
New Member
Sep 3, 2014
I have done a least dozen trips with Qatar Airways from Copenhagen to Bali. Every time my return date is past the 30 days that a Visa on Arrivial gives you. I have never had any problems. Just extend the VISA once in Bali and pay up the agent fee. Everyone is happy.

This time I was flying with Qatar from Oslo. At check in a pop up came up on the computer screen to alert the check in attendant to check for a valid VISA in my passport because my return leg was beyond 30 days. I had no VISA in my passport. I was planning on VOA + extention this time like so many times before. I explained carefully that the VOA could be extended once in Bali. I showed several examples of this in my passport. The attendant then called the airline representative to double check and no I am not boarding the plane without a valid VISA. IfI were not to be allowed to enter Bali Qatar must bring me back and he’s ass would be on the line with his managers.

Next I am off to the Qatar ticket counter to review my options together with the airline representative. They were basically limited to get a new ticket or not to go at all. I had bought my ticket with miles and there was simply was no seats available for any dates within the VOA 30 days. That door was firmly shut.

I asked what other options there could be except buying a whole new ticket doing my best to open any doors possible. By now the rep was starting to realize that he was about to boot a member of their miles club of the plane and suggested that a reservation receipt with a return date within the 30 days would be acceptable. Unless I paid up it within 24 hours the reservation would be forfeited but I had something to show imigrasi.

I was more than relieved when I boarded the plane and took my seat.

So I suggest you double check with the airline in good time about their policy so you don't get any nasty surprises at the airport like did. For me it is the social visa next time.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Good 1st post Beck and welcome to the forum.

Whilst rarely asked at Imigrasi it is still a requirement to show an exit your warning is very apt.
I'm surprised Qatar didn't offer a waiver form absolving them of responsibility, especially as you did have a return ticket....seems to me they were acting harshly or were ill-informed of normal process. Although I have a Kitas, and don't need an exit ticket, it isn't all airline staff that are aware of this and I've been asked for the ticket.

A Sosbud will require a sponsor based in Indonesia but a Tourist visa doesn't...both initially permit 60 days visit.


New Member
Sep 3, 2014
I am married to a balinese woman so I guess she could sponsor me for a Sosbud. She is living in Sweden with me but she is still WNI.

If I understand things correctly she could also sponsor me for a KITAS (ikut istri) as well. The thing is we are primarily based in Sweden and only spend about 4 months a year in Bali. Wahat do the rules about this and what is the reality like?


Active Member
Dec 3, 2011
with a spousal( family) kitas you can leave and arrive in Indo at will. It has been mandatory since July to have a MERP( multi exit reentry permit) a spousal kitas do it yourself price of 1.855 juta includes visa and the merp for 1 year


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I am married to a balinese woman so I guess she could sponsor me for a Sosbud. She is living in Sweden with me but she is still WNI.

If I understand things correctly she could also sponsor me for a KITAS (ikut istri) as well. The thing is we are primarily based in Sweden and only spend about 4 months a year in Bali. Wahat do the rules about this and what is the reality like?

The criteria for her to sponsor you is she will need to have kept her KTP (Indonesian I.D. card) and probably still maintain a bank account in RI.
As Smoke explains.....the spousal kitas is probably the best way for you as it covers all your coming and going for a year. Remember, if you have a single-entry Sosbud and left for a short visit to...say Singapore...your Sosbud will become invalid and you'll need to re-apply.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Alternatively many people use an AirAsia email boarding pass/ticket and I'm told it's possible, using Photoshop, to change all the relevant data to fit your needs. Since you are never going to use the pass/ticket to board an AirAsia plane you are perfectly legal to present it to questioning airline employees as your "exit ticket".

But what do I know?


New Member
Apr 24, 2012
Markit ..... I too have heard of other people doing that trick. Those other people tole me that they never had any problems ......


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Alternatively many people use an AirAsia email boarding pass/ticket and I'm told it's possible, using Photoshop, to change all the relevant data to fit your needs. Since you are never going to use the pass/ticket to board an AirAsia plane you are perfectly legal to present it to questioning airline employees as your "exit ticket"

I don't want to be in-line at the airport when someone presents this photoshopped Air Asia 'legal boarding pass/ticket'.....when it's seen as a forgery and security is called.

While watching this person being marched away in handcuffs I might miss having plenty time to select my 'duty-free' booze ....:icon_e_biggrin:


New Member
Apr 24, 2012
Davita -- My friend tells me that it's rather unlikely that anybody would notice or least of all care so long as the boxes are ticked ......


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
The last few posts of this thread are revealing. Is Bali really that great of a place to have to commit fraud to stay there? Sounds like extreme escapism. Why not find a way legally and if you cannot, go somewhere else?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Davita -- My friend tells me that it's rather unlikely that anybody would notice or least of all care so long as the boxes are ticked ......

No need to convince me...tell that to the big security guy who leads you to the cells for having a fraudulent boarding pass/ticket. You might add "I didn't intend to use it!" and see if he notices, or cares. His box is ticked for catching someone with a forged boarding pass.......all for what?

Might as well photoshop a check for $1M and buy into the stock market or play the casino....maybe get away with that...:icon_idea: at least there is a reasonable risk/reward possibility.:distant:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I don't want to be in-line at the airport when someone presents this photoshopped Air Asia 'legal boarding pass/ticket'.....when it's seen as a forgery and security is called.

While watching this person being marched away in handcuffs I might miss having plenty time to select my 'duty-free' booze ....:icon_e_biggrin:

Ok for the slightly confused out there: You take the photoshoped edition of your AirAsia boarding pass or flight confirmation that has been recieved per email and show it to all those idiots at Virgin, Delta, AirKangaroo, etc. that are trying to coerce you AT THE LAST MINUTE (as they do) to buy a really expensive onward/return ticket from their ticket counter on your morning of flight, usually about 30 minutes before your really expensive flight is about to leave.

This is no way "fraud" or anything remotely like it. All you are doing is "proving" that AirKangaroo can happily allow you on their flight to Indonesia secure in the knowledge that they will not have to repatriate you at their expense since you don't have a return ticket as you are going to secure a wonderful Kitas/kitap/Social visa WHEN YOU ARE HERE. As everyone does.

Frankly, I'm sure that all these airlines know how the visa system here works but have just seen a way to increase sales at no real cost to themselves.

If you still don't understand what this is all about then pay for the fecking expensive ass ticket as you are way too stupid to be allowed to stay on Bali.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
There's no confusion Markit.
If you are in possession of a forged document you are liable to be charged with criminal matter the intent...particularly with regard to airline/airport security.

If the fake onward boarding pass/ticket is to simply fool the airline staff then I'd suggest getting rid of it before entering the more stringent 2nd security check.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Again I disagree - you can have any forged document you wish to (apart from banknotes). That in and of itself is not illegal (how many have Photo Shopped pix of themselves with GW Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Jesus Christ or certificates of membership as a doctor one thing or another).

It is the intent to use that can be criminal and I am betting there must be an element of personal gain involved to fulfill the description of "deception" or "fraud".

Therefore by showing my tailored email booking receipt to airline staff to avoid having to buy one of their tickets I am not gaining anything and so cross no legal barriers. If I now show that same pass to Air Asia boarding staff attempting to enter their plane and get a flight for free I am definitely going beyond the realms of legality and intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
I suggest you don't get caught in Hong Kong with a fake airline boarding pass in your pocket.....

"Under the Immigration Ordinance, anyone who possesses or uses a forged travel document commits an offence. Offenders are liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, to a maximum fine of $150,000 and imprisonment for 14 years."
June 17, 2014.

The above link refers to a case where some Hong Kong citizens were altering boarding passes and ID's for sale to mainland Chinese who legally cross the land border into Hong Kong. The passes were not used, but found in possession, while the Chinese were being interrogated for another crime, and linked back to the culprits who faked them.
The Hong Kong citizens were jailed between 35 and 43 months while the Chinese were jailed between 15 and 22 months.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
See picture: Air-Asia-Doctored.jpg I maintain that this is no more a "travel document" than a laundry list is a pair of socks.

I have used same to get around the problem mentioned.

Time to grow a pair there boys and girls or buy the fecking ticket.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
can you post the link please [MENTION=11670]davita[/MENTION]

See picture: View attachment 2334 I maintain that this is no more a "travel document" than a laundry list is a pair of socks.
I have used same to get around the problem mentioned.
Time to grow a pair there boys and girls or buy the fecking ticket.

1. Sorry'll need to google. The information was supplied by my pal, a retired (Brit) Hong Kong judge who lives in Umalas but currently back in Hong Kong to be with his 2 daughters and grandkids for Xmas/NY. I'll see him next week and enquire further if you're still interested.

2. Markit insists that altering a boarding pass is perfectly legal...I'm only indicating that others may interpret differently. A boarding pass is required to access the security side of an airport and has a barcode which can easily be swiped to verify authenticity. Agreed, it's unlikely the check-in will bother to do that with a return boarding pass...but circumstances can change. Anyway...not all airlines allow checking-in online and printing the boarding pass until close to the flight date..i.e. Lion Air only permit within 24 hours.
Seeing as Markit says it's OK maybe he can provide his contact number to offer to Immigration/Security...:icon_rolleyes:

The pass Markit provides above is clearly a fake as the contact is my mum...she died over 30 years ago...:angel:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Davita put the reading glasses back on or give them a swish with the snot rag (clean side). This is not a boarding pass but an itinerary.