You (Gilbert de jong)? Judging from your post total and pasty pale face and get off my road attitude, I'm guessing you're the one trapped inside the walls.

Now, you got it right. Last time I met with Gilbert, he lived in the back of Goa Lawah, and when I asked him about his social life, he told me he only came out at night with the bats. :highly_amused:
lol love you guys, i'm sitting here with my cuppa laughing my head off... sorry but i just have a funny image in my head of all of yous
Thanks for that link hinakos - stacks of information and impressive presentation.
From the numbers, Indonesia is the 2nd worst smoking nation in the world. Because of that, it's perhaps difficult to establish what additional negative influence dioxins may or may not be having on the amount of lung disease.
Putting my scientist hat on for a minute, I certainly don't think it can be argued that Bali is a healthy place to live and I certainly don't think this fella deserves to be mocked for his beliefs. The reality is Bali (and greater Indonesia) IS a dirty, polluted sh*thole - it's just that some of us are happy to and like to live in a dirty polluted sh*thole. Dioxin or not, good bad or otherwise - does anyone really believe that the atmosphere/air in Bali is not a health hazard???? Sorry ya kidding yourself. Thats why the proposed smoking laws previously discussed made me so angry - it's probably safer sucking Indo air thru a ciggy filter than not.
I strongly agree that nobody with passionate, good intentioned views should be mocked.
I also strongly believe in not expressing very derogatory views about someone else's country - nor my own.
With respect.
Come on, SquarePeg, as much as one has the freedom to express his/her opinion on this blog (at the final discretion of the Webmaster), so have the other members. As far as I can tell, many people, including myself, are making fun of the author's opinion and a particular subject, but are not attacking the author per se. Grow up.
Anyone taken a drive to Serangan island lately?? Seen the size of the dump right on the harbour and had the pleasure of trying to race past the stink zone?

They've tried to plant trees so it cant be seen from the road.....but the smell is something else......even windows up in the car the stink gets in and has you dry reaching.

Kinda takes the shine off a morning surf before you even get into the water.....then you gotta get back out past it to get home.

That area has the potential to be the best harbourfront land in Bali, with nice beaches to boot, but its nothing short of a festering stinking toxic dump....on prime real estate (i know the original inhabitants were slaughtered out of the place and it should never really be up for grabs anyway)

Those mangrove swamps around that dump is where all your local crabs and shellfish come from too.

Even for a dump that place stinks like no other....

I'll never get why they continue to operate the biggest dump in Bali right in the middle of the the population, and why they decided to put it right on the waterfront and in the middle of a mangrove forest.
action - reaction...pretty basic imho.
if the OP would not 'flip' if someone (me) shines a light on some 'perspective' from a different angle, and goes way beyond the point of a normal 'stabil' comment..
getting facts wrong and making it 'personal', then be prepared to get some funny reactions.

dji sam soe TAR 39mg and nikotin 2.3mg..ok ok, no filter ;)
Green Packaging Conference: Sanur 23-25 May

At the risk of indulging in a bit of shameless self promotion here - we're working with the Indonesian Packaging Federation on a conference focused on Green Packaging at the Grand Bali Beach Hotel, Sanur 23-25 May 2012.

In addition to 'yours truly' (speaking about the 'chain of responsibility' for packaging & packaging waste) there will be speakers from DuPont and TetraPak to explain the latest trends in Sustainable Packaging production & disposal.

It's an Industry Conference, not intended for the general public, though there will probably be some Government people and NGOs there to learn what it takes to get the show on the road ... as it says in the flyer:

"Green packaging is not just about reducing the amount of packaging but takes package design, processing, disposal conditions and the entire product life-cycle into consideration."​

More details here: Green Packaging in Indonesia: Seminar

It's one thing to wear fair-trade clothing, eat organics and shout, scream and throw a tizzy-fit about the environment & 3Rs (Reduce Reuse Recycle) - it's another to educate those responsible throughout the supply chain in a calm and business-like manner what it actually means beyond an abstract poster project for school kids - i order to make it absolutely clear and sensible to them & make them wonder why they never did it that way in the first place.
Of course the answer is always money & the misconception that being 'green' (god I hate that word) costs more money... but done properly, the reality is just the opposite - it saves Government and Industry money.
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Do you know places in Ubud doing REFILL water? What about Kuta, Lovina? people has places to refill their bottles?
I don't know about Ubud or Lovina but in Kerobokan we refill our 19 litre bottle regularly. We have 2 places within walking distance.

Just look for signs saying "AIR ISI ULANG". Usually Rp3.000 for a refill.
I don't know about Ubud or Lovina but in Kerobokan we refill our 19 litre bottle regularly. We have 2 places within walking distance.

Just look for signs saying "AIR ISI ULANG". Usually Rp3.000 for a refill.
They call the bottles 'gallon' although they are clearly much more.