
We recently visited Villa Kitty near Ubud, it’s a shelter for abandoned cats and kittens run by an expat lady named Elizabeth Henzell.It is a private foundation and receives nothing from WSPA or IFAW etc and is totally reliant on donations. It has a very high standard of care and hygene.We had to wash our hands and remove shoes before entering and the place was like a hospital, so clean with many happy and content cats and kittens,, one little thing was only four weeks old. This is possibly the only cat shelter in Bali. I would be happy to give directions and supply their current “wish list”. Villa Kitty is on Face book
I'm sure some of you residents would love to adopt a cat or kitten
Anyone for cat sate?

Haha. My take has always been, if you're going to donate money to a foundation in Bali to improve lives, start with the lives of human beings. Hard to justify cats living in luxury due to donations with many people all over Indonesia living in extremely impoverished conditions. To each their own though.
You can see a video of the place here:

I wish the lady all the best, but my preference also goes out to helping the poor, orphans, disabled, ... Humans still come first and as the needs are big, they should be taken care of first.
Rather than complain about money going to Villa Kitty or BAWA or BARC it would be more useful to tell us who you last gave to and why they are worthy of our money. To slam charities because they are seen as less worthy than others doesn't help any charity. If that stance is taken then you can start arguing against any needy yayasan. You can say the elderly should come after the children or the mentally disabled should come after the hungry, or the abused should come before the orphans, etc. You fill in your own either-or.

Let's keep this thread going in the constructive way it started and make positive suggestions with pointers such as websites, addressses, etc. that will help your chosen charity rather than saying we should not give to a certain charity. Telling us who you give to is useful. Suggesting that people not donate isn't.
Pollyanna I do understand your issue with my lack of "charity" concerning the numberless possibilities here on Bali and the rest of the planet, for that matter, to get rid of our unwanted money, salve our embarassment (at our own properity) and yes, even to help right a percieved wrong by giving our money to these endless "good" causes.

I don't want to start throwing websites at you as they are only websites and this being the internet, they are about as trustworthy as the charities they report on, really. But I do have just one that I have to show you: Millions in donations blown on administration costs |

The useless charities in the above report are all more or less transparent - the ones here on Bali are not!

I personally know of 3 charities (2 in existence and one being built as we speak) 2 of these have as their sole agenda the upkeep of the owner in the standard to which they aspire. Only one is in my opinion valid and worthy of donation (Hi Begonia).

If you want to donate to charity here on Bali then by all means do so. But NOT MONEY. Give food, rice, clothes, even games for the kids (made of wood is best as paper games don't last in the Balinese humiditiy) or pay some school fees (to the school!) but DON'T GIVE MONEY - it is the root of all evil.
Let us keep in mind that some charities need money rather than food and games.
Last Tuesday, with the help of three friends, we raised 30,000,000 in around 4 hours. This is being donated to the John Fawcett Foundation.
This is a foundation that needs money to operate.
When fund raising it is important to be fully accountable. I have managed to do this with no questions or reason for questions for a number of years.I have always got receipts and photos. Sadly the only time I have been disappointed was by a contributor on this forum. I stressed that I needed a receipt for my cash donation to their foundation, however it was never issued.
This left me with no option. I simply withdrew any future assistance.
Thanks, no.idea for the information about The John Fawcett Foundation. I agree with you that virtually every charity needs money for its operation and there are many charities in Bali doing heaps of good. And a huge congratulations on the 30,000,000 raised. Great work.
On this issue of whether to donate money or goods - sometimes money works so much better - assuming you can trust the integrity of those receiving it. Two years our Rotary Club was involved in getting an incubator for babies into a local health centre. The story with picture is here Baby Incubator for the Crisis Care Centre The US club we were working with wanted to buy the item in the US and ship it here. The biggest problem would have been power consumption - incubators from western countries have high wattage heating elements. Incubators manufactured in Java do not - you don't need to do much heating in the tropics. The second problem would have been getting it through customs - as we all know money is easy.
Good thinking, good work, on the part of the Rotary, Ronb, congratulations.

On another, but somewhat related subject, I ABHOR people who look down on those people who show concern and help with animal welfare. Their argument that humans are more important than animals reeks of hypocrisy and selfishness, because themselves, they neither help their fellow human beings nor the animals, but just criticize those who care. Helping humans and animals are not mutually exclusive, on the contrary: compassion has no limit, compassion has no rules, compassion is not a religion, it’s a way of life .
Helping humans and animals are not mutually exclusive, on the contrary: compassion has no limit, compassion has no rules, compassion is not a religion, it’s a way of life .

No I was giving an example of how emotional and teary eyed I got from your beautiful post.