Ron, you forgot how many times the mother has to have surgery before she dies two times a year, and the sister´s school is soo expensive ...

Good point there mate, I forgot about the sister's schooling costs and mum's surgery. Of course then there is the son, they are always needing money to get through university. God damn, every university in Java must be packed full of young men living from mum's earnings.
Had another 'experiance' last night at my local eatery, I was eating with my wife when we became aware of an elderly female dutch tourist staring at us. Shortly after that she got up from her table and approached other tables with dutch tourists and in a loud enough voice that we could hear, was asking them [in English strangely] " do you think he f###s her? Then staring at us again. Made us feel pretty uncomfortable. I wanted to answer her question with full detail but for the sake of other diners refrained. My wife does look younger than her actual age, but still no excuse for such bad manners. Oh well another idiot to ignore ! I hope she goes back to the Netherlands soon and has not become an expat here.
Thanks for sharing that with us Mat.

Fortunately or not your lovely wife does look about 14 years old so I can understand in a way the reaction of the stupid tourists.

Reminds me of the old joke:

Lover says to her man "I'm going to have to leave you because everyone says you are pedophile".

His reply: "Pedophile huh? That's a big word for a 12 year old."

Sorry in advance.
Had another 'experiance' last night at my local eatery, I was eating with my wife when we became aware of an elderly female dutch tourist staring at us. Shortly after that she got up from her table and approached other tables with dutch tourists and in a loud enough voice that we could hear, was asking them [in English strangely] " do you think he f###s her? Then staring at us again. Made us feel pretty uncomfortable. I wanted to answer her question with full detail but for the sake of other diners refrained. My wife does look younger than her actual age, but still no excuse for such bad manners. Oh well another idiot to ignore ! I hope she goes back to the Netherlands soon and has not become an expat here.

I would take it as a compliment and give them a big smile.