Apr 2, 2010
Hey all I have a question regarding starting up a CV.

My wife's business is starting to take off so she's looking to registering it, the problem is is that the house we're living in does not have an IMB as it was built many moons ago. Now my mother-in-law has a small piece of land just down the road, what I want to know is, is it possible to draw up some plans, obtain a IMB and start up the company without actually having to build on the property.

Or am I missing something.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
BKT I think you need the plate & certificate that you get when you finish the building. I don't think you can just use the permit to start building process to have a CV. The big problem in Bali is nobody worries about a IMB:icon_mrgreen:. I know some people in Kuta that built service offices so westerners could use to register there business.


Apr 2, 2010
Hmm thats too bad, my wife's dealing with overseas clients and its not a good look having them transfer money into her personal account. Looks like I'll have to come up with another solution.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
This may be a silly question. I don’t know anything much about IMBs but would it be possible to get an IMB now?

Yes, it is possible, even after completing your house. Most locals don't bother getting one. If you want to sell your house later it is a good idea to have one.

Hmm thats too bad, my wife's dealing with overseas clients and its not a good look having them transfer money into her personal account. Looks like I'll have to come up with another solution.

I think people transferring any kind of money overseas, to any account are going to be nervous. I doubt that overseas clients would really worry too much, whether it is a business or personal account? I would look at building trust with your clients in other ways like testimonials and references. Maybe there is a tripadvisor type site for wedding planners!

You might want to consider a UD company, which I believe is like a sole proprieter. You should speak to a good notary or your wife's family members who are already in business. One thing about having a CV is you need to report to the tax office every month even if there is no business activity in your company. Not sure about a UD, but perhaps there is less paperwork.

Receiving money via Paypal is also an option. Even if the fees are on the high side, it is a convenient option. You need a credit card set up to withdraw payments to a local bank account and it can take a little while to get a credit card. You should also consider getting a merchant bank account set up, so you can receive credit card payments. We have spoken to bank about it, but haven't gone through the process yet. It doesn't seem too difficult, but like anything here, it can take a long long time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
This may be a silly question. I don’t know anything much about IMBs but would it be possible to get an IMB now?

You can but would be better to have one of your local friends to do it or you. Now that you have finished your house, you are open to money(ATM) under the table:icon_evil:.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
why go through the hassle of obtaining an IMB, the only thing you need is a valid adress (surat keterangan domisili).

an UD is a bit less paperwork..no akte notaris, no npwp (other then her personal npwp), no legal/court statement "legalising" your company...
here are the requirements for obtaining an UD :
1. Foto copy NPWP Pribadi
2. Foto copy KTP
3. Foto copy KK
4. Nama usaha
5. Sewa menyewa/PBB
6. Pass Photo 3×4=2 buah.

for a CV is needed two people for registering, so two times copy of KTP.
because of two people registering, she needs to make a akta at the notaris.
and would have to register the company for a npwp in the company's name.

imho, an UD would be easier

just to make sure, not translated..

Dokumen yang di urus :
1. Domisili ( kekelurahan + kecamatan )
2. NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak)
3. SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) ( urus disperindag setempat )
4. TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan ( urus disperindag setempat )

Persyaratannya :
1. Foto copy NPWP Pribadi
2. Foto copy KTP
3. Foto copy KK
4. Nama usaha
5. Sewa menyewa/PBB
6. Pass Photo 3×4=2 buah.

so if she has the surat domisili and a NPWP, it's of to the Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan


Apr 2, 2010
Thanks for the info guys, the wife just got off the phone with her old school friend who's a Notaris here in Singaraja, she also recommended her form a UD Company. We'll be heading to the Urus Disperindag tomorrow morning to inquire about the TDP and SIUP. One thing though my wife called the Urus Disperindag last month and they said one of the requirements for obtaining a SIUP is an IMB, she also read an article on the net which also said you'll need one as well. Her Notaris friend seemed to think she didn't need one, however she also said you need a Notaris to form a UD :icon_rolleyes:

I'll let you know how it goes.


Apr 2, 2010
Spicy I was thinking about Paypal, I have an account however the average client is spending $12,000 USD on a wedding. With fee's it might be a little on the pricy side.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
Ubud, Bali
I have used an Aussie Paypal account and it has worked fine. The fee is about 3% with no standing charges (costs nothing if you don't use it). Sometimes, the $12,000 may take them above their credit card limit. (Possibly there is some PayPal upper limit too, but I have never got near $12,000 so don't know about that.) Having PayPal as an option for credit cards is a good idea, even if you also offer some direct transfer option which will have a reduced fee. Some people are credit-card oriented, others aren't.

I would set prices so that you can absorb the 3% as a cost, but if you are bargaining the final price and already know they will do a bank transfer, you can take that into account

The advantage of PayPal is that you get confirmation immediately, while with bank transfers you need to wait some time.

Another thing to consider is how to do refunds - PayPal has options for this, but I have never used it.


I use PayPal for a lot of things. I personally think the fees, whilst high, are pretty much acceptable when it comes to efficiency for financial matters in Indonesia and for basing your peace of mind on.



Nov 8, 2010
We use Paypal as a lot of people still do not like giving out their credit cards details.
By using their credit card via Paypal the merchant only gets details of the deposit, while the 3% adds up it it could help secure sales long term.


Apr 2, 2010
Thanks Gil, at the moment we're still sorting out the family KK, it hasn't been updated in a while and my wife is still listed as non-married, plus my name isn't on there either. She wants to make sure everything is right just so she doesn't have any problems down the track. A mate of mine in my basketball team works at the Catatan Sipil and is getting it rushed through, from what I heard it usually takes a month but we're picking it up on Monday. We'll be in Denpasar on Tuesday so we'll visit the Urus Disperindag when we get back on Thursday. :icon_biggrin:

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
cool...please let me know if you made it onto the KK as well...
for some reason they (catsip) didn't/couldn't/wouldn't put me on my wife's KK...they said something because he's a foreigner (???), hahaha.


Apr 2, 2010
Yea that sounds right, 10,000 for KTP and 10,000 for KK Mandiri. My wifes cousin had to wait a month for his KK, the people there told him their boss who signs everything off had been transferred and they had to wait for a new boss to be appointed, they also said they were out of forms :icon_rolleyes: sounds like they were trying to make some extra cash. For you to get on her KK The Sipil require a few papers, one is a letter from the police stating that you live here, another is from the Kelurahan and the other is the same form your wife filled out for her KK Mandiri. Should take a few days to process by the Sipil. If you go there ask for a guy called Nova and tell him you know me and ask him what you need, I'm sure he'll be more helpful than the last people you spoke to there.

Congrats on the 2000th post by the way

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
thanks for the congrats :)

just to make sure we're going to the right place...you mean the catsip next to the postoffice in Singaraja? 'cause Meta said she got her KTP and KK at the kecamatan Sukasade,
maybe you two mean the same thing, just using different names for it :highly_amused:
would look stupid asking for Nova at a wrong kantor :icon_wink:
thx for the info on what papers I need to give 'm.


Apr 2, 2010
Yea her KTP and KK was issued by kecamatan Sukasade. Because your a foreigner, for you get on her KK it needs to be issued by the Catsip.

So basically you'll want to visit kecamatan Sukasade, ask for the form to have you put on her KK, fill it out and have it signed, then take that along with your other forms

Letter from Kelurahan
Letter from Police
Photocopy of passport
Photocopy of Kitas

to the Catsip. Then they'll process it.
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