

I am trying to look for the indonesian customs website to see what is the limit of alcohol that I can bring into Bali. Found the website but english version pages are down. Anyone has any idea what is the limit?

Sure does....wine or spirits. If you are searched and found carrying more, you'll have to pay a varying amount of "duty" (read between the lines).
Lol. I am defintely reading between the lines. Just thinking...will it be cheaper if I do that???? 8)
Mats has nailed this question down pat. However, I will say, from time to time coming into Bali with two 750 ML bottles, I have been able to "confuse" customs a little bit.

I travel to Bangkok every six months. Duty free shopping for one litre bottles is not easy at BKK international airport. Most offerings are 750 ML and that's it.

I never try to hide the bottles, the two 750 ML, or 1.5 litre, which is 500 ML over the limit.

When questioned, I offer, "let's drink the 500 ML overage together, right now." It's worked time, and time again.
If it works for you Roy....why not. :D

I'd like to add that many spirits sold in duty free shops at Australian airports are in 1.25 litre bottles. Bali customs officials don't seem to have a problem with the extra quarter litre. Maybe they don't check the labels. :?:
Hi there. Does the 1 litre limit into Bali apply to store bought alcohol (duty paid) as well? I've always thought we could take in extra so long as the duty had been paid at purchase (from Woolworths etc).
Can anyone advise?
The answer is no it doesn't.
The duty has been paid to Aust. Govt. not RI Govt.
Same as when you come back into Australia and you may have alcohol purchased overseas. Must be included in your total allowance.


I dont want to buy any duty free alcohol when i go to bali but i would like to take some Australian wine with me, is this ok to do?
Daneille, I think this question has been answered but any amount over one litre per adult is subject to paying duty.

You could try and smuggle it in if you are game.

I known people who have got a four litre cask wine and put the bladder inside a four litre cardboard water container and sealed it up and got it through. But then customs in Indo are gonna wake up to this one real soon as who brings drinking water into Bali when it is so cheap to buy it there.
Just curious, as an American who hasn't traveled to Australia or other countries (Outside of when I was in the Marines and we didn't have customs inspections), what do you mean by a "duty fee"? Is that a tax or something?
I will do a test on this on my return from Malaysia.
Left from Bali ,purchased one bottle of duty free wine in Kl i purchased a second bottle.no problems there.
Both duty free wine are in my check in bag.all suggled up lol
In KL i wil purchase a bottle of Jw blue and a double black jw placing one in my computer bag and the other in my carry on . Wish me luck
I can never understand why airport duty-free shops are permitted to sell alcohol as carry-on on an aircraft. It is inheritently dangerous! Imagine the fire problem if say 300 people carried 1 litre each (300 litres of flammable liquid) placed in the overhead bins. It is madness! When I was in aviation I used to be more worried about that than having a fuel leak...brandy/whisky is more combustible than kerosine!:angel:

Better to have duty-free on arrival as some airports offer. This should be the world standard. There used to be one at Soekarno-Hatta, just after Immigrasi and before Customs, but it closed a few years ago...I understand they priced items too high and lost to competition from outbound duty-free.....what's new!
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With luck and shitty baggage handlers you will have all your kit drenched and be seen sucking the life out of your laptop on the desk at customs. Bon Voyage
Seriously !!!!!

I can never understand why airport duty-free shops are permitted to sell alcohol as carry-on on an aircraft. It is inheritently dangerous! Imagine the fire problem if say 300 people carried 1 litre each (300 litres of flammable liquid) placed in the overhead bins. It is madness! When I was in aviation I used to be more worried about that than having a fuel leak...brandy/whisky is more combustible than kerosine!:angel:

Better to have duty-free on arrival as some airports offer. This should be the world standard. There used to be one at Soekarno-Hatta, just after Immigrasi and before Customs, but it closed a few years ago...I understand they priced items too high and lost to competition from outbound duty-free.....what's new!

Hmmmmm I would think that an aviation professional would know better than to worry about something like that !!!!

Really -- your sitting in a flying fuel tank that uses fuel flow as engine coolant and wing heating, with engines that are turning at 40000 RPM like a ticking time bomb, travelling somewhere just under the speed of sound in freezing conditions, and ya think some alcohol as hand luggage is going to bring you unstuck :icon_eek:
Hmmmmm I would think that an aviation professional would know better than to worry about something like that !!!!

Really -- your sitting in a flying fuel tank that uses fuel flow as engine coolant and wing heating, with engines that are turning at 40000 RPM like a ticking time bomb, travelling somewhere just under the speed of sound in freezing conditions, and ya think some alcohol as hand luggage is going to bring you unstuck :icon_eek:

WoW dwain...I never thought of it like that...I should have demanded a higher salary....:angel:
Davita, as a former aviation professional wouldn't you be more afraid of the current situation with the quality of the ATC's and airport capacity in Indonesia especially Soekarno Hatta?

I noticed the number of near miss were cracking up like crazy and some planes were forced to burned up almost every drop of their fuel because too many planes trying to land on a hectic airport?
Davita, as a former aviation professional wouldn't you be more afraid of the current situation with the quality of the ATC's and airport capacity in Indonesia especially Soekarno Hatta?

I noticed the number of near miss were cracking up like crazy and some planes were forced to burned up almost every drop of their fuel because too many planes trying to land on a hectic airport?

Absolutely ferdie...seems you read my mind. I wrote about those fears on another thread some time back concerning the Lion Air crash.

The quality of Air Traffic Control worries me more than the quality of Indonesian pilots. My view is they need to import a few 'experienced' Controllers and Commercial Pilots from elsewhere to enhance the industry, and not young fresh expat pilots, on small money, trying to build their hours. But, I fear, national pride will be hurt.

I read that RI is looking at excess civil servants to see if they can be trained as pilots. Many Psychologists might need to be employed if this venture succeeds :icon_rolleyes: