious advertising budget (on the internet 'build it and they'll come is a myth')

2. Nice clean site - prices are through the roof though - mostly people do comparison searches

3. Do you actually have agreements with the villa owners to use their photos (ie: copyright) & market their property?

4. You need to look at something like booking.com and see what works - ok their look & feel is a bit cluttered but they make pots of money - basically online booking is all that people are interested in

As I see it the site is "more flash than dash" I hope you have 'more cash than flash"

Couldn't agree more, if your domain name doesn't have your key words in it, it will be impossible to rank in google. All you're left with is Google adwords and the hope that people don't do comparison searches.

I have a website I'm about to post up on here in a few weeks, reluctant to post it now as its a little incomplete. love to get some feed back on it.


Dec 16, 2011
1. obscure name: vilondo.com - what does it mean? nobody will ever find it, so you're going to have to pay serious money for some heavy duty SEO guru to get you on Google Page 3 - much less Page 1 ..... or have a serious advertising budget (on the internet 'build it and they'll come is a myth')

Not entirely true. I have a Web-design-studio site with the domain "fleava.com", but when you type "Bali Web Design" on google.com it will show up on page 2. Just the matter of technique.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
Not entirely true. I have a Web-design-studio site with the domain "fleava.com", but when you type "Bali Web Design" on google.com it will show up on page 2. Just the matter of technique.

And the funny thing is that you are exactly one place higher ranked than baliwebdesign dot com which exactly matches the search. Why would they not come up on top of this search?


Apr 2, 2010
There could be many reasons why baliwebdesign dot com is not coming up on the first page, I suspect the main one will be not having as many high PR back links like Lewis's. Having your keywords in your domain name doesn't automatically rank your site higher than everyone else's but it plays a huge factor in getting it up there.

Also ranking a website with the keywords "Bali Web Design" won't be anywhere near as hard ranking a website with the keywords "Bali Villas" There's so much more competition out there for those keywords.