Valentines Poll: Expat Balinese Romances

Can an expat and a Balinese find true romance and be soul mates?

  • YES: I prefer them to my own culture/country because they are beautiful.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO: They are out to get you.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


May 11, 2005
forgot to mention.. in Bali it's not entirely uncommon to see guys (probably best buddies) walking hand in hand and "hanging on each other" while walking in public. This seem to be generally accepted whereas abroad they'd very very likely be regarded and looked upon as gays. Just a small, but notable, difference in how males behave. The strict and tabooed view on how males and females should interact in public is something i've never liked in Bali. I'd rather see people everywhere kissing and hugging each other without having to be stared at or feel uncomfortable. Here are 2 rebells of the Indonesian sexual revolution. I say go for it and the hell with people who got nother better to do than stare! :)


made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
This is a most interesting thread.
And is is SO nice to hear the points of view of the Angels.
-replying to your most recent post, Tommy. I for one am looking forward to not having to see a couple, sometimes a rather unattractive couple; being all over each other in public. I am embarrased by this.
I am far from being a prude, but some things might be best kept secret...
I find restraint of one's emotions in a public situation to be a virtue and a sign of intelligence.
I have made some woman very angry w/ me because I have not shown jealousy in certain situations. It is not that I did not feel it at the time, but I am up there in years -as is my brother Roy :D, and life experience has given me this quality.
I have all my life appreciated the nuances of Balinese behavior, and have tried to emulate this in my own western existence.
While I will fight to the last for equality of the sexes. I will not anytime soon be seen with in an impassioned embrace w/ a lover unless we being spied upon :shock: by a voyeur. :oops:


May 11, 2005
I find restraint of one's emotions in a public situation to be a virtue and a sign of intelligence.

Frankly so did i for many years, but now.. i'm just fed up with the whole idea. Supressing emotions isn't my idea of a healthy relationship or a healthy life-style. Doesn't mean one have to be "all over" each other in public, but holding hands or giving each other a hug? Personally i salute these "2 rebels" for more or less flipping the bird to all the prude people out there. :lol:


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
Tommy, that’s a great photo and it surely is a sight I’ve never seen in Bali. I’ll bet that if there had been a policeman nearby they both would have been cited for not wearing a helmet! :p :p :p

As for your discussion with Made, I lean more towards Made’s opinion on this. You likely know the old expression in the US often used when a couple is showing a little too much affection in public...”hey, get a room!”

But Tommy, I can appreciate your point of view very well.

made marko

Jun 12, 2004
Niskala, Berkala
Hello gentlemen,
...hmmm, now after further inspection of the aforementioned photo, I see that it does seem to be a rather er, deep kiss.
One cannot fault young lover's for a moment of pasion.
I may have stolen a kiss or two I must admit.
Still the pizza hut in the background tells me that western influence is also deeply rooted.


Active Member
Jan 11, 2005
Manchester and Makassar
The attitude of many Indonesians is based upon years of observations of what they have seen. Wrongly they then think that all mixed race couples are from such a relationship. From the number of people who have heard the insults (Looks like most) It is based on this perception.

Please read my very personal opinion near the start of this thread. It would appear many local indonesians think the same.

For me I have had very little of this kind of attitude but I put it down mostly to the fact that we have always had at leaset one child being dragged around with us so most folks assume we are married.

In the UK I have never heard racilist remarks but put that down to luck as may other mixed race couples have experienced it.

I have proberbly been married to and indonesian longer than any of you and the first years were very difficult from all aspects (again see my first post) all I can say its that it has been worth every trial and tribulation and soon we are coming "home"


Active Member
Nov 5, 2002
Ubud, Bali
I have proberbly been married to and indonesian longer than any of you and the first years were very difficult from all aspects (again see my first post) all I can say its that it has been worth every trial and tribulation and soon we are coming "home"

And hopefully, when that time comes Jimbo you will see that things have changed...except of course in Sodom and Gomorrah. :p


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Hello to all
OK change of subject

When i'm most uncomfortable is when i see Old western male (white) with verry young balinese beautifull boys. NOt the fact that they are gay, but that there is a trade of services involved here meaning the oldwesternmale giving out money for company and or sexual attention that they prob. cannot get away with in the west.
The young balinese boys will do anything because they are hungry/poor even degrade themselfs .
The power dominates the other into submission,a submission i'm sure he would not rather have.
You dont see this in the open so much here in "anything goes california"........And i have seen everything living in hollywood.
When they (oldermales) cross the line into pedophilia it becomes illegal,yet it still goes on.
Any comments?.............................


Nov 3, 2004
Gina, awhile ago President Bush passed this law stating that any American that involves with sexual activities with minor overseas would be prosecuted.
I don't know how they would enforce such laws, but few American men have been charged with such crime. I watched it in the news awhile ago, that these men had sex with minor while they were on vacation in Thailand.

I have been away from Bali for almost 11 years now. I didn't see such activities occur while I was there. I am surprised and at the same time sad to hear something like this happens in Bali.. While it is true that poverty can force people to do things that they don't want to do, it is very hard for me to imagine Balinese parents will let their children to involve with prostitution to earn a living.


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Gina, yes, i have seen this, the very first time i was in Bali. Icouldnt believe what i was seeing. It was like i was watching some sick holywood movie. i really didnt know what to do but turn away(shameful of me i know, but i really didnt know what to do). All new to me. And hey i could have been wrong.

All i can say is, in these things if they were australian.Ibelieve there is some sort of agreement between Indonesia and OZ. That after the local authorities have delt with such people they then have to face the australian authorities. What i mean is the Australian gov. does not tolerate australians going overseas and breaking the law in this kind of way. For what its worth.I dont know.

This is something that could be discussed Gina. But lets not stray from the original subjuct which was, " expat romance in bali"

Shall we crowd around such people and throw them in to the sea. Well i think that would be good.


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Kak Gina

What a change of subject indeed.

Gina said:
When i'm most uncomfortable is when i see Old western male (white) with verry young balinese beautifull boys.

Gina said:
The young balinese boys will do anything because they are hungry/poor even degrade themselfs .

Naturally I am upset with to the fact that underage boys have to do this in order to survive. Every child should never endure this type of abuse instead their years should be filled with happiness and joy, being children. Every time I feel upset and unhappy I always try to remember my happiest time in my life, which is my memory of being a happy child. It has helped me through the years and guides me through difficult times.

As an adult it is our responsibility to protect them. I can’t say much on the subject as I don’t know much about this, however I just hope justice will be served and these kids realise it is never their fault they are caught up in this unspeakable trade as the blame is rested upon us, the adults, for failing to protect them. I also hope that they will be able to move on with their life and become productive and responsible adults.

Gina said:
When they (oldermales) cross the line into pedophilia it becomes illegal,yet it still goes on.

I certainly hope this will stop as we are in the 21 century and we should be more civilised and if we want this civilisation to continue our future is to protect these children. Unless these :evil: paedophiles :evil: have an agenda to ruin this civilisation and go back to prehistoric times.

Ni Luh


May 11, 2005
When i'm most uncomfortable is when i see Old western male (white) with verry young balinese beautifull boys.

Gina, Pedophelia is pedophelia and i don't see how a person being "white" or "brown" is relevant to the issue. You seem to have issues with "colors"? And may i ask.. have you seen ALOT of this in Bali and can you be sure it wasn't harmless? :?

There was a story recently in Bali post about a balinese granpa who got caught molesting kids in his village (eastern bali) and this had gone unnoticed for some time. He was "quite amusingly" referred to as "Pekak Blue" (Pekak: Grandpa, Blue: Porno (slang) ). :?

I've, as i'm told in this forum, lived in the "worst" neighbourhood in Bali and i can't say i've seen any elderly "white" males with young balinese boys anywhere. I've seen a few nasty drunk ozzies going for prostitutes over the years, but that's it. From what i've read pedophiles rather go for less crowded places and possibly villages. The only thing close might be my old neighbour from "middle-part of europe" who is gay, white, elderly and has had several Javanese boyfriends coming over, but they all looked at least 20+ of age.. and very very "bencong" in their ways and talk. :) What they do and how they form their relationships is not my business. If they'd look "too young" i'd surely report the old fellah straight away. He's actually a really nice guy eventhough he is gay with peculiar javanese bencong boyfriends. :lol:

I don't have any statistics on pedophelia in Bali. If there were any i wouldn't belive them anyway. I have no observations at all that can confirm any presence of pedophiles in Bali. If you do? Report them to your local police-office. :?


Aug 8, 2005
Dear All

Davo said:
This is something that could be discussed Gina. But lets not stray from the original subjuct which was, " expat romance in bali"

Davo is right.

As the author of this thread, may I please ask you all in the nicest possible way for you all to indulge us what you plan for your Valentines; will it be............
















Sorry abou the size of the pics :oops: I will try to behave :cry:, could not resist these pics


Jan 4, 2006
Adelaide, Australia
Well..... I arive in Bali at 1:30 on the 14th of feb.

And there is a woman named Aniek that I hope will accept my invitation to dinner.

Pooochie. Apink rose means friendship doesnt it?

Well thats what i'd like to be doing that day.

Or maybe I'll be bold and give her red roses.

nothing ventured nothing gained.


Jul 16, 2005
dutch /indonesian in the usa for now
Hello again
OK i did open a big can of worms here..............
Thanks Ni Luh for your comments..........
Tommy, You get me wrong i dont have issues regards skin color,myself i'm two colors (half dutch half indonesian) My entire family is Half and half.
This is true pedophelia does come in all colors but the ones i see,know of/hear of are all european males (from the west) I was too general in my quickly posted statement.
I did mention this subject before last year,when i came back from lovina,i was told that some 20-30 children had gone missing due to pedophilia .
And no the police wont do a thing,that was discussed aswell,believe me ......this does not go unnoticed in my head.

When i stayed in kaliasem up the hill in a verry remote village i noticed all the kids 3-6 yrs old walking around by themself even in the pitchdark. Now in kaliasem there are no tourists, its in the forest up the hill,no hotels if and when a pedofile figures this out and perhaps they have already,its history for those poor kids.
They are inocent and trusting and hungry and will go with anyone.
As i walked through the forest on my daily walk to and from the crisisclinic,i saw all the children in this village,many all alone.........................
But where i saw the interaction myself was in busy kuta,even in 2000,more so now.
(i'm speaking of two seperate issue's here; 1-pedop of really young kids. 2- old gay/straight european men with teenage balinese boys)
Traveling alone you see much more,you notice everything,eyes/ears,and senses are wide open.
Gina Tyler


New Member
Mar 9, 2004
I have not been on this forum for quite a while – at least active, admitting though, that I have been peeping in once in a while. Having a bar here, I am not so much in a lack of small talk.
Gina’s input though, which I think was high time! to be discussed here, in the wrong thread though.., made me feel like I have to say something.
The last writing of Tommy makes me wonder…am I living on a different island?

Tommy writes
“I don't have any statistics on pedophilia in Bali. If there were any I wouldn't believe them anyway. I have no observations at all that can confirm any presence of pedophiles in Bali. If you do? Report them to your local police-office. “

I just can not believe somebody that has been living here for a number of years can be that naive or has not finally laid down the pink glasses.….For a start Tommy – just Google something like „pedophiles+ bali“. You will find facts there. A lot of facts. Never heard about the Aussie guy who finally got caught here for child abuse, who hang himself in jail? Never heard about all the other cases? One of the victims of the Aussi guy needed about 2 months of therapy before he finally was able to walk again…think I do not have to explain any further. Buleleng and Karangasem are supposed to be a „heaven“ for pedophiles…Poor parents will not ask their children where the money and the expensive toys come from, they bring home at the end of the day or after having spent the night with that generous teacher, soccer trainer…There are wicked combinations of western male sponsoring children, paying for their education. The mother would just not report the man, because she is afraid she will loose the funds. Hotel owners will not report a „teacher“ coming every year, always having up to 3 young boys between 9 and 13 in his hotel room. And if you now want to tell me - just call your local police officer, I get a rather grim and somehow sarcastic smile on my face and again I ask you, where are you living??? One of the reasons for child abuse in poor countries is exactly there – no way to call your local officer, as most probably he is part of the game and receives his share for closing his eyes on it.
How can it happen that, like in the case of a French man, who recently got caught by an undercover organization in Buleleng- (and I may assure you there are more than one good reason to work under cover…) got a staying permit in this country, even after having been in jail in France for he same kind of criminal and disgusting activity?
These guys, believe me, have a very well working network, the information that there are certain areas where it is pretty easy to get away with it, spreads around quickly…
I can only tell you that I did once call „my local police officer“. I did a survey in a hotel where a white male was with 3 young boys in his room and at night time you could see the flashlight from his camera through his windows. So it was pretty obvious what was going on. And don’t you tell me now that that was all harmless…I know that all of the boys had their pockets full of money after the guy left. And they are children from very poor families, having been on the road, or better „on the beach“on their own from a very early age…
First it took an hour till he arrived and then…It would have been so easy for the officer to just get the guy’s camera. Guess what he did,…he had a nice chat with the hotel owners about the 2 foreigners, i.e. me and my friend, not being aware that I do understand some Balinese….then sneaking around in the hotel’s garden, not even getting close to the guys room, which was in the floor level, if the situation would not have been so serious, I would say he looked like a caricature of a detective, and then leaving the scene…of course not missing to tell us that he will take care for it. Well thanks a lot, officer…The guy left the next morning. I can assure you that he is being watched. But not from the local officer…

P.S.: sorry its in the wrong thread, maybe Bert can do something about that. Did not want to hurt the feelings of all the romantic and lucky couples!