
New Member
Dec 7, 2010
700,000 rp ($80) vs. ($750) per person every year for a large family makes a ton of difference and can be a show stopper for some. 700,000 rp is the legal fee, i heard that it means nothing becasue you wont get renewal on your own even with all the time and patience of the world. I grew up in a third world country so its not like i dont know some of that but some say that you will not get the renewals w/o an agent. agents charge $700+ per person per year. is there any other alternativesx? could someone hire an indonesian person who can run around with me for a few days every year to renew and not costs me $700 X 5 = $3500 every single year.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
some will say, can't get it without a agent other will say you can...
if you have your paperwork in order, and can submit everything when applying for a KITAS (or renewal)...Imigrasi would have no other choice then to grant it.

any Indonesian would be glad to run around with you, but would lack the contacts to get to the backoffice...an agent does have the contacts, applications are glanced at, signed/stamped..done.
Hence the price of an agent...

Another solution/alternative, if you have big balls you could ask to meet with a 'head' of imigrasi and suggest you pay him 2500USD per year for his help in expediting paperwork..
big balls could it would leave you wide open for extortion in the future, so not a way to go in my humble opinion.


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it. I read in some of Atlantis postings that the big portion of theses fees go -not to the agent- but as gift/bribe whatever you wanna call it for agents in immigration that leads me to believe that do it yrself will cost you just about what you pay to an agent (perhaps less obviousley but not by much + the headackes) you still have to pay these ppl to get it!!! so 700,000 rp is nothing more but something on paper, in practice you will not pay that little (or anywhere close for that matter). ok for single person maybe..what happens if you apply yr self, I mean they will not approve or reject and keep delaying? how do they play the game? i mean if you apply, immigration cant deport you you running a company and you did yr part by applying how is it the fault of the applicant and what happens if the application is just stalled? are they going to deport you and your family even though thats their agents that didnt process the application or are they going to try to find something wrong with the application which really just a renewal!!!

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
you're welcome...
Atlantis knows a hell of alot more then I do, He used to be active on this forum, but suddenly fell silent.
I guess it can get sort of boring answering the same questions over and over, but then again whats a forum witout questions...and like I said the whole process of finding info can be very confusing..

Personally I think that it hardly ever happens that someone does the application for a KITAS connected with a PMA themself...let alone for a family of 5.
About the deportation and stalling, you would get a receipt (proof) of when the application was filed, along with a receipt for documents given to the Imigrasi...that would rule out any stalling. or blaiming the applicant for being at fault.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Let me explain I'm an Australian, I'm white, I have a Indonesia Kitas Visa, I paid 700,000rp+ for the visa. You have a choice get a 60day tourist or a sobud visa come to Indonesia & see what YOU want to do. I think you should just go to a visa agent, pay the money bend over & take it like a man.:icon_mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I just had one agency quote me $1400 dollars for a retirement visa

Is that for one or two people? I believe that most agencies charge 6.5 million per year.


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
I think its safe to say that KITAS renewal is no less than 5,000,000 rp per person thru an agent. plus $1200 a year for director of pma. I was also told that you about %12 tax on any profits the company makes, does anyone know if you have to declare a salary for yrself as a director and pay tax on that? if so whats themin salary and what tax rate is applied?

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
income made in/on Bali, means pay incometax in/on Bali...
that's another reason why you should meet with an company who can assist you with all this...
you own the company as a director,you get an income from your company, play with the books/payslips so it evens out...if you understand what I saying?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
The agents make a lot of money from setting up PMA company's, The first thing you need to understand is you have a large dollar sign on your head.
A PMA is a large legal company in Indonesia, the same as any country so all the bul$$hit goes with it.
As you are a director of the company you can have a Kitas (none working)
This position is a none paid one as your visa is a none working visa.
Now if you want a working Kitas your company applies for this, lots of paper work & company documents (big headache). Company's use agents to do the process as they are big, they employ a lot of expats so 10-20,000,000rp + 1200us, is no problem to get there employees in to the country.(for every expat your company employs you have to employ a number of locals ETC. ETC.).
Taxes: which ones are you talking about, company's use a account & tax negotiators. Taxes in Indonesia go something like this
UD: No thanks I have already been screwed enough:icon_mrgreen:
CV: OK but I really don't make much money
PT: OK but lets talk about it
PMA: Bendover PMA pays on turnover thats why they have accounts/negotiators
Personal Tax, as a expat your contract with your company (goverment copy). Your company will deduct your taxes & pay to the taxman. Min salary for a expat would be 6-8mill if your very unlucky.
This is why so many expats are on sobud visa's, it's so easy
You need to understand Jay that you need to come here on a short term visa then work out what is best for YOU:icon_mrgreen: everything takes a long time here so take it slow & easy.
I hope this has helped in some way.


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
The agents make a lot of money from setting up PMA company's, The first thing you need to understand is you have a large dollar sign on your head.
A PMA is a large legal company in Indonesia, the same as any country so all the bul$$hit goes with it.
As you are a director of the company you can have a Kitas (none working)
This position is a none paid one as your visa is a none working visa.
Now if you want a working Kitas your company applies for this, lots of paper work & company documents (big headache). Company's use agents to do the process as they are big, they employ a lot of expats so 10-20,000,000rp + 1200us, is no problem to get there employees in to the country.(for every expat your company employs you have to employ a number of locals ETC. ETC.).
Taxes: which ones are you talking about, company's use a account & tax negotiators. Taxes in Indonesia go something like this
UD: No thanks I have already been screwed enough:icon_mrgreen:
CV: OK but I really don't make much money
PT: OK but lets talk about it
PMA: Bendover PMA pays on turnover thats why they have accounts/negotiators
Personal Tax, as a expat your contract with your company (goverment copy). Your company will deduct your taxes & pay to the taxman. Min salary for a expat would be 6-8mill if your very unlucky.
This is why so many expats are on sobud visa's, it's so easy
You need to understand Jay that you need to come here on a short term visa then work out what is best for YOU:icon_mrgreen: everything takes a long time here so take it slow & easy.
I hope this has helped in some way.

tHANKS ALL FOR THE HELP, I am asessing all the info you are right Fred that a social visa is indeed an alternative, have to leave every 180 days and with the 4X extension plus leaving to outside country with kids will probibly cost me 4X5X50$= $1000 + $1300 to fly etc every 6 months is total of $2300 X 2 per year is $4600 per year, wow adds up, question remains how many times is it ok to do that and the bad feeling that you constantly gettting around the system (peace of mind), but i dont have to deal PMA, taxes etc..I really dont want to have a company or even work. also PMA/kitas opens the door for permanent residency after 5 yrs and social visa you are constabtly askign for something. thanks a lot for the help/info