
Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
bottomline for people (mixed-marriage) who would like to apply for an spousevisa/kitas, no other way then to just marry under the Indonesian rules.
one could get married abroad ofcourse and it would be totally legal there, but overhere you could not apply for that visa unless of the same religion and either have the blue book or the
weddingcertificates from the catatan sipil.
Not to mention how happy one would make inlaws, by marrying their daughter/son overhere...

If you get married oversea you need to take your marriage certificate to the Indonesian embassy & they will stamp it, notaries it, translate it.
When you return to Indonesia you have 30 days to register it, you may be asked some questions & have to supply some more documents.
They may ask you to be the same religion(not likely), a letter from mum & dad saying they are happy you got married(not likely), letter from your embassy saying that the certificate is legal. When you register your certificate, your marriage is legal in Indonesia.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
bottomline for people (mixed-marriage) who would like to apply for an spousevisa/kitas, no other way then to just marry under the Indonesian rules.
one could get married abroad ofcourse and it would be totally legal there, but overhere you could not apply for that visa unless of the same religion and either have the blue book or the
weddingcertificates from the catatan sipil.
Not to mention how happy one would make inlaws, by marrying their daughter/son overhere...

If you get married oversea you need to take your marriage certificate to the Indonesian embassy & they will stamp it, notaries it, translate it.
When you return to Indonesia you have 30 days to register it, you may be asked some questions & have to supply some more documents.
They may ask you to be the same religion(not likely), a letter from mum & dad saying they are happy you got married(not likely), letter from your embassy saying that the certificate is legal. When you register your certificate, your marriage is legal in Indonesia.

sorry but it's the same as dealing with imigrasi when getting a KItas, one needs to choose a religion, the imigrasi however doesn't ask for proof of this..
the catsip however surely does when registering a fact there's a religion-box that needs to be thicked on the application form and that box is
'linked' to 'paperwork' to check...Not having/supplying all the documents might result in not getting the weddingcertificate.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2004
Another option for overseas marriage to an Indonesian citizen is at the Indonesian embassy itself in your country of residence, provided it is for a muslim marriage. My wife and I did this two years ago. It was an interesting experience, as this particular embassy had never done it before, so there was a lot of 'can you please provide one more document...' Thankfully my country's embassy was quite efficient in providing the needed documents from my side, and my mother in law managed the documentation for my wife from Jakarta. I did have to provide proof of my conversion, which occurred in the country where we married. In the end, we got the signed and stamped buku nikahs after a fairly cute ceremony at the embassy which all the senior embassy staff actually attended. BTW, for a muslim marriage the buku nikah is not blue but actually green and maroon (green for istri, maroon for suami). While the embassy said they would register the marriage with the authorities in Jakarta, we also arranged to do this ourselves to make sure it was done within the deadline (as Fred2 notes correctly, this is 30 days following the return or visit of the Indonesian spouse to Indonesia). Our prenup had been signed and registered a few weeks before the marriage. It is critical that this is done before the marriage, wherever the marriage occurs and whenever it is registered.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I will continue to write anything I feel to be correct here regardless or who it upsets or annoys. Aside from all the personal attacks here that show more of the (low) intelligence of the attacker(s) than the attacked I think in retrospect I am willing to admit, wait for it!, wait for it?, wait for it...

I may have been wrong here

Or at the very least bucking what appears to be a trend. Please have a look at this article. Interesting is the Japanese women marrying Balinese men to get back to a more rural life.

International marriage: Herr and Madame, Señor and Mrs | The Economist

You might want to frame this as I will not be doing this very often


Oct 3, 2011
I will continue to write anything I feel to be correct here regardless or who it upsets or annoys. Aside from all the personal attacks here that show more of the (low) intelligence of the attacker(s) than the attacked I think in retrospect I am willing to admit, wait for it!, wait for it?, wait for it...

man i read a lot of the crap you say and if don't have anything nice to say then don't say. personally i think your a narrower mind bogan/redneck what ever you want to call it. if i was you i would not be talking about the (low) intelligence of the Attackers(s), because all what your say in low intelligence farther muslim my mother hindu an the marriage has been going on fine for the past 30 years. what i want to know is you say all this stuff and a lot of it racist and sexist but yet you still on this forum i think you need to be kicked off


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia

Many share your frustrations but sadly they will fall on deaf ears as said person has an ego bigger than Bali itself. In my years on this forum there has only been one other person with such symptoms of megalomania but at least he had a little bit of a clue regarding Bali. Why the person in question now has such delusions of grandeur I really don't know. There are many smart and intelligent people that contribute here, but he certainly isn't one of them and provides little evidence to the contrary, which is perhaps why he feels the need to suggest that anyone who disagrees with his usually valueless contributions as being of inferior intelligence. Just for your information, he was suspended once but for some unfathomable reason was returned to pollute. Its never a bad thing to have an opposing opinion on a subject or topic, but it would be nice if that opinion came with tact and a genuine shred of background knowledge. Uniformly, this is lacking.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Ha ha ha I rest my case - IQs size of a shoe (US not EU).

Many thanks for your valuable contributions both Adam and RhysG. Sadly only "valuable" as a bad example of openmindedness and ability to see beyond end of huge nose (which appears to be stuck firmly between own buttocks) - new yoga position?

I just love driving up the lurkers like these two - only come aboard when deep in the Bintang or having exhausted themselves on the porn networks.


Active Member
Feb 6, 2009
man i read a lot of the crap you say and if don't have anything nice to say then don't say. personally i think your a narrower mind bogan/redneck what ever you want to call it. if i was you i would not be talking about the (low) intelligence of the Attackers(s), because all what your say in low intelligence farther muslim my mother hindu an the marriage has been going on fine for the past 30 years. what i want to know is you say all this stuff and a lot of it racist and sexist but yet you still on this forum i think you need to be kicked off

Hi Rhys

Did you read the article Markit posted?

International marriages are often attacked as exploitative, because they typically take place between an older richer man and a younger, less well-educated woman from a poor country. Terrible examples of abuse do exist. Yet the evidence suggests that international marriages often last longer than average and that migrant wives come to play important roles in their husband’s host country.

Marriage remains, for the most part, an institution that promotes economic improvement and personal happiness. It also tends to boost social assimilation—the main exception being when a second-generation immigrant weds a girl from a village his parents had left long before. Over the next few years, international marriage is likely to continue its quiet upward crawl. Governments should protect its victims—but not prevent the process.

It is actually in favour of you and your mixed marriage parents.
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Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia
Hi Balibule,

I think Rhys' offence was taken from the earlier crap that was written by our resident village idiot, who funnily provided his own evidence to show how much of a goose he really is. Rhys seemingly took it personal, which is fair enough, because yet again we have the opinion of an imbecile being argued as 'fact' by that imbecile when he was clearly wrong and had no idea what he was talking about!!! (again, still....)

There is nothing wrong with having different opinions, but at least they can be delivered with tact and humility and no one should be berated for having a difference of opinion. Nor am I suggesting we should all be smothered by the fear of 'political correctness', as that concept is uglier than the people it intends to silence, but a bit of sensitivity costs nothing. I think we have seen time and time again that this person cannot behave like a grown up. This comment sums it up perfectly: "I will continue to write anything I feel to be correct here regardless or who it upsets or annoys". Sounds like a spoilt teenager, right?



Dec 18, 2008
Personally, I enjoy M's posts, They add much needed humor to this pod as well as an oft needed 'other side' of a debate. I feel there is no need to take any offense by them as I am sure none is intended. Opinions are opinions, just that. Please let's try to avoid the petty bickering/insults that makes uncomfortable reading and keep this a fun place to post.
So ease up and don't take it too seriously. Warm wishes to all.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia

No worries and my apologies to you for where they are deserved. Perhaps your post highlights what gets my hackles up, everybody seems to get along politely here with the exception of 1. Nothings perfect I spose.

Kind regards

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
hahaha...lighten up, Markit means no harm...if someone takes his (or anyones elses for that matter) posts personal, that's their problem.
I for two (along with mat) like reading Markit's posts..
To go out and write some personal 'attack' towards him is in my opinion (just my opinion) uncalled for...
and then go to the extend of changing your signature...
teenager, calling the kettle black a bit isn't it?
Anyways, just my two cents :icon_mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Are you mad?

Eaten any prion beef burgers lately?

Why would you want to marry and convert to Islam?

Get a grip and think about it first, hell come to Old Markit and we'll sit down over some beers and whisky (you bring) and I will tell you a story about LIFE, LOVE AND THE PERSUITE OF HAPPINESS.

Over half the population is female, OVER so why would you want to take on the most difficult marriage you could possibly find? Why.

Marry a Mormon - if you decide you don't like the first one, get another!

Hey I'm holding back here so cut me some slack OK?

I don't know this post seem tame enough for Markit, when he hasn't taken his meds:icon_mrgreen:
May be I should hold back:livid:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
The Lord loves a censor otherwise it would read "Let there be a fecking bright light!"

Matselah could you email the original - can't remember what I wrote - them damn meds...


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Markit, I can't remember exactly how the post read originally, but I do remember removing the expletives ("Are you f***ing mad? FFS, etc)