
Feb 3, 2010
hmmm...heavy topic.
I can see both sides, maybe don't quite understand both sides but I can see them :icon_lol:

can anyone answer me how the australian population is divided by/in religion, ehm strange sentence...
I mean for example like, 20% are kristen, 40% are hindu, 40% are atheist.know what I mean?
thanks in forehand.


We are having a census here on the 9 August so hopefully figures will come from that but there is push for Australians to record their true religious beliefs. Appartently we have a high percentage of "The Force" converts from the last census. :icon_rolleyes:


Feb 3, 2010
Hey Adam still up for some mental spring cleaning I see.

If the world’s population lived in one city… Per Square Mile

Oh and by the way the majority of the poplulation of Oz got there as refugees from British justice or "prisoners" as they are more commonly called so I do find it a bit rich when you now want to exclude people that have done absolutely nothing but searched for a better life - as opposed to having been "punished" into it.


Not refugees but prisoners who did not pay to go and had no choice. From my schooling and knowledge they would have paid a kings ransom to go back to England as Australia then was a very unforgiving country and a very hard life. Mind you still unforgiving if you go 'out bush'.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2005
Boston, MA, USA
Rednecks are alive and well on this forum

Mark brought up a HORRIBLE lynching near Jakarta, in the name of Allah, and Springer 2003 changed the topic and dump on the "asylum seekers," like a good Australian redneck he/she must be. The original point was the massacre of several people because of their beliefs, with the tacit collusion of the Indonesian Government. I don't see why Mark is being faulted by Adam: I guess it was lots of penned up hanger on the part of the "wise" (he says so) Adam.

In the mean time, 3 more poor bastards were massacred in the name of Allah (please fill in the "right" name). RIDICULOUS.

‪Mullahs killing Ahmadiyya Muslims - INDONESIA‬‏ - YouTube


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali

We are having a census here on the 9 August so hopefully figures will come from that but there is push for Australians to record their true religious beliefs. Apparently we have a high percentage of "The Force" converts from the last census. :icon_rolleyes:

A couple of stories re the upcoming census. The Atheist Foundation is pushing for people to mark "no religion" on the census.
Mark "No religion" Campaign Begins - The 2011 Census | Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc

As Sully pointed out, the "Jedi" religion seems to be becoming more popular.

To answer Gilbert's questions, many Australians don't take religion very seriously.


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
A couple of stories re the upcoming census. The Atheist Foundation is pushing for people to mark "no religion" on the census.
Mark "No religion" Campaign Begins - The 2011 Census | Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc

As Sully pointed out, the "Jedi" religion seems to be becoming more popular.

Census won't count Jedis or pastaferians

To answer Gilbert's questions, many Australians don't take religion very seriously.
Make that "most" aussies dont take religion seriously.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Thanks for the answers about the religion thingy :)
I was asking about the religion thingy, because it sounds like alot/most refugees or queu jumpers are coming from islamic countries, right? and it seems that these 'jumpers' get funded by islamic sponsors..
several alarm-bells start ringing in my head, National security is one of them, another is the still ongoing effort to 'promote' islamic belief in asia with eventually the intend to have a big region (aus,ind,malysia,etcetc...) of islamic influenced governments.
Not exactly sure where I am going at, but somehow it makes sense..well in my head at least :icon_wink:

as for the 'horrible' killings, going on for a couple of years now, nothing new there (doesn't make it okey, just saying) and btw, not in the name of allah...but in name of the FPI :icon_wink:...


Feb 3, 2010
A couple of stories re the upcoming census. The Atheist Foundation is pushing for people to mark "no religion" on the census.
Mark "No religion" Campaign Begins - The 2011 Census | Atheist Foundation of Australia Inc

As Sully pointed out, the "Jedi" religion seems to be becoming more popular.

Census won't count Jedis or pastaferians

To answer Gilbert's questions, many Australians don't take religion very seriously.
Thanks Mats

I knew it had something to do with Star Wars. Yes I agree the majority of Australians do not take religion too serious.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Oh and by the way the majority of the poplulation of Oz got there as refugees from British justice or "prisoners" as they are more commonly called so I do find it a bit rich when you now want to exclude people that have done absolutely nothing but searched for a better life - as opposed to having been "punished" into it.

I think USA is the same, most were from England, Ever watched the TV program called the border, about how the yanks treat there illegal immigrants that are only looking for a better way of life.
Like everyone else fill out the paper work & wait your turn, I spent over $2,000 for my wife's visa to Australia.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Tin tin come back! Tin tin.... Come back!!! As the slouched figure fades into the distance on his old, but trusty horse (which will soon be eaten with a nice remolade sauce in the inimitable French fashion).

Your voice of sanity (particularly in my defence:icon_biggrin:) is sorely missed here on the forum.


Jul 21, 2006
Western Australia

"Adam it would appear that the argument is mine since you have devolved to personal attacks and insults."

Oh I have, have I? I think it might have been you who suggested I (as a roo shagger, don't forget) needed a mental spring clean first, right? Never let chronology get in the way of a weak opportunity to grandstand, right?

"All the things you have said can and have been refuted many times and in many places by people far dumber than I am - if you didn't understand or accept them then I refuse to waste any of my valuable time on trying to enlighten the terminally stupid."

Hmmm, I don't think so. Very, very hollow rhetoric with a value of nought. From a statistical/factual perspective I think you'll find I'm right on the money. From an anecdotal perspective, well, simply look at this thread as a microcosm of the broader opinion and you're on the right track. Right from the very beginning of the time you have been on this forum you have found it impossible to admit that you are wrong and this instance is going to be no exception, I am sure. I don't know whether this is an ego or arrogance problem or a genuine inability to interpret and analyse reality. If this is the case I am genuinely sorry for you, life must have been lonely at the 'top'. It's hard to soar like an eagle when surrounded by turkeys, right?


Firstly, it's a pretty lame and clichéd retort to suggest that those of us here who have the view that we do are rednecks. Funnily enough, around 70% of our population shares the same opinion/concerns, so we are not alone. Interestingly, I think all of us here that you label 'rednecks' are in mixed race marriages. Unusual behaviour for a redneck. Please be careful not to head down the 'Mark' path and proselytize garbage personal opinion as reality or fact. You're smarter than that.

Secondly, My issue was not with Mark's original post, if you look back a bit you'll notice I did indeed comment on it way back at the start and indeed, I do believe it is an interesting topic to discuss. This forum isn’t a shadow of it’s former self as the in depth discussions like we used to have are long gone. As you know, here on the forum, as in life, threads make their twists and turns and digress. Shit happens. What got my back in an arch was yet another unnecessary swipe at Aussies (On this occasion, anyway. Could just as easily be people who like Lovina, people who like Kuta, people in mixed race marriages, whatever) from a buffoon who has been doing it regularly since he joined under the weak veil of humour. The straw that broke the camels back, if you please. It’s blatantly obvious he doesn’t like Aussies, fine, I can live with that, I don’t think we’re a sensitive bunch in that regard, but the pretentious obnoxiousness has worn thin. It’s not funny, nobody’s laughing, grow up. Why Bert reset the kill switch has me staggered even to this day.


Yep, I think you’re heading the right direction. I think it's not so much a religious thing as a national choice thing but, as in, we would like to have a bit more control in who we accept, rather than being forced to accept whoever turns up at the doorstep, hat in hand. Like I said before, 1/4 of our population are migrants, so we're not frightened of taking people in, just it would be nice to do it on our terms. Pity others here don’t quite think things through like you have, or at least find out the facts before engaging the mouth.

To everyone else,

Sorry about the distraction, I felt the time had come.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
What a load of old Bollocks!

About Ozzy rushaggers I didn't mention you by name but.... if the shoe fits...:icon_biggrin:?

About me not liking Ozzies, not true!! I just don't like you! Some of my best friends are Ozzies but they generally have a questioning intelligence and a good sense of humour - you don't. Nothing to do with Ozzies in general.

Again, won't waste any more time with your silliness about mixed marriages and such like that you seem to feel so continuously offended by that you have to bring it up about every 3 posts. Possible another little problem there to mention to Uncle Therapist? :icon_rolleyes:

Oh and finally I did start this thread and it had nothing, but absolutely nothing, to do with refugees into Australia. Rather a far more important subject to the people on this "balinese" forum - racial and religious intolerance and hatred.

Who cares about the parochial difficulties of a few beef farmers living thousands of miles away are having with refugees from the 3rd world - I, for one, don't. Those that do, feel free to start a thread about that subject.


Nov 8, 2010
Mob Rule

The current events in London show how quickly mob rule can take over, no lynching but what started as a peaceful protest has been taken over by thugs and now is a cause for the hard done by youth. You would think in a civilised country this would not happen but agian a mob driven by few and enhanced by social media rule. Put that back into strong religous beliefs and it shows how a small tigger can lead to these events.

This thread was starting to look like the good old days with Roy firing off, I for one always look forward to a thread from Markit:icon_mrgreen:


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
What a load of old Bollocks!

About Ozzy rushaggers I didn't mention you by name but.... if the shoe fits...:icon_biggrin:?

About me not liking Ozzies, not true!! I just don't like you! Some of my best friends are Ozzies but they generally have a questioning intelligence and a good sense of humour - you don't. Nothing to do with Ozzies in general.

Again, won't waste any more time with your silliness about mixed marriages and such like that you seem to feel so continuously offended by that you have to bring it up about every 3 posts. Possible another little problem there to mention to Uncle Therapist? :icon_rolleyes:

Oh and finally I did start this thread and it had nothing, but absolutely nothing, to do with refugees into Australia. Rather a far more important subject to the people on this "balinese" forum - racial and religious intolerance and hatred.

Who cares about the parochial difficulties of a few beef farmers living thousands of miles away are having with refugees from the 3rd world - I, for one, don't. Those that do, feel free to start a thread about that subject.
I am suprised that you dont loike us ozzies Markit, you always speak so highly of us...:livid: Generaly i find that people who dont like the ozzie sense of humour, way of life and general attitude are actualy jealous of us...

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
The current events in London show how quickly mob rule can take over, no lynching but what started as a peaceful protest has been taken over by thugs and now is a cause for the hard done by youth. You would think in a civilised country this would not happen but agian a mob driven by few and enhanced by social media rule. Put that back into strong religous beliefs and it shows how a small tigger can lead to these events.

This thread was starting to look like the good old days with Roy firing off, I for one always look forward to a thread from Markit:icon_mrgreen:

remember france two/three years ago?


May 26, 2011
With all this talk about roo shaggers, my husband has got himself a new girlfriend called Ted....Roo Ted. :icon_lol:

Ohh right, roo shagger. As in kanga. Gotchya. I didn't have a clue what he was on about with "rushaggers" every other post. Thanks for clearing that up :icon_biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Goldminer - I LOVE Ozzies, please turn on the miner's light and re-read the post.

I want to grow up to be an Ozzy and in a perfect world I would have their children - just never could stand Adam's sactimonious line of BS.

Along the lines "I married an Indonesian therefore I can cook sate".

I married a German and have no clue how to brew beer. (Metaphor warning:boxing:!!! [SUP]for the seriously challenged[/SUP]) but I can drink it and happily listen to others discourse on their tastes for it.

Adam and his like always harp back to the good old days when that other one was on the forum (not Voldemort) who married an Indonesian and thought he knew everything there was to know about... well, pretty much everything! No one was allowed a dissenting opinion or view. Attacks were immediate and never ending. If you miss those days - get a copy of Serious Sam (great PC game!)

Speaking of Serious Sam - London is beginning to look a little like a PC game too. But it will all calm down when everyone has a new pair of trainers and a flat screen TV. You gotta wonder about some modern kids - they could care less about world hunger or democracy but will die or kill for new pair of tennis shoes.