
....bait thieves?
I.E. To leave something valuable lying around and wait in the bushes with a crossbow/elephant gun/bazooka/trebuchet and then nail them when they commit the act?


New Member
Sep 1, 2012
hmmm, why would you wanna do this??? and how can you be sure about their intentions to steal???
Has it ever crossed you mind, that there could actually be some honest people out there? People who will pick up your things with the intention of leaving it at the police station - like you are suppost to do when you find valuable things lying around.
I know the changes of this happening in Bali is very small, but you never know...!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
....bait thieves?
I.E. To leave something valuable lying around and wait in the bushes with a crossbow/elephant gun/bazooka/trebuchet and then nail them when they commit the act?

use the Elephant gun it tenderizes and hamburgers the meat at the same time - when is the barbecue?


As regards the Elephant gun, I was thinking of a Gibbs .577. It only makes one hole, albeit a very large one!


Active Member
Dec 3, 2011
Not baiting if you just left there and happened to stay in the shade (out of site) and all of a sudden found a thief on your property taking your items. I am sure thief would bodily threaten you and you acted to protect yourself and family

The 577 could easily stop the physical threat on your life and protect your property safely


Does anyone know if it is legal to..............bait thieves?

Of course it is not legal
Don't put yourself in a tricky position
Instead, get photos, or movies, and then use the POLISI

Sometimes I feel the same way
I am riding my scooter and some cork soaker in a car is in 'my' lane and I have to squeeze over
I have been wondering 'what to do' about that that because it happens 2 or 3 times every time I go out

My current thinking is some small pieces of metal or hard rocks and just drop one out there 'in the way' and let nature take it's course on the windscreen

But I am trying to talk myself out of it and use the GoPro instead for evidence

Hhhhmmmmm - tough call, this one


Feb 22, 2011
Don't forget about bear traps. Bear traps always seem to be over looked in situations like this.
Failing that get married. You will never have anything valuable ever again.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
Heh Gurkha...with your expertise in weaponry and attitude are you one of the 'killers for hire' the police are still searching for in the Bob and Noor Ellis case...:icon_e_surprised::cupcake:


Heh Gurkha...with your expertise in weaponry and attitude are you one of the 'killers for hire' the police are still searching for in the Bob and Noor Ellis case...:icon_e_surprised::cupcake:

If I HAD been involved, I wouldn't have involved a couple of clueless pembantu and I would have disposed of the evidence in a correct and professional manner - no body, no case.:lemo:


Don't forget about bear traps. Bear traps always seem to be over looked in situations like this.
Failing that get married. You will never have anything valuable ever again.

Can you buy bear traps at Ace hardware?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2012
If I HAD been involved, I wouldn't have involved a couple of clueless pembantu and I would have disposed of the evidence in a correct and professional manner - no body, no case.:lemo:

I'll keep that in mind........and I presume you have an offshore account or do you use paypal?..:icon_e_biggrin:
Aug 31, 2014
hmmm, why would you wanna do this??? and how can you be sure about their intentions to steal???
Has it ever crossed you mind, that there could actually be some honest people out there? People who will pick up your things with the intention of leaving it at the police station - like you are suppost to do when you find valuable things lying around.
I know the changes of this happening in Bali is very small, but you never know...!

Just make sure no one steals your rose-tinted glasses.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Instead, get photos, or movies, and then use the POLISI
You're joking, right?

What about police picking on foreigners for minor infringements, like having the wheel of the motorbike just over the white line at traffic lights?
Or ignoring unlicensed local children riding around all over the place?

I doubt that your Go-Pro footage would impress the police much, if at all.
And actively trying to break windscreens surreptitiously, and possibly causing an "accident", would be plain stupid.



You're joking, right?


What about police picking on foreigners for minor infringements, like having the wheel of the motorbike just over the white line at traffic lights?

Stuff them

I doubt that your Go-Pro footage would impress the police much, if at all. And actively trying to break windscreens surreptitiously, and possibly causing an "accident", would be plain stupid

Yes, but how does one deal with such activities from the public who are not bule
What can we do about this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Yes, but how does one deal with such activities from the public who are not bule. What can we do about this?
I wish I knew the answer to that.

Some thoughts:

(1) Expats create a group to submit polite comments, suggestions, grievances directly to the Governor of Bali, then sit back and probably wait for nothing to happen as a result.
(2) Expats attempt to change the mind-set of everyday Balinese to obey existing rules and regulations through advanced techniques of attitude change - (extremely difficult, very long-term at best, then sit back for decades to see what worked).
(3) Figure out ways how to get the police to enforce the existing road "laws" equitably for everybody, (including babies riding motorbikes, drunk road users, people who don't turn their lights on at night, school kids who ride pushbikes three-abreast, people texting, twittering, face-booking while driving/riding, etc). If you can imagine how to do this, let the Governor of Bali know at your earliest convenience, and keep waiting for any action.
(4) Embarrass the authorities by uploading silly videos to Youtube about how not to drive in Bali, or anywhere else in Indonesia.
(5) Start a social media campaign on a site like Avaast with some specific issue(s) in mind. Send the manifesto to the Governor of Bali. Who knows? Maybe in a week or two, a million people might sign it. Then wait and see what happens.
(6) This is a biggie...stop corruption in this country, or at least, make it as "invisible" as most Western countries do. Corruption is everywhere - it's only when somebody gets caught that a scapegoat or actual criminal has to suffer the consequences (if any - think George W Bush, Jr).
(7) Become an Indonesian citizen, change your religion to Balinese Hinduism, (not necessarily in that order), and with enough time, become a fully-fledged member of a local banjar. Then try and get your banjar to agree to complain to the Governor of Bali. Fat chance!

This is by no means an exhaustive list of "possibilities".

If all else fails, accept the fact that you're staying/living in an alien society by choice, and probably should go with the flow, as much as you can. Engage thoughtful Balinese with your ideas and hope for the best. Sooner or later, even the Balinese will have had enough of traffic jams, pollution, no water, getting ripped-off by the Indonesian central government, endless desecration (and Westernization) of their island.

Really, it's up to Balinese to decide when enough is enough. Or is it?



Hey - very Cool answer, and it addresses a lot of things

I particularly like your #4
(4) Embarrass the authorities by uploading silly videos to Youtube about how not to drive in Bali, or anywhere else in Indonesia.

Use a fake name on YouTube like Honest Wayan and see what happens
Maybe it will go viral
Actually, your #4 is a Winner because it might dent Tourism and that's a big No-No here

The authorities will be looking for Fake Wayan everywhere but nobody 'see him today'

This is a serious issue and is probably worse in the North than in the South (also the west coast with the trucks there - that's real bad too)
We have one road for North Bali, running East-West
There are 2 lanes
And many traffic
If you see a space you can get to, it's all yours

However, if a Pariwisata tourist bus wants it then you must give it up and get the heck outta the way
The yellow dirt-delivering trucks are just as bad
And then there are the individual road warriors - they are probably the worst - they go the overtake and do not yield against a bule on a scooter
That's why I thought the retaliation
It would draw attention to the issue
If the victim complained, they would have to say where they were at the time of impact
Game over

Hey, I wouldn't do it (seriously) but someone should take this problem and 'own it' thru to nice completion

I don't know why you say the POLISI would not want to see a video
I am sure they would
They are police and police are the same everywhere because they like evidence - it makes things easy for them, and they get success
All the Polisi I have encountered here are nice when they realize you are OK with them - they are not all 'bad', that's for sure

Also, your name here - JohnnyCool
I had a flying instructor in Parafield, South Australia named Brian Cool
He was, of course, known as Captain Cool
And he was a cool captain and he showed me a few tricks of the trade


From the Beat Mag:
Bali’s Provincial government has confirmed that it will begin a series of podium discussions in Renon where people can express their opinions regarding societal issues. Initiated by the newly sworn in Jokowi government, the talks will begin on November 2 at 8.00 am to 10.00 am at the Bajra Sandhi Monument in Renon and will be conducted there every Sunday indefinitely. The Head of Public Relations for Bali’s Provincial Government, Dewa Gede Mahendra explained that the talks are designed to be a platform for people to give advice to the Provincial government with no restrictions on freedom of speech. “The general public is allowed to say anything, and provide criticism and advice to all institutions, agencies, so no channel is blocked,” said Mahendra. “Essentially it will provide the public a chance to evaluate government related developments,” he added. - See more at: Nothing found for Daily Jokowi Government To Commence Open Forum Talks In Renon #sthash Tr1Hedlg Dpuf
If you wish to say anything, it will have to be in Indonesian of course!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Paul and Johnny I'm not clear why anyone that has seen the road conditions here would even think of riding a motorbike or scooter here!

I love motorbiking and miss it almost daily but I refuse to put my valuable life and limb into such dire jeopardy so long as I live in Bali. In my 7 years on Bali (where has the time fecking gone!!!) I have been on a motorbike a total of 4 times - all were emergencies or car breakdowns.

I personally think it's pretty stupid to bitch about the dangers of the road and then ride a scooter. I think guns are dangerous, therefore ipso facto I don't live in America.

Get a car and enjoy life/air conditioning/ the sound of motorbikes bouncing off/driving with a Bintang in one hand and your baby in the other/privacy to enjoy the previous/etc.


Point understood but yours is the wholistic view and not the realist's view

Ditching the 2-wheeler for a 4-wheeler and swigging a coolie enroute does not stop the trucks and buses, etc, from endangering the remaining zillions of 2-wheeler riders
Those drivers need to be reigned in, and they will
It is just a matter of 'how to'

BTW, I did the maths
I already own 3 cars in Australia and just sold 3 of my 2-wheelers (a Harley and a SUZUKI dirt bike and a KAWASAKI dirt bike with 1 remaining HONDA here)

I can rent a 4-wheeler here for Rp400K for an o/niter
A 4-wheeler here costs around Rp200jt approx to buy
Dividing 400K into 2Jt is approx 500
If I go somewhere in a 4-wheeler, 500 times is a lot when I am already 60 yrs old
Besok I drive a 4-wheeler and the last time I did it was early August
500 times at, say, ten times a year is 50 years
I will not be here then
Neither will you
Plus, I get a recent model each time
Do the maths

But, if you have the family then it's a different story for sure

One can still 'complain' about the poor safety on the roads whether one rides or drives or neither
You can ipso facto until the cows come home, m, but nothing changes from what I have written above until those rogue drivers are brought to justice and stopped
If you drive like that in Australia you will be jailed for sure
And rightly so