
New Member
Dec 7, 2010
basic questions on forming PMA for the purpose of staying in indo long term with family (not married to indo or anything like that and have three children- US citizens):

ok PMA formation is around US$3k- one time cost

registered address etc US$800 or so per year

KITAS for family of 5 is how much ? US$864 ???? is that for 684 per person or for family? also is that a one time fee, per year or everytime you renew the visa?
US$1200 per year levy fees to government

THE MAIN QUESTION I HAVE IS : if the company is not active and was created just to stay there, the work permit/resident visa can be renewed indefinitely so we can stay for long term as long as tax is filed for the "no activity" company????? also how long is one KITAS for?anyone who can answer please I thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
I think with your PMA you & your wife would be directors, so you can have a non working kitas, 12 months. will your children be going to school? You would have trouble getting a work permit from a company that files a tax statement with no activity. Were you planing to work in Bali?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
It seems strange to form a PMA just to get a visa. I wonder if the government would get suspicious of a company that has 0 income and 0 activity.

It sounds like a consulting company is trying to sell you an expensive solution to stay in the country.

As mentioned in the other thread with the same question a social visa is an opton but you would need to leave the country every 6 months.


Oct 1, 2009
Singapore, Tabanan
I was given to understand that all PMA approvals must go through BKPM scrutiny....what kind of business...a business plan and minimum investment are prerequisites. Account books...Bank statements...P&L should be available for Tax inspections and Taxes need to be filed annually. The govt will withdraw the PMA if NIL returns are filed. One could also be blacklisted/deported/jailed for filing false statements and tax returns.

I feel going the PMA route ..just to get a stay visa ....is a REAL BAD IDEA.


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
I can do some consulting as i have business management background thats not a problem so I cna have active company (I wd rather not but it can be done), but whats really discouraging is the fees!!! so a family of 5 I am paying $800 per person per year for the visa?? thats like $4000 a year just for visas?? and add to that the $1200 levy fees ( I am assuming tyhats just for me for working at my own company). is this correct for the visa $800 per person per year? (I was told the visa is for one year and you have to renew it every year? so the visa is not for more than one year? how do you eun the company if you dont know if you can renew?)

please respond.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
What I meant is not that you do some consulting, but find a company who can consult you regarding your situation and wishes...
indeed the fee's are very high but not 800 USD per year per person...
1200 USD goes to the gov, wich the company's pays for each foreigner employed(your PMA company, so forget about the zero activity tax filing).
Yes the KITAS is for 1 year, renewal is no problem..just matter of paying again since you are the owner of the company that pays for the workpermit.

The reason why I suggest you find a company who can consult and assist you is, that maybe there are some possibilities that would make the whole proces cheaper....
example: wife might be able to come with her husband at a reduced rate of KITAS??
(not allowed to work though)
kids below a certain age might be written into the mother's passport??
(no separate KITAS for the kids)
I'm just throwing things out there, things you might consider asking professionals.
I have no experience with wifes or with children yet, so have never looked into that and can't tell you the ins and outs about what you want.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
btw...what's your motivation to stay whole year round on Bali? Like others have suggested it's much cheaper and alot less hassle to do a visa run to singapore every 6 months with the family..

5 returntickets to Singapore = 600 USD (airasia)
overnightstay = 300 USD (cheaper possible, more expensive too)
fee for agent in Singapore = 100 USD (if I remember right)
taxi hotel/airport = 30 USD
food/drinks = XXX

that's about it right? so lets say 1300 USD.....excluding the 4 extensions of the sosbudvisa...
to tired now (02.12 in the morning now), will add tomorrow the costs of that.


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
gilbert de jong, It is a pleasure to find ppl like you who care to help. your point about the need toi consult with a lawyer etc is well taken and I will do that right now i am just feeling the waters buy chatting on board and I understand it is no legal advise just chatting. by consulting I meant that i can open a consulting firm (my PMA) to provide consulting service to business owner etc, that will make the PMA active and file for taxes etc.

As far as why i want to be lin indonesia, we wd like to raise the kids there since we want to expose them to eastern and muslim culture, that is why i am trying to figure out a way to be there without having to worry about visa every period and all that (hard to travel with small children etc plus you can only do it so many times before immigration start to think you are playing the system). I need to live in malaysia ling term (10,15 years, etc).

if was told the kitas are $800 per person and find that to be high if it needs to be done every year, if its a one time cost it is not as bad!

I have seen on other boards that kitas are three years? not sure which is correct one year or 3 years. also another question is the fee to renew every year $800 or is it something less because it is renewal like i said that was what i was asking.

also how many times you can renew (assuming the PMA is active and filing taxes properley etc)? as many years as you are in good terms and active?

Also what is KITAP?

I am interested in knowing how ot be able to stay in indonesia without or with minimal headackes as far as immigration. i wd like to be able to rais emy kids in peace, thatas what we are lloking for. there is no financial issues at all and I have income from overseas, just the immigration side of things.


Oct 1, 2009
Singapore, Tabanan
Hi Jay.... Gilbert is right ...you should consult with a Indonesian immigration/business consultant. They will be able to advise you on the formation of company, as well as the best way forward to secure KITAS (extendable every year) for yourself and family.

Singapore visa runs are for Tourists for long/short stays... not advisable in yr case as you need a permanent solution. You will need open Bank account, buy a car, get a driving Licence...and for all this you will need a valid KITAS. Also please note that Balinese are HINDU...wrong place to be in, if you want to expose yr kids to Muslim culture. You also need to be sure abt your destination...Indonesia or Malaysia?..since you mention both.

KITAP is a permanent stay permit...and it is renewable every 5 years. I think to qualify for a Kitap one needs to have held a Kitas for atleast 3 or 5 years.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
You are better to come to Bali & look around to make sure this is were you want to be.
Visa, Kitas is 700,000rp= $80US to renew each year, Find a local & start a PM company (joint) you will be a director & can have a Kitas, if you are married your wife & children can come in as dependents on your Kitas. Is there some reason to have a PMA????


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
I swear I recieved reply from an reputable agent with expertise in forming PMA , processing KITAS etc (very known agency by just about everyone in bali), they told me the kitas are $750 PER PERSON, it gets rebewed every single year and the renewal fee is $685 PER PERSON PER YEAR. so if you have a family of 5 you $$$$$ every year to renew???? most everyone says $80 to renew KITAS CAN ANYONE CONFIRM WHICH FEE IT IS PLEASE!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Here is the page that Vin mentioned: Visas and Documentation - Information on working documents for expatriates in Indonesia It suggests the dependant KITAS costs are the lower fee you quoted.

You will however need to get a working visa which is an annual fee of US$1200, plus the admin costs of getting the visa. I think it is kind of typical of a visa agent to propose the most expensive solution ie. setting up a PMA when a PT would be enough to get your working visa.


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
Thanx for replying, I dont see anything on that page about "fees to renew kitas every year for visa holder and dependents" unless I overlooked it. can anyone else confirm that kitas thru my own PMA costs TO RENEW ON YEARLY BASIS is not hundreds of dollars PER PERSON. several postings and websites say that renewal fees per person are similar to the inital fee which is hundreds of dollars.???


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
Many have stayed for years on a Sosial Budaya visa and done the Singapore run every six months. I thought you said you only wanted to stay for 1 year.

As Vodka has said Baili is not really the place to expose your children to a Muslim culture.

On the other hand Malaysia has no such restrictions if you buy a property there (something you cannot d in Indonesia) It ticks all your boxes so you might want to try there.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
As far as why i want to be lin indonesia, we wd like to raise the kids there since we want to expose them to eastern and muslim culture, that is why i am trying to figure out a way to be there without having to worry about visa every period and all that (hard to travel with small children etc plus you can only do it so many times before immigration start to think you are playing the system). I need to live in malaysia ling term (10,15 years, etc).

if was told the kitas are $800 per person and find that to be high if it needs to be done every year, if its a one time cost it is not as bad!

I have seen on other boards that kitas are three years? not sure which is correct one year or 3 years. also another question is the fee to renew every year $800 or is it something less because it is renewal like i said that was what i was asking.

also how many times you can renew (assuming the PMA is active and filing taxes properley etc)? as many years as you are in good terms and active?

Also what is KITAP?
I'm a bit confused jay...just to get things straight ok, you want to raise your kids in Indonesia, but you need to live in Malaysia?? and you would like your kids to be exposed/raised within a majority of muslim citizens? I would say, that Bali is probably not the right place for that, meaning that although there are many moslims here...it's not a muslim-culture.
Again just to make sure where on the same page jay...Malaysia and Indonesia are two different country's, with each different rules about imigration.

Renewal of KITAS with workpermit can be done till you would reach the age of 55, can be done beyond that age but at that age you would qualify for a retirement kitas wich is alot cheaper(but doesn't allow you to work).
So a kitas is for one year...(my turn, like Vin said :) ) KITAP is a temporary citizenship valid for 5 years, when renewing the Kitas the third time, one can apply for a KITAP at the same time...the KITAS would then become a KITAP if that application is granted, if the KITAP is not granted you would still receive the Kitas.
as to costs there's no way around the 1200USD per year for your workpermit (also when you would hold a KITAP)..there's alot of paperwork involved with this kind of kitas and therefor the use of an agent makes things alot easier, but you pay for these. as you can see the difference between the price if you go on your own to the imigrasi fill out all kind of papers, send them here/there etcetc...an agent takes care of all paperwork involved. you just show up sign the papers, and later pick up your papers (kitas and some other things) at the imigrasi.

It can get pretty confusing all sorts of Visa's, prices, one is telling you this, and there you're reading someting else..hang in there, at the end of the tunnel is light :)
take care, fr.gr. gilbert.


New Member
Dec 7, 2010
Where to be in indonesia can be decided or changed later.I appreciate all answers. We want to be in indonesia not anywhere else. I still can't get an answer about when you hold a kitas thru year own pma how does it cost to renew it every year for me wife and three children I am looking a rough number.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
you 1200 USD + 750 USD = 1950USD
wife and 3 children 4 X 750 USD = 3000USD

total EVERY YEAR = 4950 USD
(just for kitas,without expenses of setting up PMA)

setting up PMA + - 7500 USD


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Lets start again
A PMA company, agents cost $$$$$$$, buy second hand around 18,000,000rp(2000us)
The company, you are a director + Kitas non working, Agents cost $$$$$, you do 700,000rp +(80.00us)
Your wife (must be married) you sponsor, Agent cost $$$$, you do 700,000rp+
Your children (you must be the father) Agents cost $$$$, you do 700,000rp+ each.
If I were you get a 60 day tourist visa from your country, when you arrive check out which school you want to put your children in, they will then sponsor you for a sobud visa= 180 days. Then work out what you want. Indonesia is very different from the west & you won't find that out till you get here.
Your Kitas visa is only good for 1yr no matter how big or how much money you want to invest in Indonesia.:icon_e_sad:
next question:icon_mrgreen: