
New Member
Dec 1, 2010
Gold Coast
Hi everyone,
first time posting here, but been lurking for a while :icon_e_smile:
I am going to Bali for the first time in January, for about 3 weeks, and looking for cheap accomodation.
i would like to spend some time in Ubud and somewhere else by the beach, where do you recommend ?
It will be just me, having a break from children and study, and very much looking forward to it.
any help would be greatly appreciated


Feb 8, 2010
Ubud, Bali
Hi everyone,
first time posting here, but been lurking for a while :icon_e_smile:
I am going to Bali for the first time in January, for about 3 weeks, and looking for cheap accomodation.
i would like to spend some time in Ubud and somewhere else by the beach, where do you recommend ?
It will be just me, having a break from children and study, and very much looking forward to it.
any help would be greatly appreciated

It depends on what sort of beach experience you're looking for but if you want to see some real Bali and some beautiful Bali you might try Amed.


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
Gold Coast
It depends on what sort of beach experience you're looking for but if you want to see some real Bali and some beautiful Bali you might try Amed.

Thanks Pollyanna, its funny someone i was talking to tonight, saying i was going to Bali and what i wanted to see and where to stay and she also suggested Amed, thanks i will check it out :)


Aug 30, 2010
beautiful amed

Thanks Pollyanna, its funny someone i was talking to tonight, saying i was going to Bali and what i wanted to see and where to stay and she also suggested Amed, thanks i will check it out :)

Hi, I spent some time in amed in august, I absolutely loved it. but you do have to hire a motor bike to get around, but that is no problem as it is very quiet. go on to trip advisor, bali forum, ask questions about amed, a lady named URSIE is an amed expert, she knows all the hotels etc. she will reply to your qs. BUT i would get onto it ASAP, amed is very popular with europeans and the hotels book out quick.


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
Gold Coast
Thank you will go and ask on the other forum, i have booked my ticket today, can't wait to get on that plane, i have booked the first 2 nights accommodation then will need something else cheaper. I really want to explore the real bali, so looking for a room in a house, and share a family's life event. any ideas will be most welcome


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Amed is a hell-hole unless you have one leg shorter than the other because it's a hell-hole on a ferocious slant so to stay on an even keel you need to have a very short leg on one side. Oh and did I mention dry? It's a hell-hole on a slant that is fecking really, really dry.

Even the Balinese are dry there - I'm sure some of them are developing humps like a dromedary but that could have been my vision blurred by lack of waterbintang...? The minute it rains there everyone rushes out to put up his "for sale/ di jual" sign in the hopes that some bule will come by thinking its a tropical paradise and not a desert.

Someone mentioned you need to hire a motorbike to get around - forget that, get a camel it will last longer.

Point is I can't understand why anyone would want to go there unless diving under water was a major part of their/his/its life cause life above water in Amed is fecking dry - did I mention that?

But that's only my opinion...:icon_biggrin:


Dec 18, 2008
Amed is a hell-hole unless you have one leg shorter than the other because it's a hell-hole on a ferocious slant so to stay on an even keel you need to have a very short leg on one side. Oh and did I mention dry? It's a hell-hole on a slant that is fecking really, really dry.

Even the Balinese are dry there - I'm sure some of them are developing humps like a dromedary but that could have been my vision blurred by lack of waterbintang...? The minute it rains there everyone rushes out to put up his "for sale/ di jual" sign in the hopes that some bule will come by thinking its a tropical paradise and not a desert.

Someone mentioned you need to hire a motorbike to get around - forget that, get a camel it will last longer.

Point is I can't understand why anyone would want to go there unless diving under water was a major part of their/his/its life cause life above water in Amed is fecking dry - did I mention that?

But that's only my opinion...:icon_biggrin:

Quite right Markit! I just don't get Amed, went there once, never again! Long drawn out stretch of hotels with hardly any shops or restaurants. No fun at all unless you are into diving or doing nothing.


New Member
Dec 3, 2010
Amed experience

Quite right Markit! I just don't get Amed, went there once,

Interesting opinions of Amed.. we have friends building there and visited a couple of years ago. Quite enjoyed the experience, bit of snorkling and stayed at the Waa-Waa Wee-Wee2 hotel on the cliff overlooking clear water with infinity pool and good food. Rooms were comfortable and for 300,000 isn't over the top expensive. Guess there is something for everyone everywhere, but not everything for everyone everywhere.



New Member
Dec 1, 2010
Gold Coast
Quite right Markit! I just don't get Amed, went there once, never again! Long drawn out stretch of hotels with hardly any shops or restaurants. No fun at all unless you are into diving or doing nothing.

I am into doing nothing, just relax and reading a good book :) will have to see and make my own opinion i think ! thanks for your imput


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
Gold Coast
Amed is a hell-hole unless you have one leg shorter than the other because it's a hell-hole on a ferocious slant so to stay on an even keel you need to have a very short leg on one side. Oh and did I mention dry? It's a hell-hole on a slant that is fecking really, really dry.

Even the Balinese are dry there - I'm sure some of them are developing humps like a dromedary but that could have been my vision blurred by lack of waterbintang...? The minute it rains there everyone rushes out to put up his "for sale/ di jual" sign in the hopes that some bule will come by thinking its a tropical paradise and not a desert.

Someone mentioned you need to hire a motorbike to get around - forget that, get a camel it will last longer.

Point is I can't understand why anyone would want to go there unless diving under water was a major part of their/his/its life cause life above water in Amed is fecking dry - did I mention that?

But that's only my opinion...:icon_biggrin:

LOL i can you don't like it there :) will have to check it out for myself and will let you know what i think when i get back !


New Member
Dec 1, 2010
Gold Coast
Interesting opinions of Amed.. we have friends building there and visited a couple of years ago. Quite enjoyed the experience, bit of snorkling and stayed at the Waa-Waa Wee-Wee2 hotel on the cliff overlooking clear water with infinity pool and good food. Rooms were comfortable and for 300,000 isn't over the top expensive. Guess there is something for everyone everywhere, but not everything for everyone everywhere.


thanks Bryan, will look for the hotel you mention online


New Member
Nov 6, 2002
san diego, ca
Places in Ubud.


In Ubud, you might try a little place off of Jl. Bisma called Three Dewis'. It's a small place, just four rooms and family owned. We've stayed there many times and enjoy the atmosphere and the family.


New Member
Mar 28, 2011
you are going to travel alone? I personally prefer to travel with friends, which would be much more fun.


Oct 10, 2007
I personally like Amed, when I want to go on holiday I usually like to go to Amed, but two or maximun three days could be enough!!!
I will never describe Amed as a real and beautiful Bali, in fact Amed is one of the poorest areas of Bali.
If I am in Amed I enjoy the view of the sea, the jukung and the beaches from the road at the coast but if you look at the mountains or at the villages, there are not really "beautiful" things there, as Markit said before very dry and the villages and houses very diferent than the rest of Bali, very poor, very sad.............there is not really balinese compounds, balinese doors, bale bengong, nice family temples, gardens, good markets, much ceremonies or temples, or handycrafts...............
I will always remember one time I went there after Galungan and I was shock to see the tiny penjors and the small family temples.............
I love do the way trough the coast!!
Still a nice place to go for a few days!! but for relaxing and just take a rest!!! the only problem I can not avoid to feel bad about the contrast I see there.............