a lot of hostility here to the Person on a government Benifit or Pension.
lets now take a look at the Social Security provider here in Australia CENTRELINK
We all don't like the way that the governments ( or should I say the people of Australia's) money is being spent on Disability, Sickeness or even Aged Pension to those people that our society perceves as being not worthy of receiving Such pension.
Centrelink are the one adding to this in there persuit of lets get Australian working again, BUT
Thats where the problem lies , Question. WHERE is the Incentive to WORK for the Unemployed or Disabiled person , or even Aged person.
I am one of the 800,000 or is that 900,000 of Australians that are Unemployed. (long term, or more than 5 years)
Where is the Incentive for a Unemployed person to Find Work
If You do find work You as a Unemployed Person Can Only earn $80 Australian, Before it effects your Benifit Payment (or DOLE as we call in in Australia)
A person on a Disability Pension (or a person with a work related injury that prevents them from Working, or phyical inpairment) can and are made find work, (casual a few hours a week)
They can earn up to $250 Australian Before if effects their benifit or Pension ( DSP)
Unemployed person over 21 , Rate of Benifit $462.30, amout that can be earnd $80.00
Disability Pension person over 21 , Rate of Pensin $770.60, amount that can be earned $250
To me this is completly unfair,
The unemployed person is the one that is able to work and should be actively seeking work.
The Disabled person is the one that is unable to work, but they are allowed to earn more.
That is why the Government members are now Blaming people for whatever reason that they have Claming a Disability Pension and then living overseas.
The problem lies in Centrelink , and the Australain Governments, (Or The people of Australia's) own Social Security Policys. (we are the government)
I resently had A heart attack at the age of 43, I cannot get a DSP pension because there is no medical evidence of the condition, I also suffer Stress, Hyper Thyrodism, and Aixiety.
If I were Working in Well paid Job I wood get Sick leave from the Employer on Full regular pay.
But because I don't work, I am only able to get sickness benifit, ( No one can live on $462.30 Per Ft/night.
So that why we say that all these people (Disabiled or Aged are Ripping of the government Of Australia) or the People of Australia
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Warrigal ( Australian):icon_cry: