Dec 13, 2009
Just returned from a 9-day real estate shopping trip that met our goals in every way thanks mostly to the kindess of the local people. Everywhere we turned we had local people providing us transport all across the island, finding us hotels, sharing meals and conversation with us, sharing their homes with us, advising us on our land purchase decision, providing us with notaris services and most importantly preventing us from making any costly mistakes along the way.

These locals only knew of us from recent telephone contact yet they jumped at the chance to assist us in all of the above ways with zero expectations in return. Even those we talked with for mere minutes along the way showed real concern for us and truly helped us beyond our wildest expectations.

We hope this part of Bali never leaves and we believe that to be what makes this island paradise.


Aug 29, 2009
Glad you had a great experience here.However a 5% commission on any real estate sales here, will get you exceptional service from everybody wanting to get a slice of the pie.

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Same here, glad you like Bali and it's people.
and not to burst your bubble, but like motormouth said (the 5%) and ofcourse commision on meals/drinks/hotels/trips/cars, etcetc...
but again, I hope you've found that special place what you're going to call 'home' .
Zero commission smiles.

I pedal all over this island, and everywhere I go, I can never put on my riding glasses because there are too many kids/adults who want to connect with a smile in their eyes. This is a magical place. Happy you found the same. Good luck with your purchase, as I understand? it's very tricky to buy land where you have no rights to it. -AB in Berawa Beach and Santa Barbara


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
Awwww you guys are just soo cynical. I think the Balinese really loved them and that money had absolutely nothing to do with it!

You will be glad to hear the new drugs seem to be working just fine. :icon_lol::icon_cry:
Why did you bother to come to Bali.

Amazing to see people who move across the world with luggage full of cynicism.

Sure, in this poster's situation, there are gonna be people who suck up in hopes of closing a deal and making money. That's true anywhere in the world.

But only in Bali is the land so full of smiles. Genuine smiles.

And to sit here in virtual world and claim differently shows you never go out the front door. You offer thousands of posts, but not a single insight. - AB in Berawa and Santa Barbara

PS: To Maria and Robert. If you do move here, stay far away from non locals who know more than locals.


Apr 16, 2008
Sanur/Sunrise Dam Gold Mine
Amazing to see people who move across the world with luggage full of cynicism.

Sure, in this poster's situation, there are gonna be people who suck up in hopes of closing a deal and making money. That's true anywhere in the world.

But only in Bali is the land so full of smiles. Genuine smiles.

And to sit here in virtual world and claim differently shows you never go out the front door. You offer thousands of posts, but not a single insight. - AB in Berawa and Santa Barbara

PS: To Maria and Robert. If you do move here, stay far away from non locals who know more than locals.
Mmmmmm cant wait for the come back here...:icon_biggrin:

gilbert de jong

Active Member
Jan 20, 2009
Panji, Singaraja.
Amazing to see people who move across the world with luggage full of cynicism.

Sure, in this poster's situation, there are gonna be people who suck up in hopes of closing a deal and making money. That's true anywhere in the world.

But only in Bali is the land so full of smiles. Genuine smiles.

And to sit here in virtual world and claim differently shows you never go out the front door. You offer thousands of posts, but not a single insight. - AB in Berawa and Santa Barbara

PS: To Maria and Robert. If you do move here, stay far away from non locals who know more than locals.

this post is adressed to whom exactly??


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
Be careful not to confuse friendly locals waving to you in the street with the 'friendliness' of property agents. I don't think anyone doubts that Balinese are mostly kind and sociable people. If you are spending a lot of money, you can be sure everyone is going to be very helpful and friendly to relieve you of your cash. If the agent or makalar only gets 5% commission you can consider that a small victory.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Be careful not to confuse friendly locals waving to you in the street with the 'friendliness' of property agents. I don't think anyone doubts that Balinese are mostly kind and sociable people. If you are spending a lot of money, you can be sure everyone is going to be very helpful and friendly to relieve you of your cash. If the agent or makalar only gets 5% commission you can consider that a small victory.

I agree, Spicy. As an example, a few weeks ago a Balinese lady came by to look for a room for her "very good friend" from France. After I showed her a couple of rooms and gave her the rates, she then asked about commission. I told her: standard 10%, as per usual practice.

She seemed ok with this, but returned 2 days later to tell me she had "sold" the room for 10 nights to her "very good friend" at a much higher rate than I had quoted and she would pocket the difference.

I then had to explain to her that guests talk to each other about how much they've paid and that no, she couldn't sell the room for a higher rate than quoted. She was miffed to say the least and walked off in a huff, saying she would find somewhere else for her friend to stay.

My reply, "terserah anda".:icon_rolleyes:


Feb 22, 2011
PS: To Maria and Robert. If you do move here, stay far away from non locals who know more than locals.

I for one resent this remark. Maybe your sense of humour needs looking at. The best people to help new arrivals are the expat community and folks from sites like this. What a pompous dickhead statement to make.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
Locals know very little of what a western person has to do to live here, But then again I would be lucky to see a western person once a week.:icon_mrgreen:. Its forums like this that you can learn a lot & make life a lot easer when you make the big move to Indonesia:icon_biggrin:.


Super Moderator
May 26, 2004
Legian, Bali
Locals know very little of what a western person has to do to live here, But then again I would be lucky to see a western person once a week.:icon_mrgreen:. Its forums like this that you can learn a lot & make life a lot easier when you make the big move to Indonesia:icon_biggrin:.
Absolutely agree, 100%.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2009
I agree, Spicy. As an example, a few weeks ago a Balinese lady came by to look for a room for her "very good friend" from France. After I showed her a couple of rooms and gave her the rates, she then asked about commission. I told her: standard 10%, as per usual practice.

She seemed ok with this, but returned 2 days later to tell me she had "sold" the room for 10 nights to her "very good friend" at a much higher rate than I had quoted and she would pocket the difference.

I then had to explain to her that guests talk to each other about how much they've paid and that no, she couldn't sell the room for a higher rate than quoted. She was miffed to say the least and walked off in a huff, saying she would find somewhere else for her friend to stay.

My reply, "terserah anda".:icon_rolleyes:

That kind of thing really annoys me also. 10% commission is very fair IMO and it is what most agents and travel booking sites charge.

If her "friend" stayed at your place, it would have been a win-win situation for everyone. I have no doubt the lady will eventually be able to work something out with another hotel - a hotel I am sure that is overpriced and is desparate for guests.

The final result is that her friend overpays for a sub-standard hotel, which she makes a hefty commission.

Some foreigners with Indonesian spouses buy property in Bali and is quite common for the local spouse to ask for their own commission from the owner or agent, unbeknown to the foreigner. Not only is the property going in the local's name, they are also making a hefty commission from the sale!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2007
Karangasem, Bali
I get the feeling that in some cases the names people give themselves on these forums should be taken literally and not as a Nome de Internet, so to speak.

In this case AndrewBaker77 really is just that.

Hi Andy how's the basket making class going? New meds still working?

Next time the head sister leaves her PC unattended perhaps go for the porn option instead huh?:icon_biggrin:


Feb 22, 2011
I get the feeling that in some cases the names people give themselves on these forums should be taken literally and not as a Nome de Internet, so to speak.



New Member
May 21, 2012
Some nations seems to have plenty of good hearted citizens. Sezudo island in South Korea treated us with same politeness.